
Junctions are solo missions aboard Solar Rail network nodes that allow players to progress through the Star Chart.


Junctions consist of a small, circular room, with a Warframe Specter kneeling in the center. Each Junction is accompanied by a series of specific tasks. Completing these tasks is required to challenge a Junction's specter for control of the connected Solar Rail, which unlocks the next celestial body.

In addition to star chart progression, completing a Junction grants 1,000 Mastery and several miscellaneous rewards (typically weapon blueprints and/or quests). Junction rewards can only be claimed once.


Location Tasks Rewards


Volt Specter General Drops
VoltIcon272 Volt Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Mercury Junction
Weapon Magnus Magnus
HeatSword Heat Sword
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1125
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 130
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 5

Location Tasks Rewards
  • Defeat JACKAL at FOSSA on VENUS
  • Complete 10 waves of DEFENSE at TESSERA on VENUS in a single mission
    • Extract after clearing 10 WAVES of enemies
  • Complete Quest: Vox Solaris


Rhino Specter General Drops
RhinoIcon272 Rhino Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Venus Junction
Weapon Soma Soma
DualRaza Dual Raza
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 550
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 5

Location Tasks Rewards
  • Complete Quest: Once Awake
    • Complete the MERCURY JUNCTION and visit the CODEX in your Orbiter
  • Collect 250 Rubedo RUBEDO in missions
    • RUBEDO is a resource that can be found in missions on EARTH


Loki Specter General Drops
LokiIcon272 Loki Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Mars Junction
Weapon Burston Burston
Boltace Boltace
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 180
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 10

Location Tasks Rewards
  • Refine a VOID RELIC once at the console in your Orbiter
    • Obtain VOID TRACES from VOID FISSURES to refine relics in your ORBITER
    • Look for the VoidTearIcon b icon at the top of the STAR CHART for VOID FISSURE missions
  • Visit Maroo.
    • Speak to MAROO in MAROO'S BAZAAR on MARS.


Mag Specter General Drops
MagIcon272 Mag Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Phobos Junction
Weapon Hikou Hikou
Tipedo Tipedo
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1800
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 20

Location Tasks Rewards


Trinity Specter General Drops
TrinityIcon272 Trinity Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Ceres Junction
Weapon Paris Paris
Cadus Cadus
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1500
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 500
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 215
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 15

Location Tasks Rewards
  • Complete Quest: The Archwing
    • Activate new quests using the CODEX in your ORBITER
  • Defeat VOR and KRIL at EXTA on CERES
  • Survive 10 minutes or more at DRACO on CERES
    • Go to EXTRACTION after surviving for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES


Valkyr Specter General Drops
ValkyrIcon272 Valkyr Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Jupiter Junction
Weapon Afuris Afuris
Anku Anku
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1800
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 25

Location Tasks Rewards
  • Complete TESHUB in the Void
    • Complete STICKNEY on PHOBOS to gain access to TESHUB


Nova Specter General Drops
NovaIcon272 Nova Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Europa Junction
Weapon Kunai Kunai
EtherDaggers Ether Daggers
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1800
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 25

Location Tasks Rewards
  • Complete EXTERMINATE mission at BAAL on EUROPA
    • Clear a path through JUPITER to access EUROPA


Ember Specter General Drops
EmberIcon272 Ember Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Saturn Junction
Weapon Magnus Magnus
HeatSword Heat Sword
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1800
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 20

Location Tasks Rewards
    • Check the CODEX ENTRIES for drop locations and the VoidTearIcon b icon at the top of the STAR CHART to find active MESO FISSURE missions
  • Learn how to perform SYNTHESIS
    • Find CEPHALON SIMARIS on the second floor of KRONIA RELAY or any other Relay. He is marked on the map by


Equinox Specter General Drops
EquinoxIcon272 Equinox Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Uranus Junction
Weapon Boltor Boltor
Shaku Shaku
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1800
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 25

Location Tasks Rewards
  • Complete Quest: Natah
    • Run missions on Uranus until you encounter strange drones that unlock this quest
  • Complete a mission on URANUS with only your MELEE weapon equipped


Frost Specter General Drops
FrostIcon272 Frost Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Neptune Junction
Weapon Tigris Tigris
Sibear Sibear
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1300
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 30

