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Blodårene er del av sirkulasjonssystemet, hvis oppgave er å være en transportåre for blod i en organisme. Arterier og vener er henholdsvis blodårer som transporterer blod vekk fra hjertet til kroppen, henholdvis fra kroppen til hjertet.


Blodårer finnes i forskjellige størrelser og konfigurasjoner:

They are roughly grouped as arterial and venous, determined by whether the blood in it is flowing toward or away from hjertet. The term "arterial blood" is nevertheless used to indicate blood high in oksygen, although the arteria pulmonalis carries "venous blood" and blood flowing in the vena pulmonalis is rich in oxygen.


Alle blodårer har den samme histologiske struktur. Bekledning av den indre overflate er av endotel, utenfor dette finner man subendotelielt bindevev. Deretter følger et lag med muskelvev av typen glatt muskulatur, som er velutviklet i arterier. Ytterst finner man et nytt lag med bindevev, som kalles adventitia, som bl.a. inneholder nerver som forsyner muskulaturen i karveggen, samt små kapillærer (i større arterier) som sørger for blodforsyning til selve karveggen.

Kapillærer består av ikke stort mer enn et lag endotel og enkelte ganger litt bindevev.

I anatomi, the term for when a blood vessel joins another to form a region of diffuse vascular supply is known as anastamose. This is important in several areas around the body, as blockages in one area can mean that anastamoses (plural of anastamosis) makes an alternative route for blood flow.


Blodårene do not actively engage in the transport of the blood (they have no appreciable [[peristaltikk]), but arteries - and veins to a degree - can regulate their caliber by contraction of the muscular layer. This determines the blood flow to particular downstream organs, and is determined by det autonome nervesystem. Vasodilation and vasoconstriction are also used antagonistically as a method of termuregulering in homeotermiske organismer.

Oksygen (bundet til hemoglobin i rød blodlegemer) is the most critical nutrient carried by the blood. In all arteries apart from the pulmonary artery, haemoglobin is highly saturated (95-100%) with oksygen. In all veins apart from the pulmonary vein, the haemoglobin is desaturated at about 70%. (The values are reversed in the pulmonary circulation.)

Blodtrykket in blood vessels is traditionally expressed in millimetres of mercury (1 mmHg = 133 Pa). In the arterial system, this is usually around 120 mmHg systolic (high pressure wave due to contraction of the heart) and 80 mmHg diastolisk (low pressure wave). In contrast, pressures in the venous system are constant and rarely exceed 10 mmHg.

Vasokonstriksjon is the constriction of blood vessels (narrowing, becoming smaller in cross-sectional area) by contracting the vascular smooth muscle in the vessel walls. It is regulated by vasoconstrictors (agents that cause vasoconstriction). These include paracrine factors (e.g. prostaglandins), a number of hormoner (e.g. vasopressin ogangiotensin) og nevrotransmittere (e.g. adrenalin) from the nervous system.

Vasodilasjon is a similar process mediated by antagonistically acting mediators. The most prominent vasodilator is nitrittoksid (termed endothelium-derived relaxing factor for this reason).

Permeability of the endotel is pivotal in the release of nutrients to the tissue. It is also increased in inflammasjon in response to histamin, prostaglandiner og interleukiner, som fører to most of the symptoms of inflammasjon (swelling, redness and warmth).

Blodårenes betydning ved sykdom

Blodårene play a role in virtually every medical condition. Kreft, for example, cannot progress unless the tumor causes angiogenese (dannelse av nye blodårer) to supply the malignant cells' metabolic demand. Atherosclerosis, the formation of lipid lumps (atheromas) in the blood vessel wall, is the prime cause of cardiovascular disease, the main cause of death in the Western world.

Blodårepermeabilitet er forhøyet ved inflammation. Damage, due to trauma or spontaneously, may lead to blødning. In contrast, occlusion of the blood vessel (e.g. by a ruptured atherosclerotic plaque, by an embolised blood clot or a foreign body) leads to downstream ischemia (insufficient blood supply) and necrosis (tissue breakdown).

Vaskulitt er en inflammasjon i åreveggen, som kan skyldes f.eks. autoimmun sykdom eller infeksjon.

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