68 Weeks
30 July 2023
Godzilla has long been interpreted as a metaphor for the atomic bomb. 'The Day Before Tomorrow' atones for the exploitation of destruction for its own that characterises the disaster movie by addressing the 'unsexy' subject of the consequences of global warming (although Fox has the cheek to inset plugs for Fox News and Sky TV).

The demon king is personified by Kenneth Welsh as a Vice President who bears a suspicious resemblance to his real life template (although you'd never have caught Dick Cheney admitting he'd ever been wrong, as he eventually does here); the film's makers plainly couldn't stomach an accurate representation of George W. Bush.

The film took a lot of flack for the speed with which calamity struck (it's barely been on for a minute before a polar expedition is disrupted by cracks in the ice, soon followed by the money shot of the Statue of Liberty hit by a tidal wave), but has sadly been vindicated by the horror stories you find in practically every paper you've read in the twenty years since it originally hit the screens.
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