Location Tasks Rewards
  • Complete Quest: The Second Dream
    • Activate new quests using the CODEX in your ORBITER


Excalibur Specter General Drops
ExcaliburIcon272 Excalibur Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Pluto Junction
Weapon BratonVandal Braton Vandal
DualSkana Dual Skana
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1800
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 30

Location Tasks Rewards


Saryn Specter General Drops
SarynIcon272 Saryn Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Sedna Junction
Weapon Komorex Komorex
Karyst Karyst
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1800
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 35

Location Tasks Rewards
    • Check the CODEX ENTRIES for drop locations and the VoidTearIcon b icon at the top of the STAR CHART to find active NEO FISSURE missions
  • Complete 5 waves of Defense at STöFLER on LUA in a single mission


Mesa Specter General Drops
MesaIcon272 Mesa Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Eris Junction
Weapon Regulators
Redeemer Redeemer
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1800
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 40


  • Junctions can be used as shortcuts between celestial bodies when navigating the star chart.
  • Junction tasks only bar the player from fighting the Specter, it does not prevent the player from entering the junction itself.
    • The list of tasks and rewards will be shown in the rail, in front of the area the player is barred from entering into. This is the same list as the one shown on the star chart.
    • Exiting a Junction will not be considered a mission failure.
    • Specters can be scanned even if the player is prevented from attacking them.
  • Certain paths between celestial destinations do not have Junctions and can be traversed as soon as the nodes at either end are unlocked. They are:
  • Specters reward approximately 2,000 affinity when killed.
  • The Neptune Junction's "Complete a mission on Uranus with only your melee weapon equipped" requirement does not count Exalted Weapons or Archwing weapons against the requirement.


  • Melee Heavy Slam Attack can be use to control the Specters, and deal a significant amount of damage at low level.
  • Using crowd control abilities that stun or freeze enemies (e.g. VoltIcon272 Volt's Discharge130xWhite Discharge and HarrowIcon272 Harrow's Condemn130xWhite Condemn) will leave Specters completely vulnerable to the player's attacks.
  • As the level of the Specters increases so do their firepower, potentially threatening and, in some extreme cases, killing the player in a matter of seconds. It is recommended to bring a frame with either the ability to protect themselves from damage (e.g. VoltIcon272 Volt's ElectricShield130xWhite Electric Shield or ValkyrIcon272 Valkyr's Hysteria130xWhite Hysteria), the ability to heal themselves (e.g. TrinityIcon272 Trinity's Blessing130xWhite Blessing), or that can decently tank damage (e.g. RhinoIcon272 Rhino or InarosIcon272 Inaros).
    • Alternatively, players can bring frames that are able to turn themselves invisible, such as LokiIcon272 Loki or IvaraIcon272 Ivara.
    • MagIcon272 Mag's Magnetize130xWhite Magnetize can also trivialize the Specters; the ability roots them in place, preventing them from using melee attacks unless the player allows, and it also redirects all gunfire towards them, including their own. In effect, this causes Mag to be entirely safe for the duration, allowing her to free-fire on the Specter while they deal self-damage.
  • Using FrostIcon272 Frost's SnowGlobe130xWhite Snow Globe ability knocks Specters back and deals large amounts of damage. Many (but not all) of the specters will also remain outside the globe, preventing them from dealing any damage to Frost until the globe has been broken (which is typically more than enough time to kill the specter from within the globe).
    • Additionally, his Freeze130xWhite Freeze ability can be used repeatedly to prevent the Specter from moving or attacking.
  • AshIcon272 Ash's BladeStorm130xWhite Blade Storm ability alone can usually kill specters in one hit. Specters are also vulnerable to Ash's Mod TT 20px Fatal Teleport augment, causing significant damage (often killing the specter outright) and preventing Ash from receiving damage for the duration of the finisher animation. Since Teleport can be cast back-to-back for chained finishers, this can be used to quickly kill any of the specters with virtually no risk.
  • Specters are vulnerable to HydroidIcon272 Hydroid's Undertow130xWhite Undertow.
  • Specters can be Enthrall130xWhite Enthralled by RevenantIcon272 Revenant.
  • Specters can be slept with IvaraIcon272 Ivara's Quiver130xWhite Quiver's sleep arrow, opening the specter up for finishers.
  • Specters can be Feast130xWhite Feasted by GrendelIcon272 Grendel. Players can then choose to quickly kill the Specter by casting Nourish130xWhite Nourish, or simply wait it out.



