
The Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) described by C. P. Thunberg

In: Insect Systematics & Evolution
R.D. Pope R. D. Pope, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, Eng- land

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The Coccinellidae described or recorded by C. P. Thunberg between 1781 and 1820 are examined and identified using the Thunberg collections in the University of Uppsala, Sweden. The results are presented with the original species names and published localities set out in alphabetical order, followed in each case by the presently valid combination, known distribution, bibliographic references to any previously published change of name, type data and comment. 66 lectotypes are here dcsignated and three previous designations quoted. 21 new synonymies, and 12 new combinations are proposed.

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