E bao (1972) Poster


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Tiger style? No - just pussycat style
ckormos19 June 2015
"The Death Duel" is the original Chinese title renamed "Revenge of Fury" on the Videoasia DVD release. It seems to be a wide screen pan and scan and has English dubbing. The voices are not at all annoying, unlike the rest of the movie. There is no film restoration but the resolution is adequate if you are used to watching VHS tapes of 1970s martial arts movies. The lead is Chiang Nan with about thirty films to his credit. The plot, from the first scene, is simple revenge. Taiwan movies of this time period tend to be heavy on the drama and in films like "The Swordsman of all Swordsmen" this was a good thing. Here it just drags. Spoiler: We had blind swordsmen and one-armed boxers so what drama is in a one-eyed fighter? Let me finish ruining the movie with one more comment. In every fight Chiang Nam throws both his arms up in the air like "Touchdown!" after each move. Punch, touchdown, kick, touchdown.
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