Ezechiel Godert David Cohen

Ezechiel Godert David Cohen, referenciado como E.G.D. Cohen (Países Baixos, 16 de janeiro de 1923) foi um físico estadunidense.

Ezechiel Godert David Cohen
Nascimento 16 de janeiro de 1923
Morte 24 de setembro de 2017 (94 anos)
Iowa City
Cidadania Estados Unidos, Reino dos Países Baixos
Alma mater
Ocupação físico, professor universitário
Prêmios Medalha Boltzmann (2004)
Empregador(a) Universidade de Amsterdã, Universidade de Leiden, Universidade de Utreque, Universidade Rockefeller, Universidade de Leiden, Universidade de Amsterdã
Orientador(a)(es/s) Jan Hendrik de Boer
Instituições Universidade Rockefeller
Campo(s) mecânica estatística
Tese 1957: On the theory of the liquid state

Publicações selecionadas

  • "Difficulties in the kinetic theory of dense gases", with J R Dorfman, J. Math. Phys. Bd.8, p. 282(1967).
  • Editor "Statistical Mechanics at the Turn of the Decade", Dekker 1971 (Festschrift for the 70th birthday of Uhlenbeck), including his essay: "The generalization of the Boltzmann equation to higher densities"
  • "The Boltzmann Equation", Walter Thirring (Editor), Wien 1973
  • "The kinetic theory of dense gases", in Cohen (Editor) Fundamental problems of statistical mechanics, Vol.2, North Holland 1968
  • "Kinetic approach to non equilibrium phenomena", physicists in Mehra The concept of nature, Reidel 1973
  • "The kinetic theory of fluids-an introduction", Physics Today, January 1984
  • "Kinetic theory - Understanding nature through collisions", American Journal of Physics, Bd.60, 1993, p. 524
  • "Transport coefficients and Lyapunov exponents", Physica A 213, 293(1995).
  • "Boltzmann and Statistical Mechanics", http://arXiv.org/pdf/:cond-mat/9608054, 1996
  • "George E. Uhlenbeck and Statistical Mechanics", Am. J. Phys., 58, 618(1990).
  • "Viscosity of a simple fluid from its maximal Lyapunov exponents", with Evans and Morriss, Phys. Rev. A., 42, pp. 5990–5997 (1990).
  • "Probability of second law violations in nonequilibrium steady states", Phys. Rev. Lett, 71, pp. 2401–2404 (1993); Erratum, 71, 3616 (1993).

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