  • The large window in the Junctions is not solid, allowing players to knock the Specter out into space with the appropriate abilities and weapons.
  • The Sedna Junction may not allow the player to enter even when all four requirements have been met or the junction has already been completed.
  • If a Junction is already completed and the player returns to scan the Specter for a codex entry, the Specter must be scanned and killed, then the player must return a second time and repeat this process for the codex entry to show up.
    • This bug can be bypassed by exiting the junction from the Esc  menu.


Updated Versions

Patch History[]

Hotfix 36.0.8 (2024-07-25)

  • Moved The Duviri Paradox Quest as a reward for completing Vor’s Prize to the Saturn to Uranus Junction.
    • As we continue to add to our Main Story path with Warframe 1999, our team is focused on improving the New Player Experience and removing points of confusion in a player’s journey. We added Duviri in 2023 as an alternative tutorial for players -- after reviewing player behavior, it was moved behind Vor’s Prize in Echoes of Duviri. With more player feedback under our belts, we have made the decision to move player access to this story behind the Uranus Junction. As a team, we’re dedicated to experimenting and expanding Warframe’s weirdness, but player experience is king above all else!
    • If you had already unlocked this Quest prior to this Hotfix (i.e. completed Vor’s Prize), you will still have access to it regardless of your Junction completion.

Hotfix 35.5.8 (2024-04-24)

  • Fixed the “Perform Synthesis for Cephalon Simaris” Uranus Junction task not being marked as complete for players who had made it past the stage in The New Strange Quest that requires synthesis scanning before the Dante Unbound Update.
    • This task was added in the Dante Unbound update, but for players who had performed Synthesis before it launched it was not retroactively completed.

Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)

Junction Changes
  • Mercury Junction:
    • Added “Complete Quest: Vox Solaris” to the Mercury Junction Tasks
    • Removed the “Rescue a Hostage at Linea on Venus” Task
  • Added The Deadlock Protocol as a Saturn Junction Reward.
    • Previously this was rewarded from Vox Solaris, but since it has a Mastery Rank 4 requirement, many new players would not be able to access it. Placing it further along the Junction path gives them more time to gain Mastery Rank before diving.
  • Added “Perform Synthesis for Cephalon Simaris” task to the Uranus Junction.
    • Performing Synthesis and scanning targets are vital tasks for player progression, so we are adding an official introduction to it via Junctions.
  • Added “Visit Maroo” to the Phobos Junction Tasks.
    • We also improved the flow of the “Visit Maroo” button in the Ayatan Treasures screen to match that of Varzia’s. Now players will be presented with an introductory screen about Maroo, and will be taken directly to her Bazaar.

Update 35.1 (2024-02-20)

New Earth Junction Reward: “Dreamer's Bond” Aura Mod

Upon completing the Earth Junction, players will now be rewarded with a new Aura Mod:

Dreamer’s Bond
Squad receives +0.3 Energy Regen/s and +1.5 Health Regen/s.

The intent is to get new players familiar with Aura Mods earlier in the game. Which is also why we have temporarily assigned it the Madurai Polarity, which matches the Aura Slot for our starter Warframes Mag and Volt (Excalibur has an unassigned Aura Polarity). We will be changing its Polarity to Universal (can be equipped onto any Aura Polarity to increase mod capacity) in the Dante Unbound update, so that all Warframes can benefit from equipping it!

Acquiring outside of Junction:
For those who have already completed the Earth Junction, Dreamer’s Bond will be sent via inbox message upon login after downloading this update. We have also added it to the Nightwave Cred Offerings rotation!

  • Fixed the Tenno Guide prioritizing side objectives and quests (Junctions) instead of the main story Quests.

