You have reached this message because the site ripping ban script has been triggered. Site ripping is forbidden; repeated offenders will be banned indefinitely.

I sincerely apologize if you have reached this message without using a site ripper; the site ripping ban script is very much a work in progress, and it is inevitable that there will be mistaken bans. You will be automatically unbanned after a short period of time, though this will increase exponentially should you get banned again. Also, it would be very much appreciated if you can drop an e-mail to feldmahler {at} explaining the circumstances, along with your IP address (which is, so that I can decrease the incidences of mistaken banning. Due to the volume of e-mails I receive, I may not respond to your report, but all reports are very much appreciated.

Please do not reload this page often, because every reload refreshes the ban length. Instead, come back in a day. This mechanism exists because site ripping bots cannot read this message.