Get diffs for all items matching a SPARQL query, for a date range.
Examples: French painters, first week of October 2017, no bots edits, same for last week, or since yesterday. Also with Lexemes

SPARQL query

SELECT   (wd:Q2481549 as ?item)    ("pie" as ?type)   ("400" as ?width)    ("200" as ?height)    ("Aandeel publiek domein" as ?legend)    ("auteursrechtelijke status" as ?xAxisTitle)    ("aantal vervaardigers" as ?yAxisTitle)   (GROUP_CONCAT(?status;separator=",") as ?x)   (GROUP_CONCAT(?color;separator=",") as ?colors)   ("fontsize:15,offset:-15" as ?showValues)   ("40" as ?innerRadius)   (GROUP_CONCAT(?count;separator=",") as ?y) WHERE { SELECT ?color ?status ?count WHERE {{      SELECT (COUNT(?item1) as ?count) ("green" AS ?color) ("publiek domein" AS ?status)      WHERE {     ?item1 wdt:P31 wd:Q5 .     ?item1 wdt:P6379 wd:Q1646305.     ?item1 wdt:P7763 wd:Q71887839.#PD          }        } UNION {     SELECT (COUNT(?item2) as ?count) ("red" AS ?color) ("beschermd" AS ?status)      WHERE {     ?item2 wdt:P31 wd:Q5 .     ?item2 wdt:P6379 wd:Q1646305.     ?item2 wdt:P7763 wd:Q73555012.#C     }         } UNION {     SELECT (COUNT(?item3) as ?count) ("grey" AS ?color)("onbekend" AS ?status)      WHERE {     ?item3 wdt:P31 wd:Q5 .     ?item3 wdt:P6379 wd:Q1646305.       FILTER NOT EXISTS {?item3 wdt:P7763 ?status.}     }         }}}
has failed