Uploads by PJ Geest

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Current version
11:37, 10 July 2024 Causes of bird deaths.png (file) 149 KB title more in the middle Yes
11:35, 10 July 2024 Causes of bird deaths.png (file) 149 KB Uploaded a work by [https://www.youtube.com/@UniversiteitvanNL Universiteit van Nederland] from [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ_RMv6sj-M Dit is waarom katten nooit meer naar buiten mogen] with UploadWizard No
14:51, 9 July 2024 Oorzaken vogelsterfte.png (file) 297 KB Uploaded a work by [https://www.youtube.com/@UniversiteitvanNL Universiteit van Nederland] from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ_RMv6sj-M with UploadWizard Yes
14:37, 9 July 2024 Dit is waarom katten nooit meer naar buiten mogen.webm (file) 548.37 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ_RMv6sj-M Yes
21:26, 7 July 2024 Waarom worden mannen kaal op de kruin-.webm (file) 184.17 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCHHmXbhTSc Yes
20:20, 7 July 2024 Waarom moet je een puist niet uitknijpen.webm (file) 208.43 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46Y1bX3uwww Yes
19:30, 7 July 2024 Is de Bijbel verkeerd overgeschreven.webm (file) 29.67 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZBb2bXHsTU Yes
13:02, 7 July 2024 Waarom moet je blij zijn als je palliatieve zorgen krijgt.webm (file) 330.17 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTKZN2cX9f0 Yes
12:02, 7 July 2024 Kak! Waar komt Tourette vandaan- (4-5).webm (file) 304.3 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O--fLiEEi3I Yes
11:17, 7 July 2024 Stamcellen en data to the rescue voor proefdieren.webm (file) 143.56 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMD9qyLj9sE Yes
11:14, 7 July 2024 What is cancer.webm (file) 283.94 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12vzu9cJlXQ Yes
10:59, 7 July 2024 How does your body beat a virus.webm (file) 331.73 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI_-ipX0uSk Yes
09:04, 7 July 2024 Nee, AIDS is niet weg. Dit is hoe het komt..webm (file) 321.83 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84O6-XVAUVo Yes
08:49, 7 July 2024 Deze arts wil erfelijke ziektes genezen door je dna te repareren.webm (file) 93.35 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXI0nzka3PA Yes
17:45, 4 July 2024 Kan je sterven van te veel suiker- - Met Vlaamse gebarentaal.webm (file) 393.87 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSODe9udP_c Yes
17:21, 4 July 2024 Heeft binnenkort niemand nog chemo nodig.webm (file) 326.55 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MdLNINxqMc Yes
17:15, 4 July 2024 Waarom stinken mensen.webm (file) 249 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVFIVMcF6j8 Yes
17:05, 4 July 2024 Kan je verliefd worden op je broer.webm (file) 345.54 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx4TceacTrE Yes
16:12, 4 July 2024 Hoe voorkom je een hongerklop.webm (file) 344.02 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzmTeDN5faU Yes
16:11, 4 July 2024 Bestaat er een medicijn tegen verdriet.webm (file) 181.36 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb9jN4-s_1w Yes
15:49, 4 July 2024 Wat kan je doen met stamcellen.webm (file) 230.01 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOdcwMb_PSk Yes
15:42, 4 July 2024 Wat kan je terugvinden in een druppel bloed.webm (file) 304.68 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-ingGBAyRM Yes
15:27, 4 July 2024 Waarom is je eerste herinnering een verzinsel.webm (file) 308.25 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXa1kzB6A4Y Yes
13:23, 4 July 2024 Waarom word je sneller ziek als je te zwaar bent.webm (file) 222.44 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7or6z_F-7b4 Yes
12:42, 4 July 2024 Hoe groot is de kans dat je voor altijd bij elkaar blijft.webm (file) 134.83 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klEIXA-Bd-A Yes