Update 35.0 (2023-12-13)


Junctions are a great way for players to learn about new systems in Warframe and offer a guided path throughout the Origin System -- but they can also be a frustration point if the tasks are too hard or unclear. With that in mind, we have made the following adjustments to our Junctions:

Venus Junction:
Added Orokin Reactor to Junction Rewards

  • While players have access to Orokin Reactors via Nightwave, we want to introduce a guaranteed way for new players to receive this upgrade as they continue to improve their Arsenal.

Mercury Junction:
Removed “Defeat 5 Eximus Enemies” task.

Mars Junction:
Removed Tasks:

  • Defeat 150 Frontier enemies on Earth.
  • Complete Suisei on Mercury
    • In the early days of Warframe, the Junction Path encouraged players to clear all of a planet’s nodes before advancing to the next planet. Tasks that ask players to hunt a specific enemy type or clear a node that’s distant from the main Junction path reflect that goal. We now want to encourage players to stay on the main path to advance through the main quests and then clear nodes when they are interested in Steel Path.

Adjusted number of Rubedo needed for “Collect 250 Rubedo in missions” task.

  • Task originally required 500 Rubedo.
  • Rubedo has a low spawn-rate on Earth. This Junction task was designed to make players clear all of Earth before moving on to Mars. They can move on more quickly now while still having a light intro to Resources.

Phobos Junction:
Removed Tasks:

  • Defeat 150 enemies in a single mission on Mars
    • There are already so many strength tests on Mars from Relic missions to the Heart of Deimos quest. We no longer felt this strength test was necessary.
  • Scan 1 Cephalon Fragment on Mars
    • This Junction Task was meant to be an introduction to Codex Scanners, but the Saya’s Vigil quest now provides a formal introduction to Scanners, so we no longer felt this task was necessary.

Moved “Refine a Void Relic once at the console in your Orbiter” task to Phobos Junction.

  • This task originally was in the Ceres Junction, but we have moved it to Phobos Junction to keep all Relic tasks in one place.

Added Orokin Catalyst to Junction Rewards.

  • Similarly to the Reactor, this gives new players a guaranteed path to this important upgrade in their Arsenal.

Ceres Junction:
Removed Tasks:

  • Defeat Lt Lech Kril at War on Mars
    • In the early days of Warframe, bosses like Lt Lech Kril were a staple of the Warframe experience, and we worried new players would be out of the loop if they didn’t experience them on their way to The Second Dream. Today, however, there is a lot of new content players are eager to experience, so we no longer feel new players will be left out if they choose not to fight Lt Lech Kril at this stage.
  • Defeat 300 Arid Grineer enemies on Mars
    • As mentioned above, this task encourages players to clear all of a planet’s nodes before advancing to the next planet, which is no longer the goal of the Junction Path.
  • Refine a Void Relic once at the console in your Orbiter. (Moved to Phobos Junction)

Added “Complete Quest: Heart of Deimos” task.

  • This allows players to build a relationship with the Entrati, and gets them on the path to building their Necramech for The New War Quest.

Europa Junction:

  • Removed “Complete Quest: Stolen Dreams” task.
    • Stolen Dreams is now a side Quest and therefore isn’t vital for the new player path!

Saturn Junction:

  • Removed “Complete Quest: The New Strange” task.
    • The New Strange is now a side Quest and therefore isn’t vital for the new player path!

Uranus Junction:

  • Removed “Craft a weapon requiring Mastery Rank 1 or higher” task.
    • Our primary goal with these changes is to decouple Mastery Rank from the Main Quest experience. That way new players can advance all the way to Whispers in the Walls without worrying about the 24-hour Mastery Rank Timer. To that end, all Junction Tasks that relate to Mastery Rank have been removed.

Neptune Junction:

  • Removed “Open a Cache during any Sabotage mission on Uranus” task.
    • Searching for Caches in Sabotage missions is taught via Nightwave now, so we are removing this to reduce overall grind.

Adjusted “Complete a mission on Uranus with only your Melee weapon equipped” task.

  • This task originally required a player to do so 5 times, now they must only do it once!

