
description: co-Prince of Andorra who corresponds with the President of France
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Classification of the class French co-prince of Andorra (Q19808845)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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French co-prince of Andorra⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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Emmanuel Macron (Q3052772) 2017-05-14 –
François Hollande (Q157) 2012-05-15 – 2017-05-14
Nicolas Sarkozy (Q329) 2007 – 2012  Date precision [1]
Jacques Chirac (Q2105) 1995-05-17 – 2007-05-16  Date precision [2]
François Mitterrand (Q2038) 1981-05-21 – 1995-05-17
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing (Q2124) 1974-05-27 – 1981-05-21  Missing fields [3]
Alain Poher (Q12950) 1974-04-03 – 1974-05-27
Georges Pompidou (Q2185) 1969-06-20 – 1974-04-02  Missing fields [4]
Alain Poher (Q12950) 1969-04-28 – 1969-06-20
Charles de Gaulle (Q2042) 1959-01-08 – 1969-04-28
René Coty (Q158768) 1954-01-16 – 1959-01-08
Vincent Auriol (Q158772) 1947-01-16 – 1954-01-16
Léon Blum (Q18434) 1946-12-16 – 1947-01-22  Missing fields [5] Date overlap [6]
Georges Bidault (Q312026) 1946-06-24 – 1947  Missing fields [7] Date overlap [8]
Félix Gouin (Q381187) 1946-01-26 – 1946-06-24  Missing fields [9]
Charles de Gaulle (Q2042) 1944-08-20 – 1946-01-20
Philippe Pétain (Q5721) 1940-07-11 – 1944-08-20  Missing fields [10]
Albert François Lebrun (Q158749) 1932-05-10 – 1940-07-11
Paul Doumer (Q12680) 1931-06-13 – 1932-05-07  Missing fields [11]
Gaston Doumergue (Q296064) 1924-06-13 – 1931-06-13
Alexandre Millerand (Q274540) 1920-09-23 – 1924-06-11
Paul Deschanel (Q309995) 1920-02-18 – 1920-09-21
Raymond Poincaré (Q191974) 1913-02-18 – 1920-02-18
30. Armand Fallières (Q296673) 1906-02-18 – 1913-02-18
29. Émile Loubet (Q169502) 1899-02-18 – 1906-02-18
28. Félix Faure (Q296076) 1895-01-17 – 1899-02-16
27. Jean Casimir-Perier (Q315656) 1894-06-27 – 1895-01-16
26. Sadi Carnot (Q215778) 1887-12-03 – 1894-06-25
25. Jules Grévy (Q296083) 1879-01-30 – 1887-12-02
24. Patrice de Mac-Mahon, Duke of Magenta (Q158838) 1873-05-24 – 1879-01-30
23. Adolphe Thiers (Q5738) 1871-08-31 – 1873-05-24
22. Napoleon III (Q7721) 1848-12-20 – 1870-09-04
21. Louis-Philippe I (Q7771) 1830-08-09 – 1848-02-24
20. Charles X of France (Q7758) 1824-09-16 – 1830-08-02
19. Louis XVIII of France (Q7750) 1815-07-08 – 1824-09-16
Napoleon II (Q7723) 1815-06-22 – 1815-07-07
18. Napoleon (Q517) 1815-03-20 – 1815-06-22
19. Louis XVIII of France (Q7750) 1814-05-30 – 1815-03-20  Missing field [12]
18. Napoleon (Q517) 1806 – 1812-01-26  Missing field [13]
17. Louis XVI of France (Q7732) 1774-05-10 – 1792-08-10
16. Louis XV of France (Q7738) 1715-09-01 – 1774-05-10
15. Louis XIV of France (Q7742) 1643-05-14 – 1715-09-01
14. Louis XIII of France (Q737533) 1610-05-14 – 1643-05-14
13. Henry IV of France (Q936976) 1572-06-19 – 1610-05-14
12. Jeanne d'Albret (Q229286) 1555-06-04 – 1572-06-19
11. Henri II of Navarre (Q317506) 1517-02-22 – 1555-06-04
10. Catherine of Navarre (Q236896) 1513 – 1517-02-22
10. Catherine of Navarre (Q236896) 1483-02-08 – 1512
9. Francis Phoebus of Navarre (Q363572) 1472 – 1483  Date precision [14]
8. Gaston IV of Foix (Q372977) 1436-05-13 – 1472-08-03  Date precision [15]
7. John I, Count of Foix (Q879187) 1413 – 1436-05-13
6. Isabella, Countess of Foix (Q279418) 1398-08 – 1413  Inconsistent predecessor [16]
Archambaud (Q632403) 1398 – 1412  Missing fields [17] Date overlap [18]
5. Matthew, Count of Foix (Q562433) 1396 – 1398-08  Date precision [19] Inconsistent successor [20]
5. Matthew, Count of Foix (Q562433) 1391-08-09 – 1396
4. Gaston III, Count of Foix (Q386816) 1343-10-04 – 1391-08-09
3. Gaston II, Count of Foix (Q612148) 1315 – 1343-10-04
2. Gaston I, Count of Foix (Q726943) 1302 – 1315-12-21  Date precision [21]
1. Roger-Bernard III, Count of Foix (Q633333) 1278 – 1302-03-11  Date precision [22]
Position created: 1278
  1. Nicolas Sarkozy (Q329) has a end time (P582) of 2012, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 2012-05-15 for François Hollande (Q157)
  2. Jacques Chirac (Q2105) has a end time (P582) of 2007-05-16, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 2007 for Nicolas Sarkozy (Q329)
  3. Valéry Giscard d'Estaing (Q2124) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  4. Georges Pompidou (Q2185) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  5. Léon Blum (Q18434) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  6. Léon Blum (Q18434) has a end time (P582) of 1947-01-22, which is later than the start time (P580) of 1947-01-16 for Vincent Auriol (Q158772)
  7. Georges Bidault (Q312026) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  8. Georges Bidault (Q312026) has a end time (P582) of 1947, which is later than the start time (P580) of 1946-12-16 for Léon Blum (Q18434)
  9. Félix Gouin (Q381187) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  10. Philippe Pétain (Q5721) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  11. Paul Doumer (Q12680) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  12. Louis XVIII of France (Q7750) is missing replaces (P1365)
  13. Napoleon (Q517) is missing replaced by (P1366)
  14. Francis Phoebus of Navarre (Q363572) has a end time (P582) of 1483, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1483-02-08 for Catherine of Navarre (Q236896)
  15. Gaston IV of Foix (Q372977) has a end time (P582) of 1472-08-03, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1472 for Francis Phoebus of Navarre (Q363572)
  16. Isabella, Countess of Foix (Q279418) has a replaces (P1365) of Matthew, Count of Foix (Q562433), but follows Archambaud (Q632403) here
  17. Archambaud (Q632403) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  18. Archambaud (Q632403) has a end time (P582) of 1412, which is later than the start time (P580) of 1398-08 for Isabella, Countess of Foix (Q279418)
  19. Matthew, Count of Foix (Q562433) has a end time (P582) of 1398-08, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1398 for Archambaud (Q632403)
  20. Matthew, Count of Foix (Q562433) has a replaced by (P1366) of Isabella, Countess of Foix (Q279418), but is followed by Archambaud (Q632403) here
  21. Gaston I, Count of Foix (Q726943) has a end time (P582) of 1315-12-21, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1315 for Gaston II, Count of Foix (Q612148)
  22. Roger-Bernard III, Count of Foix (Q633333) has a end time (P582) of 1302-03-11, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1302 for Gaston I, Count of Foix (Q726943)

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