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Die Akten des Paulus und der Thekla als biographische Paulusrezeption

From the book Receptions of Paul in Early Christianity

  • Tobias Nicklas

English Abstract

The article analyses how the second century Acts of Paul and Thecla create the figure of a remembered Paul and how they focus on special aspects of his teaching. In addition, it shows that the Acts of Paul and Thecla can at least partly be understood as a narrative interpretation of important passages from the Corpus Paulinum like Gal 5:24-25, 1 Thess 1:9-11, Rom 10:17a and others. While important aspects of the authentic Paul’s teaching like his Theology of the Cross, his Pneumatology or his interest in the future of Israel or are absent, the Acts of Paul and Thecla develop a new view of Paul’s ideas on sexuality and asceticism, they give a narrative description of the ekklesia as a “new family” and offer narrative interpretations of Pauline ideas of conversion and baptism. Even if important aspects of Pauline thinking like his doctrine of justification do not play a central role or are absent, the Acts of Paul and Thecla are perhaps more Pauline than we usually assume.

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