DC Database

"Hope Lost": In the aftermath of Captain Atom´s detonation, it is revealed that he destroyed Baltimore, Washington D.C. and Metropolis. As the dust clouds settle, we see that Green Lantern used her ring to construct a barrier around The Daily Planet rooftop. Superman and Wonder Woman are reveale

Quote1 Then, Clark... my husband was gone. And any hope our world had was gone with him. Quote2
— Lois Lane

DCeased #5 is an issue of the series DCeased (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 2019. It was published on October 2, 2019.

Synopsis for "Hope Lost"

In the aftermath of Captain Atom´s detonation, it is revealed that he destroyed Baltimore, Washington D.C. and Metropolis. As the dust clouds settle, we see that Green Lantern used her ring to construct a barrier around The Daily Planet rooftop. Superman and Wonder Woman are revealed to have survived the titanic blast and they fly over to the barrier. Superman places his hand on the shield and Lois copies the motion. Down below, Lex Luthor calls out and Superman turns towards him and he starts to say that if Luthor wants to fight now, but Lex cuts him off and calls for a truce between them. He then falls to the ground and sobs as he sees the destruction.

In one week, Gotham has become a jungle and Batman (Damian Wayne), Green Arrow, and Green Lantern appear outside of the wall of vines. Just as they are about to enter, an infected Killer Croc charges towards the trio, but he is killed by the vines and they soon surround the heroes. Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy then emerge from the thicket and they ask why Robin is dressed as Batman. He explains that Batman has died and they give their condolences. The trio state that they are hoping to set up a sanctuary for survivors in the Gotham jungle. Ivy states that she and Harley have been arguing about it but Ivy reluctantly agrees to set up a safe haven.

As the weeks progress, the surviving heroes are able to disable the Internet all around the world and they set up safe havens in Gotham, Themyscria, and the Fortress of Solitude. Luthor and Cyborg work together to build arks to fit the remaining survivors in case they ever need to leave Earth, but Superman insists that they can not abandon the planet. As the days pass, the heroes in the Fortress begin to hear a ringing in their ears and the collective ringing stops as soon as Luthor is impaled by an invisible force. The Flash (Barry Allen) runs in to see what happened and he is slashed in the back by an infected Martian Manhunter. The heroes fight him until Firestorm kills him with a fire blast. The survivors of the attack realize that Barry is infected and he is out loose in the world. Kid Flash (Wally West) volunteers to search for him, Superman goes in his place. He flies into space and rams into Flash head on, causing him to be obliterated into pieces. Superman begins to apologize, but he soon finds that two of Barry´s fingers are in his abdomen and he flies to the Fortress. He tells Wally that Barry is dead and he will soon follow as he shows Wally his abdomen. He tells Wally to send his son, Lois, and Martha into the Speedforce. Before that, Superman gives a tearful and emotional farewell to his family and he flies into space to deprive himself of oxygen before he turns, but he is too late and his transformation begins.

Appearing in "Hope Lost"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





J'onn got infected into Anti-Living was explained in DCeased: Hope at World's End Vol 1 12 (Digital).

See Also

Links and References