Pluto Junction:
Removed tasks:

  • Defeat the Hyena Pack at Psamathe on Neptune
    • As with Lt Lech Kril mentioned above, we no longer feel new players will be left out if they choose not to fight the Hyena Pack at this stage.
  • Complete a Corpus Spy mission with 3 successful data extractions on Neptune
    • We no longer feel a player must master Spy Missions at this stage in order to advance along the Main Quest Path. Players may instead choose to sharpen their Spy Mission skills when they pursue Nightwave, the Steel Path, or Ivara Blueprints!

Sedna Junction:
Removed tasks:

  • Defeat Vay Hek at Oro on Earth
    • As with Lt Lech Kril and the Hyena Pack mentioned above, we no longer feel new players will be left out if they choose not to fight Vay Hek at this stage.
  • Collect 1 Exilus Mod from any Orokin Principle challenge room on Lua
    • The “Ascendant” Nightwave Act teaches players about these puzzles on Lua, so we chose to remove it from the Junction path.
  • Craft a weapon requiring Mastery Rank 5 or higher
    • Our primary goal with these changes is to decouple Mastery Rank from the Main Quest experience. That way new players can advance all the way to Whispers in the Walls without worrying about the 24-hour Mastery Rank Timer. To that end, all Junction Tasks that relate to Mastery Rank have been removed.

Adjusted “Defeat 2 Sentient enemies on Lua” task.

  • Originally required players to defeat 5 Sentients. Only 2 spawn per Lua mission, so this reduces the grind needed to complete this task.

Add “Complete Quest: Rising Tide” task.

  • The other removed tasks allow players more time to focus on this new Quest requirement, which arms them with a Railjack for The New War.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

Junction Adjustments

Our goal is to better guide newly awakened Tenno through the Star Chart. At the end of Vor’s Prize, they will be directed to Cetus to learn about Codex Scanners and receive their first Warframe Blueprint with a light introduction to Resource and Blueprint acquisition. Then they will be encouraged to follow the Junction path to the next planet.

We have plans to continue improvements along the Junction path in future updates with the new player experience in mind.

Junctions Speaking of Junctions, we’ve made the following adjustments to the Venus Junctions:


  • Removal of the “Collect 20 Mods” and “Apply 4 mods to a Single Warframe or Weapon” tasks.
    • With the removal of Flawed Mods, the “Apply 4 Mods” challenge may become more difficult. Our goal for Junction tasks is to both teach new Tenno about the game, and guide them where to go next -- neither of these challenges quite fit that vision.
  • NEW TASK: “Complete Quest: Saya’s Vigil”
    • Similar to the Inbox changes, our goal is to direct new players to Cetus early in their journey! It’s an opportunity to meet those the Tenno protect while learning about Codex Scanners and Warframe Blueprints.
  • Reduced the Rank requirement from 2 to 1 for the “Upgrade any mod through the fusion process” task. Simplified the description as well to better explain how to complete it:
    • Was: Use ENDO to upgrade Mods at the MOD STATION in your Orbiter.
    • Now: FUSION requires ENDO and CREDITS and is available at the MODS bench in the middle-deck of your Orbiter.


  • Added Incubator Power Core to Junction rewards
    • Howl of the Kubrow is a Quest unlocked from the Mercury Junction, which requires an Incubator Power Core to complete. The free path to this item was not available until the Mars Junction was completed, which we felt was confusing to many new Tenno eager to hatch their first furry friend.

Hotfix 32.3.5 (2023-02-28)

  • Fixed crash after loading to the Orbiter right after dying to a Junction Specter.

Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)

  • Fixed the pop-up description for the incomplete Phobos Junction in Navigation explaining the Natah Quest instead of the Junction.

Hotfix 32.0.2 (2022-09-08)

  • Fixed script errors with Junction Specters.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)


This is a follow up to other Solar Rail Junction changes we have made this year, specifically in Update: 31.5 and Hotfix 31.6.4. As part of the same initiative to improve new player progression through the Junctions, this batch of changes has a predominant focus on the unreliable difficulty level of Specters; they do far too much damage but also have very low health, so either you get nuked to oblivion or vice versa. In an effort to level out the playing field, we have done a review of the biggest pain point Specters and made adjustments.

