Johann Gottlieb Fichte

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Bước tới điều hướng Bước tới tìm kiếm
English: Johann Gottlieb Fichte (May 19, 1762 – January 27, 1814) was a German philosopher. He was one of the founding figures of the philosophical movement known as en:German idealism, a movement that developed from the theoretical and ethical writings of Immanuel Kant. Fichte is often perceived as a figure whose philosophy forms a bridge between the ideas of Kant and the German Idealist Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Recently, philosophers and scholars have begun to appreciate Fichte as an important philosopher in his own right due to his original insights into the nature of en:self-consciousness or en:self-awareness.
Italiano: Johann Gottlieb Fichte (Rammenau, 19 maggio 1762 – Berlino, 27 gennaio 1814) è stato un filosofo tedesco, continuatore del pensiero di Kant e iniziatore dell'idealismo tedesco.