11:29, 4 July 2024 Hoeveel hitte kun je aan.webm (file) 295 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2uj7Eo5c6Q Yes
16:27, 2 July 2024 Maken exotische planten onze natuur kapot.webm (file) 334.05 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_rpVkjZT1s Yes
15:44, 2 July 2024 Zit er echt plastic in al ons eten.webm (file) 572.62 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kygsxeIoOyg Yes
15:16, 2 July 2024 56 Miljoen jaar geleden was er ook klimaatverandering, net als nu. Huh-!.webm (file) 688.89 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O_A1UIutn8 Yes
12:53, 2 July 2024 Zwemmen er in de toekomst reuzenkwallen, bultruggen en stekelroggen in onze Noordzee- (5-5).webm (file) 242.55 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hMxFYSOidU Yes
12:32, 2 July 2024 Hoe konden er tonijnen van vier meter in de Noordzee leven- (3-5).webm (file) 212.3 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeDcZ0xzffs Yes
12:19, 2 July 2024 Welke natuurgebieden in de Noordzee, vol anemonen en koraal, zijn uniek in de wereld- (2-5).webm (file) 236.77 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HoDuLj7-L8 Yes
10:23, 2 July 2024 Hoe kan er zo'n rijk onderwaterleven verstopt zitten in onze grauwe Noordzee- (1-5).webm (file) 236.51 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XD-NUHu8LAs Yes
09:08, 26 June 2024 Countries-by-legal-status-of-same-sex-marriage.svg (file) 22 KB Uploaded a work by Bastian Herre from https://ourworldindata.org/progress-lgbt-rights with UploadWizard Yes
09:08, 26 June 2024 Third-gender-recognition-equaldex.svg (file) 152 KB Uploaded a work by Bastian Herre from https://ourworldindata.org/progress-lgbt-rights with UploadWizard Yes
09:08, 26 June 2024 Right-to-change-legal-gender-equaldex.svg (file) 152 KB Uploaded a work by Bastian Herre from https://ourworldindata.org/progress-lgbt-rights with UploadWizard Yes
09:08, 26 June 2024 Marriage-same-sex-partners-equaldex.svg (file) 153 KB Uploaded a work by Bastian Herre from https://ourworldindata.org/progress-lgbt-rights with UploadWizard Yes
09:08, 26 June 2024 Same-sex-sexual-acts-equaldex.svg (file) 152 KB Uploaded a work by Bastian Herre from https://ourworldindata.org/progress-lgbt-rights with UploadWizard Yes
09:08, 26 June 2024 Countries-protecting-core-lgbt-rights.svg (file) 60 KB Uploaded a work by Bastian Herre from https://ourworldindata.org/progress-lgbt-rights with UploadWizard Yes
09:08, 26 June 2024 Countries-in-which-same-sex-sexual-acts-are-legal.svg (file) 39 KB Uploaded a work by Bastian Herre from https://ourworldindata.org/progress-lgbt-rights with UploadWizard Yes
19:10, 20 June 2024 Waarom zijn kabeljauwen zo dol op windmolens- (4-5).ogv (file) 262.77 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fODLiOEQ14 Yes
14:11, 20 June 2024 Weer een gay op TV.webm (file) 1.25 GB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFm7zCFvOAw Yes
14:00, 20 June 2024 Waarom de zee ook last heeft van windmolens.webm (file) 443.58 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGjTqCFPZto Yes
13:59, 20 June 2024 Is aangebrand eten slecht voor je.webm (file) 212.27 MB Imported media from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrnJvEqDZ48 Yes
13:18, 12 June 2024 Stemmen Leuven verkiezingen 2024.jpg (file) 2.58 MB Uploaded own work with UploadWizard Yes
09:30, 28 May 2024 United Kingdom electricity generation by source.png (file) 62 KB new data for 2023 Yes
08:08, 28 May 2024 Netherlands electricity generation by source.png (file) 57 KB new data for 2023 Yes
16:00, 20 May 2024 Aanplakbord Leuven verkiezingen 2024.jpg (file) 5.11 MB Uploaded own work with UploadWizard Yes
12:23, 19 May 2024 Waarom-zijn-kabeljauwen-zo-dol-op-windmolens.webm (file) 78.21 MB Uploaded a work by Universiteit van Nederland from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fODLiOEQ14 with UploadWizard Yes
11:38, 15 May 2024 EC dodgeball 2018 - Belgian team.jpg (file) 206 KB Uploaded own work with UploadWizard Yes
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