General Junction Changes & Fixes:

  • Added a short title card intro after triggering the panel and before combat begins to introduce the Specter of that Junction.
  • Added a boss health bar in the UI for Junction Specters.
  • Swapped Volt Specter Junction location (Venus to Mercury) with Rhino Specter (Earth to Venus).
    • Volt Specter is easier overall (due to his abilities being more obviously telegraphed), and was therefore more fitting of an earlier Junction.
  • Removed ragdoll on Specters when defeated.
  • The cinematic for activating a Solar Rail will now play (can be skipped if desired) on Junction replay, even if it has already been completed.
  • Fixed loss of functionality when downed by a Specter, triggering Last Gasp.
  • Fixed the Junction Specter ragdoll stopping after the Junction Specter has been defeated.

Specific Specter Changes:

Loki (Earth to Mars)

  • Increased his base health from 160 to 180.

Trinity (Mars to Ceres)

  • Reduced her level from 20 to 15.
  • Reduced her Melee and Primary weapon damage.
  • Increased her armor from 200 to 215.

Valkyr (Ceres to Jupiter)

  • Added a max active time of 10s to the Valkyr Specter’s Hysteria ability.

Nova (Jupiter to Europa)

  • Removed Nova Specter's Molecular Prime ability.
    • It simply did not telegraph well, which resulted in increased damage on players without much notice.
  • Reduced the amount of damage done from Nova's Kunai secondary.
  • Nova Specter will now cast her Worm Hole ability in specifically placed waypoints located around the Junction room.
  • Increased the rate at which the Nova Specter uses her Worm Hole ability.  
  • Moved the Nova Specter’s spawn point slightly forward.

Ember (Jupiter to Saturn)

  • Reduced the Ember Specter’s level from 25 to 20.
  • Reduced the damage and fire rate of the Ember Specter’s Magnus secondary.  

Equinox (Saturn to Uranus)

  • Reduced the Equinox Specter’s level from 30 to 25.

Frost (Uranus to Neptune)

  • Removed the Frost Specter's Avalanche ability.
    • This proved to be too powerful an ability for the Frost Specter, as it would freeze players on the spot and frequently resulted in being one shot by the Specter.
  • Made tweaks to Frost Specter's ability stats.
  • Increased cooldown duration for his abilities.
  • Increased path damage for Ice Wave.

Junction Fixes:

  • Fixed getting punted out of the room when defeated by Specter.
  • Fixed combat music not resetting when defeated by Specter.
  • Fixed the kneel animation dissolving on a loop when Specter has been defeated.
  • Fixed companion not being revived and teleported back to you at the spawn point after being defeated by Specter.
  • Fixed Specter kneeling animations for bulkier Warframes to prevent their hands from clipping through themselves.

Hotfix 31.6.4 (2022-07-14)

  • Swapped the Saryn Junction Specter sniper rifle for a different rifle type that has been balanced for AI.
  • Swapped the Frost Specter (Earth-Mars) and Loki Specter (Uranus-Neptune).
  • Fixed an issue where the Molt from the Saryn Junction Specter would stay behind after the player respawns, causing her to target it instead of the player.

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

New Player Experience
Quality Of Life Changes
  • Junction Changes:
    • Removed the ‘Craft a Warframe Specter’ from the Europa Junction Task list.
      • In an effort to help players move through the Star Chart, we removed the 8 hour Specter-crafting time gate that this task created.
    • Reduced the ‘Open Meso Void Relics’ Uranus Junction task from 3 to 1 in the Uranus Junction.
    • Reduced the ‘Scan Cephalon Fragments on Mars’ Phobos Junction task from 3 to 1.

Update 31.0 (2021-12-15)

  • Fixed inability to proceed in the Junction Specter fight if you died at the exact moment the Specter also perished.
  • Fixed Junction Specter being of normal level when attempting to complete it in Steel Path.
  • Fixed Stalker spawning in a Junction and pushing you outside of the level.

Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)

  • Removed Ceres to Jupiter Task of defeating a Prosecutor to reduce initial friction and get you along your way faster. Prosecutors could take a long time to spawn if you were unlucky.
  • Fixed issues with menu stacking in the user interface on Junctions.

Hotfix 30.3.5 (2021-06-10)

  • Fixed line break on rewards title on Junction tasks list.

