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Jefri Bolkiah 2023. Porträt eines grauhaarigen Malayen mit Sonnenbrille.
Jefri Bolkiah 2023.

Jefri Bolkiah ibni Omar Ali Saifuddien III[1] (geb. 6. November 1954),[2] ist ein Mitglied der königlichen Familie von Brunei (Wesir). Sein älterer Bruder ist der Sultan von Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah.[3] Jefri war Finanzminister von 1986 bis 1997.[1] Er ist auch Vorsitzender der Brunei Investment Agency (BIA) welche einen großen Teil des Vermögens von Brunei verwaltet.[4] und für die Investitionen in Übersee zuständig ist.[5]

Im Vorfeld der Asienkrise 1997 ließ der Sultan externe Prüfer die Bücher der BIA prüfen. In der Folge erhob die Regierung Bruneis Anklage, Jefri habe 14,8 miard. US-Dollar unterschlagen.[6] Er bestritt die Vorwürfe, stimmte jedoch im Jahr 2000 der Übergabe seiner persönlichen Besitztümer an die Regierung zu, als Gegenleistung dafür, dass er einer strafrechtlichen Verfolgung entging und einen Privatwohnsitz in Brunei behalten durfte.[7] Nach zahlreichen Rechtsstreitigkeiten und Berufungsverfahren entschied das britische Privy Council im Jahr 2007, dass diese Vereinbarung durchsetzbar sei.[4] Prinz Jefri ist bekannt für seinen extravaganten Lebensstil.[7] Sein persönlicher Besitz umfasst auch eine große Kunstsammlung, den britischen Juwelier Asprey, das Lotte New York Palace Hotel in New York, das Hotel Bel-Air in Los Angeles und das Plaza Athénée in Paris. Er war sechs Mal verheiratet und wurde von vier Frauen geschieden.[8] Er hat neunzehn Kinder.


He has had five wives, four of whom he is divorced from and 1 to whom he is still married,[8] and had "seventeen children aged between 2 and 35" in 2008.[7] Additionally he has faced a number of accusations, including lawsuits from the women allegedly involved,[9] that he has paid women to go to Brunei to have sex with him[10][11] it is alleged he kept a harem of up to 25 women for several years, which included the writer Jillian Lauren, who published Some Girls: My Life in a Harem about her experiences.[12][13],

His costly possessions included a private Boeing 747,[14] a large art collection including works by Manet, Renoir and at least twenty-one works by Degas, along with a collection of 2.000 luxury cars including specially commissioned unique Aston Martins,[15] a number of properties including the Plaza Athénée hotel in Paris and Hotel Bel-Air in Los Angeles,[6] the New York Palace Hotel in Manhattan, and others in Paris, Las Vegas and St John's Lodge, in Regent's Park, London,[7] businesses such as the luxury goods manufacturer Asprey, and a yacht named Tits (which came with tenders named Nipple 1 and Nipple 2).[9] His assets were estimated at $1.5 billion.Vorlage:Citation needed By the 2000s, due to his legal issues (see below) he was forced to sell many of his assets and be exiled from Brunei,[7] although as of September 2009 he appears to have been allowed to return to Brunei and has been seen in public with the Royal Family.[16]

Prince Jefri has had a number of legal issues with the state of Brunei, which have amounted to the most costly legal battle in the world.[17]

Brunei is a gas and oil rich state ruled by the Sultan in a constitutional sultanate;[18] the Sultan has control over every aspect of life in Brunei.[19] The Sultan was, at one time, the richest man in the world.[20] From 20 October 1986 to 23 February 1997 Prince Jefri was the Minister of Finance for Brunei,[4] responsible for dealing with revenue from oil and gas through the state body Brunei Investment Agency (BIA),[21] of which Prince Jefri was chairman.[9]

Prince Jefri also owned a network of companies and investment vehicles under the name Amadeo run by his son Hakim,[9] which was used to buy the luxury goods company Asprey and build an amusement park and other projects in Brunei.[20] In July 1998 the Amadeo group collapsed under US$10 billion in debt.[22] Between 1983 and mid-1998 some US$40 billion of what were called "special transfers" were made from the accounts of the BIA.[4]

