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county seat (plural county seats)

  1. The city in which the offices of county government are located.
    Lawrence is the county seat of Douglas County.
    • 1960, Ching-wen Chow, “The Awakening of the Chinese People”, in Lai Ming, transl., edited by Lai Ming, Ten Years of Storm: The True Story of the Communist Regime in China[1], New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, →LCCN, →OCLC, page 305; republished as “China in Chains”, in The Truth About Communism[2], number 8, Milwaukee, Wis.: THE TRUTH, Inc., 1961, →ISSN, →OCLC, page 4, column 2:
      Some ten thousand peasants in Hsichuan county in Honan province used hoes, scythes, wooden poles, etc. as weapons and took over the county seat. They expanded their forces and held areas in two neighboring counties. The CC sent a force of one hundred thousand troops and fought the peasants for nearly two months before the uprising was put down.
    • 1984 [1983], C. Martin Wilbur, The Nationalist Revolution in China, 1923-1928[3], Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC, page 155:
      As the Yeh-Ho armies approached Swatow, peasants briefly captured two other county seats, Ch’ao-yang and Chieh-yang, but there was very little coordination between the local forces and the oncoming troops.