Update 30.3 (2021-05-25)

  • Junctions now award Credits upon completion!
    • A script will be run to give Credits to players who have already completed the following Junctions:
      • Earth to Venus: 5,000
      • Venus to Mercury: 10,000
      • Earth to Mars: 15,000
      • Mars to Ceres: 20,000
      • Mars to Phobos: 20,000
      • Ceres to Jupiter: 30,000
      • Jupiter to Europa: 40,000
      • Jupiter to Saturn: 40,000
      • Saturn to Uranus: 60,000
      • Uranus to Neptune: 80,000
      • Neptune to Pluto: 80,000
      • Pluto to Eris: 100,000
      • Pluto to Sedna: 100,000
  • ‘Junction Tasks’ Screen Changes:
    • Rewards will now automatically scroll across the screen to give you a full preview of what will be earned on successful Junction completion.
    • Each task now has a descriptive blurb to help direct you on how to get started on the task.

Update 30.2 (2021-05-12)

  • Changed the Uranus Junction Goal text for Find Caches to the correct amount (3 to 1).

Hotfix 29.10.1 (2021-03-19)

  • Fixed inability to complete a Junction due to persisting black screen upon load in.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • Fixed blown out Junction sky boxes.

Hotfix 29.3.2 (2020-11-05)

  • Fixed ability to kill a Junction Specter before they’ve even had a chance to stand up, which could cause a script error.

Hotfix 29.3.1 (2020-11-04)

  • Fixed Phobos Junction Mag Specter having double the intended Health and Shields.

Update 28.2 (2020-07-14)

  • Fixed many Junction Specters having Health/Shield/Armour overrides, which gave them dramatically lower Health (eg: This changes Mag Specter's base Health from 75-1800). They should now match the listed values in the Codex.

Update 28.1 (2020-07-08)

  • Beacons are now disabled in Junctions.
    • This is a solo fight to show off those skills!

Update 28.0 (2020-06-11)

  • The Earth to Mars Junction now awards the Iron Phoenix Stance, and the Earth to Venus Junction now awards the Clashing Forest Stance.
    • This aims to provide new players an easier path to experience the Melee system at an early Star Chart stage. Those who have completed these Junctions will retroactively be given these Melee Stances.

Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)

Update 24.6 (2019-04-04)

  • Numerous tweaks and Ability balance passes towards Junction Specters.

Update 24.4 (2019-03-08)

New Player Experience Changes
  • Polished numerous Junction boss fights to have better power usage and combat pacing.

Update 23.10 (2018-10-12)

Junction Changes
  • Removed “Defeat 3 Eximus enemies on EARTH” requirement from Venus Junction.
  • Lowered “Defeat 10 Eximus enemies on Venus” requirement on Mercury Junction to 5 Eximus enemies in any region.
  • Lowered “Defeat 10 Sentient enemies on Lua” requirement to 5 Sentient enemies.
  • Lowered “Collect any 3 Mods from the Orokin Principle challenge rooms on Lua” to 1 Mod.

Hotfix 22.8.3 (2018-01-11)

  • Replaced the Jupiter-Saturn Junction requirement of ‘defeat the Raptor on Europa’ with ‘complete Baal on Europa’. This is due to the Raptor’s boss fight getting increasingly difficult after his re-work, which created frustration for newer players attempting to unlock the Junction.

Hotfix: The Vacuum Within 3 (2016-10-13)

  • Changed a Phobos Junction task to read ‘Scan 3 Cephalon Fragments on Mars’ instead of 5.

Update: The Silver Grove 1.0 (2016-08-31)

  • Fixed the Second Dream quest key being given as a reward from completing the Natah quest. Players must complete the Uranus to Neptune Junction as intended.

Hotfix: The Silver Grove 3 (2016-08-23)

  • Fixed Junctions tasks appearing offscreen.

