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Wikipedia:Onsuksesvolle voorbladnominasies/2009

in Wikipedia, die vrye ensiklopedie
Argief Hierdie bladsy dien as 'n argief van ou besprekings. Moenie die inhoud van hierdie bladsy wysig nie. Indien u 'n nuwe bespreking wil begin, of by een van die oues hieronder wil aansluit, doen asseblief so voort op die huidige besprekingsblad.

Sort of. An article either needs a "bronnelys" (list of sources), like in the article Tiemie, or a lot of individual references ("verwysings"), like in the article on Mars. It is not an attack on the article or anything, but to be a "voorbladartikel", an article should either have a "bronnelys" or a significant number of "verwysings". (Even better if it has both!) Any good article should actually have a "bronnelys", but so far we've only been insisting on them for "Voorbladartikels" or articles of which the content is controversial/disputed. Anrie (kontak) 18:44, 9 Januarie 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]
Sorry to be annoying but how should i do bronnelys? i don't often add reference (i should) and just normaly make the article, if you could tell me how to do it, i would gladky add bronnyls to many articles! (just out of interest, what is Bronnelys and Verwysings in engels?)--Bezuidenhout (kontak) 18:56, 9 Januarie 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]
Bronnelys = list of sources; verwysings = references. As a rule, articles from other Wikipedias aren't a valid source, but they are credited (see Amandel or Amerikaanse Revolusie for example.
All you need to do to "do" a bronnelys, is to make a list of the sources for your article, in other words, the names of the books/websites you used to write the article. This makes it possible to 1.) confirm that the information in the article is correct (and the author didn't make it up or simply gave his opinions), 2.) check for plagiarism and 3.) provides the user with a "further reading" section. If you have time (or are interested), you can have a look at en:Wikipedia:Citing sources, or else just ask here if you have any other questions. It's certainly not "annoying" to help other users willing to learn. Rather, it's very much appreciated. Anrie (kontak) 19:10, 9 Januarie 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]
To add: I personally don't feel that articles that are as short as the ones you are creating really need a list of sources, but you are of course welcome to add them. Anrie (kontak) 19:13, 9 Januarie 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]
Ok, i've almost got the hang of it, but do i need to add (1) and (2) everytime i want to give reference to a sentance i make as in: die terrein van baie veldslae tussen die Europese moondhede, en is dit die "die vegkamp van Europa"[1] (Belgie), do i need to make numbers and then refer them at the end? Or is that just making notes at the bottom. I'll try and do an example on Nederland.--Bezuidenhout (kontak) 20:11, 9 Januarie 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]
I also want to ask, HOW do make bronnyls? does it need a certain ISBN number or something? --Bezuidenhout (kontak) 20:14, 9 Januarie 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]
I'm going to answer you on your talk page. Anrie (kontak) 20:16, 9 Januarie 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]

Ondersteun baie mooi. hansjoseph (kontak) 16:42, 16 Maart 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]

Ondersteun — Adriaan90 (Bespreking • Bydraes) 14:50, 13 April 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]
Gekant - Bronnelys? Anrie (kontak) 09:19, 30 April 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]
16 September 2009
Ongelukkig is hierdie artikel nie bygewerk sedert my bogenoemde besware nie. Ek beskou die nominasie as onsuksesvol. Anrie (kontak) 11:00, 18 Oktober 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]
19 September 2009
  • Ondersteun - Sorry that I keep suggesting South African related articles, but I do admire this article: it now has 2 images, PLENTY of references, and a good amount of text and work on it. Also links to this wikipedia ;) --Ben Bezuidenhout (kontak) 17:00, 19 Augustus 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]
  • Gekant - Definitiewe moontlikheid, maar moet net eers geproeflees word: ek sien so vinnig 'n paar tikfoute, plus uitlegprobleempies. Sal nog werk daarvan maak.
  • Kommentaar - Ek dink hierdie artikel sal bietjie meer as net 'n proeflees nodig hê - hier is 'n paar punte wat ek nou opgemerk het. Soos ek hierbo gesê het, ek sal ook aandag hieraan skenk, maar ek noem solank hierdie goed soos ek dit opmerk. Anrie (kontak) 08:40, 30 November 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]
  1. Ek dink dat daar te veel vakterme gebruik word wat nie verduidelik word nie. Ek het self taalkunde gestudeer, dus kan ek die stuk goed verstaan, maar ek twyfel of Jan Alleman gaan weet wat 'n "taaleiland", "variëteit" ens. is. Nie 'n groot probleem nie - dit kan maklik gekorrigeer word deur 'n verduidelikende woord of sinsdeel by te voeg.
  2. Uit die "Toekoms van Afrikaans" kan dit klink of Afrikaans 'n bedreigde taal is (of besig is om dit te word. Miskien iets byvoeg dat dit nie onder die meer as 500 bedreigde tale tel nie (vir bietjie perspektief)?
  3. Sommige afdelings is leeg. Die opskrif "Erkenning van Afrikaans-Nederlands" bevat slegs die subopskrif "Taalverkenning" en dan "Sien Hoofartikel: Erkenning van Afrikaans". Hierdie moet met 'n opsommende gedeelte vervang word. So ook die opskrif "Afrikaans, Nederlands en diglossie", wat slegs "Sien Hoofartikel: Diglossie bevat. Bietjie meer werk hierdie.