Dick Higgins

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Dick Higgins (March 15, 1938October 25, 1998) was an English born composer, poet, printer and early Fluxus artist.


  • All form is a process of notation.
    • An Exemplativist Manifesto (1976)
  • If you haven't done it twice, you haven't done it.
  • What truly remains of me Is that very thing- my absence.
    • Quoted in 1998 obituary - colophon.com

The Ruud Jansson Mail Interview 1995

  • I am a polyartist.
  • I never feel quite complete unless I'm doing all the arts-visual,musical,literary.
  • I guess that's why I developed the form 'intermedia'.You are always focussing on all kinds of media to express yourself.

The Origin of Happenings (1976)

  • Happenings are a fusion of visual art , music and theatre.
  • Concrete poetry is a fusion of visual art and poetry.
  • Sound poetry is a fusion of music and literature.
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