Are all post-starbursts mergers? HST reveals hidden disturbances in the majority of PSBs

E Sazonova, K Alatalo, K Rowlands…�- The Astrophysical�…, 2021 -
E Sazonova, K Alatalo, K Rowlands, SE Deustua, KD French, T Heckman, L Lanz
The Astrophysical Journal,
How do galaxies transform from blue, star-forming spirals to red, quiescent early-type
galaxies? To answer this question, we analyzed a set of 26 gas-rich, shocked post-starburst
galaxies with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging in B, I, and H bands and Sloan Digital
Sky Survey (SDSS) i-band imaging of similar depth but lower resolution. We found that post-
starbursts in our sample have intermediate morphologies between disk-and bulge-
dominated (S�rsic $ n={1.7} _ {-0.0}^{+ 0.3} $
How do galaxies transform from blue, star-forming spirals to red, quiescent early-type galaxies? To answer this question, we analyzed a set of 26 gas-rich, shocked post-starburst galaxies with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging in B, I, and H bands and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) i-band imaging of similar depth but lower resolution. We found that post-starbursts in our sample have intermediate morphologies between disk-and bulge-dominated (S�rsic