Entertaining Yet Forgettable
19 June 2007
I went to see this movie with only one expectation, surely it cant be as bad as the second film. On this front i was greatly pleased as the sense of smugness surrounding twelve has been completely lost. The only real problem i had was that after the film finished i really struggled to remember anything particularly about it.

The performances were all OK but no one really stood out, whereas Matt Damon was the only person i didn't want to slap in twelve, he never gets the chance to shine. Al Pacino has no chance to make a memorable villain out of the limited screen time leaving you not really caring if they can pull off the job or not. Clooney and Pitt also do an OK job of an average script, but it never rises above OK.

The area i think this film falls down is with a cast that is too big, while inventive and different in the first film, just hinders this one. There are too many people trying to get their five minutes on screen to really give a damn. Maybe this is the directors feels we already care about them as we know the characters, when in reality the damage caused by twelve was enough to need character building again. Arguably a plot on a smaller scale would have been better with a sharp focus on one or two characters as in the first film.

While flashy this film is all about style over substance and if you are looking for a shallow but entertaining summer movie this may just be it.
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