The Wayback Machine -

  • YouTubeYouTube reviewsYouTube reviews has launched a localized Canadian portal for its video-sharing network, in its efforts to quickly roll out local sites across the globe.

    This follows the website’s launch in New Zealand and Australia a few weeks back, and the launching of several other local portals in various countries around th world. As with all other local portals, YouTube Canada will have a Canadian slant with video search results that are tailored to Canadian culture. It even has a Maple leaf logo. Cute.

    Several media content providers have partnered for the provision of their own branded YouTube channels, including, CFL, CommandN and Unicef. Other recent releases for localized Canadian portals include MySpace Mobile.

    [via FP]

User reviews: YouTube
  • There is going to be a press conference in Toronto, Canada regarding the YouTube Canada launch between 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm. I hope to see some of you guys there, cheers,

    - Jawad Shuaib
  • Will
    hey, i think that you tube is an awsome thing. i mean, you can get on there and put your own videos on there. any website that will let your do that has to be a pretty cool thing. but what really sucks is that they delete anything on there that is copyright material; but other than that it is pretty neat. please notify me if someone replies to this comment. i would appreciate that very much.
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