Pentecoste[1] es un festa christian al qual es celebrate le emission del Spirito Sancte, dono de Jesus Christo, e le nascentia del Ecclesia Catholic. Illo cade al cinquantesime die post Pascha, ab Dominica, et es ergo un festa mobile, dependente del data de Pascha.

instantia de: Christian holy day[*], public holidays in Norway[*], public holidays in Sweden[*], biblical concept[*], determinator pro data de occurrentia periodic[*], public holidays in Denmark[*], dies festive in le Pais Basse
parte de: Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church[*], Eastertide[*]

precedite per: Exaudi[*] , succedite per: Whit Monday[*], Trinity Sunday[*]
Commons: Pentecost



Le parola proveni del greco antique πεντηκοστή [ἡμέρα], pentecosté [hēméra], i.e. cinquantesime die.


  1. Derivation: Entitates: 1. (it) Pentecoste || 2. (es) Pentecostés || (pt) Pentecostes || 3. (fr) Pentecôte || 4. (en) Pentecost || Controlo: (de) Pfingsten || (ru) День Святой Троицы || - (Extra): (la) Pentecoste