A comprehensive study of Hα emitters at z∼ 0.62 in the DAWN survey: the need for deep and wide regions

S Harish, A Coughlin, JE Rhoads…�- The Astrophysical�…, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
S Harish, A Coughlin, JE Rhoads, S Malhotra, SL Finkelstein, M Stevans, VS Tilvi
The Astrophysical Journal, 2020iopscience.iop.org
We present new estimates of the luminosity function (LF) and star formation rate density
(SFRD) for an Hα-selected sample at z∼ 0.62 from the Deep And Wide Narrow-band
(DAWN) survey. Our results are based on a new Hα sample in the extended COSMOS
region (compared to Coughlin et al.) with the inclusion of flanking fields, resulting in a total
area coverage of∼ 1.5 deg 2. A total of 241 Hα emitters were selected based on robust
selection criteria using spectrophotometric redshifts and broadband color–color�…
We present new estimates of the luminosity function (LF) and star formation rate density (SFRD) for an Hα-selected sample at z∼ 0.62 from the Deep And Wide Narrow-band (DAWN) survey. Our results are based on a new Hα sample in the extended COSMOS region (compared to Coughlin et al.) with the inclusion of flanking fields, resulting in a total area coverage of∼ 1.5 deg 2. A total of 241 Hα emitters were selected based on robust selection criteria using spectrophotometric redshifts and broadband color–color classification. Given that dust extinction is a dominant uncertainty in the estimation of LF and SFRD, we explore the effect of different dust-correction prescriptions by calculating the LF and SFRD using a constant dust extinction correction, A Hα= 1 mag, a luminosity-dependent correction, and a stellar-mass-dependent correction. The resulting Hα LFs are well fitted using Schechter functions with best-fit parameters: L*= 10 42.24 erg s− 1, ϕ*= 10− 2.85 Mpc− 3, α=− 1.62 for constant dust correction, L