Update: The Silver Grove (2016-08-19)

  • Void Fissure Junction challenges can now be completed on any planet.
  • Moved the '3 Spy data extractions' Junction Challenge to Neptune- Pluto to replace '3 waves of Archwing Interception' now that Jupiter-Saturn requires players to defeat the Raptors on Europa.
  • Fixed Loki’s Disarm not working for Junction Specters against players.
  • Fixed Junction list on some planets overlapping parts of the planet.
  • Fixed the Junction task 'Collect 20 Mods' only counting Mods collected on Earth.
  • Fixed completing the Suisei- Mars missions not showing as complete for the Junction task.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 2.1 (2016-08-10)

  • Fixed the Sedna Junction task ‘Collect any 3 MODS from the Orokin Principle challenge rooms on LUA’ not progressing if you collect 3 of the same Mod.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.13 (2016-07-26)

  • Fixed being rewarded 0 Salvage instead of 500 for completing the Venus to Mercury Junction and Earth to Venus Junction.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.10 (2016-07-15)

  • Fix for Junction progress not being saved for some clients
  • Fixed an issue with the 1000 Mastery not being rewarded when completing a Junction. If you are eligible, it'll automatically repair on login.
  • Junction task progress will now save even if you haven’t unlocked the Junction node
  • New Junction tasks:
    • Mars Junction = complete an alert, change to: "Collect 500 Rubedo from missions"
    • Phobos Junction = complete an invasion mission, change to "Scan 5 cephalon fragments on MARS" (Scans done before this change will be counted retroactively)
    • Europa Junction = complete an infested outbreak mission, change to "Complete TESHUB in the Void"
    • Eris Junction = defeat Phorid in an infested outbreak, change to "Find and Defeat LEPHANTIS in DERELICT"
    • Uranus Junction = Added "Craft a DERELICT KEY"

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.9 (2016-07-14)

  • Fixed an issue with Client Junction Tasks not tracking. This means any Clients trying to complete tasks wouldn't see progress.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.7 (2016-07-14)

  • Completing the Vor's Prize quest missions will now mark the nodes they're on as completed, so that you don't have to backtrack and complete the nodes leading up to the Junction a second time before you can enter it. Anyone who is mid-quest after this Hotifx deploys will still have to backtrack.
  • We now allow progress towards Junction tasks during the tutorial, and with this we also fixed Junction tasks not working during Quests.
  • You can now revisit Junctions, and see their new and improved diegetic menu!
  • Junction battles now have different passive bonuses for players competing against Specters to make the fights more fair. The passive bonuses are:
    • Refilling ammo on respawn.
    • Passive energy regeneration.
  • Fixed an issue with Mods received as mission rewards not counting towards the "Collect X mods" Junction task.
  • Fixed missing footstep sounds in Junctions.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.6 (2016-07-12)

  • Fixed the Eris Junction on Pluto not functioning preventing progression.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.5 (2016-07-12)

  • Rebalanced the Frost and Volt Junction Specters to be less hard on new players.
  • Changed the Junction task of "complete Spy missions with 3 data extractions" being too strict and requiring that all 3 extractions are undetected.
  • Fixed an issue with missing Blueprint elements for the Patient Zero quest from Junction rewards.
  • Fixed an issue with Spy and Fissure Junction tasks not properly tracking.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.4 (2016-07-11)

  • Void Fissure Junction challenges can now be completed on any planet. For example, before the a Junction could say request 3 Void Fissures be closed. This request was specific to the planet the Junction was on, which was not indicated in the UI. Now you can do the Void Fissure anywhere to count toward your Junction Challenge Tasks.
  • Rebalanced the Rhino Specter in the Junction to be more manageable for new players.
  • Updated the Earth (to Venus) challenge text to better indicate the challenge requirement to "Apply 4 MODS to a single Warframe or Weapon", not just overall.
  • Swapped the "Nightmare Mission" Junction Challenge with "Kill the Hyena Pack."
  • Fixed an issue with a Junction progression stopper task by replacing the crafting requirements of Vapor Specters.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.1 (2016-07-08)

  • Removed the Natah and The Jordas Precept quests from Junctions as these are given out through server rewards.
  • Fixed an issue with the Vor’s Prize Junction task not being properly completed if the player elected to skip it.
  • Fixed aspect ratio of credits icon in junction rewards.
  • Fixed an issue with players being able to load into Junctions after meeting the requirements but not having completed the previous node.

Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08)

  • Introduced.

