Commons:Picture of the Year/2020/R1/v/Aleksander Gierymski - Jewish woman selling oranges - Google Art Project.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2020
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Aleksander Gierymski - Jewish woman selling oranges - Google Art Project.jpg

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  1. Di (they-them)
  2. Albarubescens
  3. Toyotsu
  4. Kapsuglan
  5. Bioika0201
  6. AlexKozur
  7. Kroton
  8. Alejan98
  9. Գարիկ Ավագյան
  10. Clarice Reis
  11. 4meter4
  12. Спасимир
  13. ElisavetaIvanova
  14. BD2412
  15. OwenBlacker
  16. Ordensherre
  17. अंजानी
  18. WTM
  19. Teukros
  20. El Lombard
  21. Abductive
  22. Wallacegromit1
  23. Bluerasberry
  24. Zetzecik
  25. Gazamp
  26. Materiale Politice
  27. SirAvles
  28. Katya0133
  29. Bassel Elgohary
  30. Humis
  31. Adrian Neata
  32. Jhahner18
  33. Tbhotch
  34. Downtowngal
  35. Mbrickn
  36. Betseg
  37. Crazymantis91
  38. Devi 4340
  39. Dsgn
  40. Cincotta1
  41. GoginkLobabi
  42. Wolverène
  43. Shyllelagh
  44. Bobong23b
  45. Magalia
  46. Coryphantha
  47. Xx78900
  48. Filo gèn'
  49. Shizhao
  50. Luc Patin
  51. DutchTreat
  52. Tom Ja
  53. BirgittaMTh
  54. Buendia22
  55. Nadiya Li
  56. Kravk
  57. Bkn anime
  58. Wieralee
  59. RobertLechner
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  61. EnaldoSS
  62. Ashiqur Rahman
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  65. Filipović Zoran
  66. Andrew J.Kurbiko
  67. NayiMuu
  68. DimasSolo
  69. Kenmelken
  70. DrPZ
  71. Lvova
  72. Gaurav Dhwaj Khadka
  73. KimHolgerKelting
  74. Fabiorahamim
  75. Kghbln
  76. Daehan
  77. Girart de Roussillon
  78. Girassolei
  79. LMPogoda
  80. OlEnglish
  81. George Chernilevsky
  82. Triggerhippie4
  84. Waddie96
  85. Gilc
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  87. Antoine77
  88. Agnes Monkelbaan
  89. Vijayganesh.s1996
  90. GRDN711
  91. Avenue
  92. Buli
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  94. MarcelBuehner
  95. Joyradost
  96. ThüringerChatte
  97. Aeffenberger
  98. Julio974fr
  99. Erdpferd
  100. Sönsvall
  101. Jetam2
  102. Mila Saint Anne
  103. Veracious
  104. Лапоть
  105. Emgaz
  106. Jakubhal
  107. Shir-El too
  108. Ата
  109. Eryn Blaireová
  110. BeatrixBelibaste
  111. Arbnos
  112. Ammonium121
  113. Звірі
  114. Ivonna Nowicka
  115. Mediatus
  116. Nina Flor
  117. Qsung
  118. Daniel Mietchen
  119. Soul Train
  120. Hasley
  121. Donald Trung
  122. Vincent Simar
  123. Nigmont
  124. Ldorfman
  125. Sammyday
  126. Thingofme
  127. Cybularny
  128. Geni