Thermal Dark Matter Below a MeV

A Berlin, N Blinov�- Physical Review Letters, 2018 - APS
A Berlin, N Blinov
Physical Review Letters, 2018APS
We consider a class of models in which thermal dark matter is lighter than a MeV. If dark
matter thermalizes with the standard model below the temperature of neutrino-photon
decoupling, equilibration and freeze-out cool and heat the standard model bath comparably,
alleviating constraints from measurements of the effective number of neutrino species. We
demonstrate this mechanism in a model consisting of fermionic dark matter coupled to a light
scalar mediator. Thermal dark matter can be as light as a few keV, while remaining�…
We consider a class of models in which thermal dark matter is lighter than a MeV. If dark matter thermalizes with the standard model below the temperature of neutrino-photon decoupling, equilibration and freeze-out cool and heat the standard model bath comparably, alleviating constraints from measurements of the effective number of neutrino species. We demonstrate this mechanism in a model consisting of fermionic dark matter coupled to a light scalar mediator. Thermal dark matter can be as light as a few keV, while remaining compatible with existing cosmological and astrophysical observations. This framework motivates new experiments in the direct search for sub-MeV thermal dark matter and light force carriers.
American Physical Society