Ovosodo (1997) Poster


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Hardboiled Egg
lasttimeisaw10 October 2011
A sincere inspection of a young boy's rite-of-passage of becoming a man (symbolically the film ends with his marriage and his child on the way of birth) under the backdrop of Italy from 1980s to 1990s, Wielding a passionate and rightful narrative to chronologically chart the young protagonist's adolescence and cleave to the historical sensibility of the mise-en-scène.

From the highly rated Italian writer/director Paolo Virzì, HARDBOILED EGG is his third feature- length film, and it won Grand Special Jury Prize and Little Golden Lion awards in Venice Film Festival 1997, which was Virzì's steady stepping stone to send him as one of the most eminent contemporary Italian directors, although his repute is chiefly exclusive in his homeland.

The film is sturdily underpinned by a brilliant script, in which everything is petty but can render us sincere evocations of everyone's own pubertal trajectory. Simultaneously the cast is precisely neck and neck to their characters, the average-looking Edoardo Gabbriellini is a comforting discovery as our cipher Piero (who had matured abruptly alluring and 12 years later he was at ease with performing Tilda Swinton's inamorato in IO SONO AMORE 2009), the notoriously non-talent Nicoletta Braschi (Mrs. Roberto Begnini) contributes a quite impressive enaction as the ill-fated teacher whose dismal life is both subtle and palpable. A sensual Marco Cocci, Piero's classmate from a filthy rich family, steals all the thunder whenever presented, which could also be interpreted as an allurement to test Piero's sexual preference. Also a pop-crammed soundtrack and a colorful palette also suit the theme.

What the film lacks in an epiphanic moment which could escalate the feel-good consciousness into a more abiding esteem, still it is a wonderful finding for me and for the contemporary Italian film industry as well.
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If you get a chance see this film
Slacker-126 June 1999
I was lucky enough to catch this film at a local film festival and I'm very glad I did. It is both warm and funny and in many ways much more real than most "coming of age" films you see. It was one of the few films I've seen where I walked out of the theater with the intention of telling everyone I knew to go and see it.
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a deep, true bitter-sweet story who touches everyone...
madaisy24 July 1999
This is one of my favourite movies all the time.It's funny but sad, it's sweet but satiric...talks about family, young people, loneliness and friendship, it's got hope for the future, though it's hopeless...I give it 10/10, definitely.
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Great social fresco, how to turn structuralist critic in a deep and intelligent comedy
Giovanni-33 February 1999
At a first glance Ovosodo is the same old film about coming of age in a shanty town, growing up in a rough area in a poor and exploited family, then, like in medieval frescos, the plot turns the attention to the panorama behind, to the social condition that tends to make necessary every choice. Ovosodo is a comedy but deeply rooted in a language and in a peculiar red-neck culture.
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Am I glad I watched it?
francescoscinico8 December 2002
I AM NOT SURE... It could be interesting for Non-Italians as a cultural anthropological research project, but, as for me, it was painful to watch. It portrays the Italian "Coming of Age" phenomenon extremely well, so well that I felt sick at the thought of how unhappy and deceived people can allow themselves to be. In fact, I do not hate the movie itself, but the moral condition Italy is in, and that this flick reveals so well.
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I am Italian and had to rewind many times to keep up with Eduardo...
bsant5415 April 2022
Yes, a real one that lives in Italia and can speak Italian.

Talks a mile a minute but man, Edoardo packs a lot of intelligence into a sentence.

Mind boggling at one point. How that man's mind must race at light speed. And surprisingly, his mouth can keep up. Why he is so skinny.

A lot of layers to this movie especially if you are Italian. The poverty he was born into, super intelligent but in the end works at a refinery. Some hope in the end with IT. A lot of nuance if you are Italian and know the history, social stratas, social commentary of the times (and troubles).

A youth way too intelligent for his age trying to find the answer to the age old questions of who am I? Why am I here? And if so, what should I be doing? And well read to say the least in that pursuit.

He fell into his lot in life not by choice but by society and poverty.

Yet a happy guy and OH SO FUNNY in Italian. Real wit. There were too many scenes to talk about like that. The English captions in Netflix not bad, but you know, English is NOT a Romance language still, from reviews here his humour and wit came thru nonetheless.

Watched it on a lark (prefer English movies, TV) but not disappointed. Quite the opposite. A real gem of a movie from Italia.
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