The Early Printers of Spain and Portugal, Volumes 4-6

Front Cover
Bibliographical society, at the Chiswick Press, 1896 - Early printed books - 165 pages

Common terms and phrases

Popular passages

Page 121 - Cid ruy diaz venci� : co || fauor 1 ayuda d' nuestro se�or. El qual se acabo en el [| mes de mayo de nouenta y ocho a�os. Y fue empre- || mido por tres compa�eros alemanes : en la muy noble i muy leal cibdad de Seuilla.
Page 3 - ... opportunities also in other lands. From Italy Hebrew printing found its way into Spain and thence into Portugal whence it was later carried to Oriental lands. Printing in general was introduced into Spain directly from Italy, and this at a rather late date (1473) and as an already well-developed art.1 As in other parts of Europe, the early printers of Spain and Portugal were mostly Germans, well trained craftsmen, who had migrated from their native land to earn their living in foreign countries...
Page 109 - E el tractado que est� en Romance es el que compuso el Reverendo Se�or Antonino Arzobispo de Florencia de la orden de los predicadores, que es llamado Defecerunt. Y los que est�n en latin son sacados de otros trac�ados e summas...
Page 12 - Si petis artifices primos quos Ispalis olim Vidit, et ingenio proprio monstrante peritos, Tres fuerunt homines : Martini Antonius , atque De Portu Alphonsus, Segura et Bartholomeus.
Page 56 - Alcalci and dated March 2, 1504 [2, p. 170). Author Konrad Haebler speculates on this move and the fact that Polono appears to have been in both places at once, at least from the colophons, as follows: "It is supposed that he left the direction of the Seville establishment to Cromberger some time before he ceded to him all his interest in it; perhaps he went to Alcala first as an experiment, and did not leave the Seville office until after having gained a footing in the former town, ..." [1, p. 56]...
Page 3 - Christi ministrum presbiterumque castigatus et emendatus sub impensis Guillermi ros et mira arte impressa per Johannem gherlinc alamanum finitur barcynone nonis odtobriis 1 Memoria sobre as origens da typographia em Portugal no seculo XV.
Page 34 - Friedrich Biel was a remarkable craftsman ; his books are conspicuous by the beauty of the founts, the excellence of the paper, and the correctness of the impression.
Page 41 - All his productions, moreover, are conspicuous by the beauty of the types, the accuracy of the printing, and the excellence of the paper.
Page 43 - En la casa que fue de Jorge Coci que ahora es de Pedro Bernuz, a XXX.
Page 126 - Pauia || 1 conede de ag�era : i se�or de Genoua : || por Pedro candido dezimbre su sieruo. || El qual fue impresso en la muy noble 1 muy leal cibdad de Seuilla.

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