An independent investigation was undertaken into the circumstances of these special transfers, concluding that in round figures, US$14.8 billion were paid to the accounts of Prince Jefri, US$8 billion to accounts of the Sultan and US$3.8 billion for Government purposes; the destination, purpose and recipients of the remaining transfers were not established.[4] Due to the secretive nature of the state and the blurred lines as to where the royal family’s finances and the state finances began and ended, establishing the true course of events is very difficult.[20]

Prince Jefri was accused of misappropriating state funds to pay for his own personal investments, bought through BIA and Amedeo companies and removed from his position as head of BIA.[23][24]

In February 2000, the Bruneian government attempted to obtain a freezing order on Prince Jefri’s overseas assets, which led to his countersuing in New York.[23] Following protracted negotiations a settlement agreement was signed by the Prince in May 2000,[4] the terms of which were never made public.[22] However, Prince Jefri claimed assurances were made to him by the Sultan with regards to keeping certain properties to maintain his lifestyle, which BIA denied.[4][22]

In accordance with the settlement agreement signed in 2000, the prince began to return his assets to the state, including more than 500 properties, both in Brunei and abroad, more than 2,000 cars, 100 paintings, five boats, and nine aircraft.[22] In 2001, ten thousand lots of Prince Jefri’s possessions went to auction.[25]

However, the BIA alleged that the Prince failed to uphold the agreement by failing to disclose all his accounts, and allowing money to be taken from frozen accounts,[17] and restarted legal proceedings to gain full control of the Prince’s assets. After a number of appeals,[19] this finally reached the Privy Council in London, which can serve as Brunei's highest court of appeal as a result of Brunei's former protectorate status.[26]

The Privy Council rejected Prince Jefri's evidence, describing his contention that the agreement allowed for him to retain a number of properties as "simply incredible",[27] and ruled in favour of the Government of Brunei and the BIA; consequently the Prince's appeal was dismissed and he was ordered to return the rest of his assets to Brunei.[4]

The decision of the Privy Council did not end the litigation between Prince Jefri and the BIA. The BIA re-opened proceedings in Malaysia and the Cayman Islands, resulting in the BIA gaining control over the Hotel Bel-Air in Los Angeles and The New York Palace Hotel in Manhattan.[28]

The BIA also re-opened collateral litigation in the British High Court. After winning before the Privy Council, the BIA asked the court to determine whether Prince Jefri should be held in contempt of court for allegedly making misstatements in his listing of assets. The contempt proceeding was scheduled for a hearing in June 2008, but the Prince did not attend, instead going to Paris.[17][29] Judge Peter Smith did not rule on whether Prince Jefri was in contempt, but did issue a warrant for his arrest.[30] As of November 2010, the warrant still appears to be in place, meaning the Prince will be arrested if he enters the UK.[31]

In 1997 Shannon Marketic, a former Miss USA, accused Prince Jefri and the Sultan, among others, of flying her and many other women to Brunei under false pretenses to be part of a harem, and that she was abused by those in the royal court.[11] The case was raised in a US court, but it was later dropped, because Jefri was held to have diplomatic immunity.[32]

In February 1998 Prince Jefri was sued by his former business partners Bob and Rafi Manoukian for £80 million over two property deals they claim he reneged upon;[33] the Manoukians claimed he flew in prostitutes from around the world and led a wildly extravagant lifestyle.[34] The Prince countersued, then settled out of court.[32][35]

In 2006, the Prince began legal proceedings against his former advisors, the barrister Thomas Derbyshire and his wife Faith Zaman, in both the UK and US,[36] accusing them of stealing funds from him.[37] The pair had worked for Prince Jefri since 2004, were given authority over a number of the Prince's companies, and were accused of using proceeds from property sales for their own benefit and charging personal expenses to corporate credit cards.[38] However, they contended no money was taken and all the contested purchases were for the use of the Prince and his family,[39] and counter-sued for US$12 million they claim they were owed.[38] The case is estimated to have cost Brunei US$60 million to litigate despite the value of the court case being US$7 million[40] and Prince Jefri being a key witness for the State of Brunei, which has repeatedly taken him to court,[41] challenging his compliance with court orders and questioning his veracity.[27]

