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Katherine Deves

From Wikiquote

Katherine Deves Morgan is an Australian lawyer who ran unsuccessfully as a candidate for the Liberal Party at the 2022 Australian federal election. She identifies as a Gender-critical feminist.


  • [Representing the pressure group Save Women’s Sport Australasia] Women have fought for decades to have access to similar resources (as male sport), similar media coverage, pay parity in professional sports — and now that we are actually starting to gain some ground, that's all being put at risk [by the admission of transwomen to women's sports].
  • [Asked why transwomen should be admitted to women's sports] Because the feelings of addled and entitled men are far more important than the inescapable, lived reality of little girls, teenage girls, young women and older women.
  • The [Julia] Gillard amendments imposed the biggest game of wilful pretend imaginable on women and girls, now forced to suspend their reality and believe that a 'penis-owner' is a woman, because he says so. This would be laughable if it was not so serious. On ABC radio recently, Gillard asked "why aren’t we further along?" with respect to gender equality. She blames the vile sewer of social media and women's difficult balancing act of work and family life. No mention at all of the alarming and increasing impact of her government’s amendments to the SDA [Sex Discrimination Act 1984].
  • We didn't want this culture war either. Neither does anyone else, but when women were erased as a legal class, dissenters were punished, and the gender botherers came for our children, we would not be silent.
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