In November 2010, pictures of statues the Prince had made of him and his fiancée, Micha Raines, having sex were leaked.[42] Various details, such as previous challenges by BIA to Prince Jefri's credibility, the wealth of Prince Jefri, the Sultan and the state of Brunei, his multiple wives, the statues and the still-in-effect British warrant for the Prince's arrest were banned from being mentioned in the courtroom as Judge Ira Gammerman ruled they were irrelevant to the case.[43] After nearly six weeks of trial, the jury returned a unanimous verdict[44] against the Prince on all but one count.[45] The Prince and the New York Palace Hotel were ordered to pay the Derbyshires US$21 million in total.[46] Brunei has stated it intends to appeal.[45]

Wives and Children

His first wife, Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Norhayati, is a member the Brunei Royal Family as the daughter of Pengiran Jaya Negara Pengiran Haji Abdul Rahman, by the wife, Pengiran Siti Marwadi binti Pengiran Anak Ahmad. The Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Norhayati is a descendant of the eleventh Sultan of Brunei, Sultan Abdul Jalilul Jabbar and the 18th Sultan of Brunei, Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin I. Together they have 3 children and 4 grandchildren.

While married to a Filipino, Puan Fatimah binti Abdullah (née Evangeline Teodoro del Rosario), together they had three children named Badi del Rosario, Evangeline Teodoro del Rosario and Samantha Richelle.[47]


Name Birth Marriage Their children
Date Spouse
Pengiran Muda Haji Abdul Hakeem Bolkiah 13 June 1973 Pengiran Anak Abdul Halim Ar-Rahman Bolkiah
Pengiran Anak Hamidah Jamalul Bolkiah 26 April 1977 17 April 2005 Pengiran Anak Haji Abdul Ali Yil-Kabir Bolkiah bin Pengiran Lela Cheteria Sahibun Najabah Pengiran Anak Haji Abdul Aziz Pengiran Anak Abdul Muta'Ali Haziq Hamidullah Bolkiah Pengiran Anak Adriana Haziqah Jaïdah Bolkiah Pengiran Anak Alisha Husnara Jaïdah Bolkiah
Pengiran Muda Bahar Bolkiah 20 August 1981 8 January 2023 Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak Puteri Azemah Nimatul Bolkiah binti Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Muizzaddin Wadaullah






  1. a b Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen finance.
  2. Istiadat Berkhatan Bagi Dua Orang Putera2 Baginda Di-Langsongkan Hari Ini. In: Pelita Brunei. 2. August 1967, S. 1; (malaiisch).
  3. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen BBC News 28 Juli 98.
  4. a b c d e f g h Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen privy.
  5. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen BBC 9 August 98.
  6. a b Mark Seal: Prince Jefri: The Prince Who Blew Through Millions. In: Vanity Fair. 23. Juni 2011, abgerufen am 6. September 2023 (englisch).
  7. a b c d e Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen telegraph1.
  8. a b Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen nzherald.
  9. a b c d Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen independent1.
  10. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen people.
  11. a b Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen smokinggun.
  12. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen gloss.
  13. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen lauren.
  14. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen times.
  15. David Dowsey (2007). Aston Martin: Power, Beauty and Soul. Peleus Press. ISBN 9780957875951
  16. Mark Maremont: Royal Dispute Over Billions in Brunei Nears a Resolution. In: Wall Street Journal. 25. September 2009, abgerufen am 6. Juli 2021 (englisch).
  17. a b c Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen telegraph2.
  18. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen cia.
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  21. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen BIA.
  22. a b c d Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen businessweeknov2000.
  23. a b Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen guardianjul07.
  24. Roger Mitton: Everyone Was Shocked. In: Asiaweek. 26. Jahrgang, Nr. 9, 10. März 2000 ( (Memento des Originals vom 27 September 2011 im Internet Archive) [abgerufen am 15. Oktober 2010]).
  25. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen telegraphaug2000.
  26. Brunei Darussalam country brief. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Government, abgerufen am 10. Oktober 2010.
  27. a b Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen privy2.
  28. Dominic Walsh: New York Palace joins Dorchester stable In: The Times, 28 July 2008. Abgerufen im 10 October 2010 
  29. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen bbcnewsjun2008.
  30. Transcript of proceedings of 11 June 2008, Brunei v. Bolkiah, High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, Claim No. HC00007888., archiviert vom Original am 7. Oktober 2011; abgerufen am 9. November 2010.
  31. Mark Hosenball: The fresh Prince of Brunei (Memento des Originals vom 7 November 2010 im Internet Archive),, 4 November 2010. Abgerufen im 9 November 2010 
  32. a b Profligate Prince Jefri. In: Newsweek. 10. April 2010, abgerufen am 1. November 2010.
  33. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen independent10feb98.
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  37. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen independentdec06.
  38. a b Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen telegraphnov112010.
  39. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen timesdec06.
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  41. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen reutersspecialreportnov10.
  42. Micha Raines, model from Prince Jefri Bolkia's sex-statue collection, takes stand in court case.
  43. Casa De Meadows Inc. v. Faith F. Zaman, 601685- 2007, New York State Supreme Court (Manhattan)
  44. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen baker.
  45. a b Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen telegraphdec10.
  46. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen guardiandec10.
  47. Netizens Shocked To See Jefri Bolkiah's Children Sporting Tattoos & Dressing Sexily - Hype MY. 31. Januar 2023, abgerufen am 14. Oktober 2023 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  48. SenaraiMasjid - Masjid Jefri Bolkiah, Kampong Batong. In: Abgerufen am 4. März 2023.
  49. gp: Lawatan kenali program IBTE. In: Lawatan kenali program IBTE. 27. Mai 2021, abgerufen am 4. März 2023 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  50. Senarai Penuh Penerima Darjah Kebesaran, Bintang dan Pingat Persekutuan Tahun 1989.

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| before = Hassanal Bolkiah | title = 2nd Minister of Finance | years = 20 October 1986 – 23 February 1997 | after = Hassanal Bolkiah | before = Office established | title = 1st Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports | years = 1. Januar 1984 – 21. Oktober 1986 | after = Hussain Yusof Vorlage:S-hou Vorlage:S-bef Vorlage:S-ttl Vorlage:S-aft Vorlage:S-bef Vorlage:S-ttl

{{Grand Commander of the Order of the Defender of the Realm}} {{Normdaten|TYP=p|GND= |VIAF= |GNDName=|GNDfehlt=ja|GNDCheck=2024-01-25}} {{SORTIERUNG:Bolkiah, Jefri}} [[Kategorie:Polospieler]] [[Kategorie:Geboren 1954]] [[Kategorie:Bruneier]] [[Kategorie:Mann]] {{Personendaten |NAME=Bolkiah, Jefri |ALTERNATIVNAMEN= (voller Titel) |KURZBESCHREIBUNG=Polospieler, Prinz von Brunei |GEBURTSDATUM= 1954 |GEBURTSORT=[[Brunei]] |STERBEDATUM= |STERBEORT= }} Bolkiah, Jefri}} Finance ministers of Brunei]] [[Category:Knights Grand Commander of the Order of the Crown of Johor]] [[Category:Recipients of the Darjah Utama Nila Utama]] [[Category:Honorary Knights Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order]] [[Category:People from Bandar Seri Begawan]] [[Category:Competitors at the 2019 SEA Games]] [[Category:Sons of monarchs]] [[Category:SEA Games medalists for Brunei]] [[Category:SEA Games medalists in polo]] [[Category:Members of the Privy Council of Brunei]]

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  32. Lauren | first = Jillian | year = 2010 | title = Some Girls: My Life in a Harem | publisher = Plume | location = New York | isbn = 978-0-452-29631-2 | url-access = registration | url = }}
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