MediaWiki talk:Gadget-EnhancedPOTY.js

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Please report problems with the voting App here. Thank you.



Translations of EnhancedPOTY


What do you need translate here? :) — Raoli ✉ (talk) 04:11, 14 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

The following if not already done, e.g. in MediaWiki:Gadget-EnhancedPOTY.js/i18n/it.js. Thank you! -- Rillke(q?) 08:24, 14 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
	'poty-poty-year':          "POTY $1",
	'poty-poty-full-year':     "Picture of the Year $1",
	'poty-poty-full-commons':  "POTY - Commons Picture of the Year",
	'poty-welcome-banner':     "Welcome $1! Loading POTY $2.",
	'poty-slideshow':          "Slideshow",
	'poty-fullscreen':         "Full screen",
	'poty-fullscreen-close':   "Close full screen",
	'poty-report-error-h1':     "$1 experienced an error",
	'poty-report-error':        "The data that will be saved and publicly visible if you send the report: Your username, a timestamp, what the App did immediately before and \"$1\"",
	'poty-report-error-send':   "Send report",
	'poty-report-error-reset':  "Reset and Reload",
	'poty-report-error-cancel': "Cancel",
	'poty-ineligible-blocked':       "Your account is ineligible because it is blocked on Commons. You were blocked by $1 because $2 with an expiry of $3.",
	'poty-ineligible-nosul':         "Your account is ineligible because it is not attached to SUL.",
	'poty-ineligible-suleditcount':  "Your account is ineligible because you do not have $1 or more edits on any attached SUL account or on Commons.",
	'poty-ineligible-dateeditcount': "Your account is ineligible because you do not have $1 or more edits on any attached SUL account or on Commons before $2.",
	'poty-eligible': "You are eligible to vote because you have $1 edits on $2 before $3!",
	'poty-anonymous-no-vote-msg':   "You are currently not logged in. Only registered users can vote in POTY.",
	'poty-vote-add':               "Vote",
	'poty-vote-remove':            "Remove vote",
	'poty-vote-stats':             "Statistics",
	'poty-vote-info':              "Info",
	'poty-voting-vote':            "Saving your vote",
	'poty-voting-remove-vote':     "Removing your vote",
	'poty-voting-app-error':       "Application ERROR",
	'poty-voting-edit-error':      "Edit ERROR",
	'poty-vote-nothing-to-remove': "Can\'t find your vote",
	'poty-vote-already-there':     "Already voted this image",
	'poty-vote-multiple-possible': "You may vote for more than one picture",
	'poty-vote-limited':           "You can vote for {{Plural:$1|ONE picture|$1 pictures}} in total",
	'poty-stats-chart-desc':     "Vote count compared to the average vote count per picture: ",
	'poty-stats-votelist':       "Votelist",
	'poty-stats-comments':       "Comments",
	'poty-stats-close-click':    "Click to close",
	'poty-my-poty-link':         "My POTY",
	'poty-my-poty-link-tooltip': "All about your participation in POTY $1",
	'poty-my-poty-h1':           "POTY $1 and You",
	'poty-my-poty-app-version':  "$1-Version $2",
	'poty-my-poty-language':     "Language",
	'poty-my-poty-eligibility':  "Eligibility",
	'poty-my-poty-votes':        "Votes",
	'poty-my-poty-state':        "POTY - State",
	'poty-my-poty-data':         "Data saved in your browser",
	'poty-my-poty-state-RX':     "Round $1 is running.",
	'poty-my-poty-state-novote': "There is no voting at the moment.",
	'poty-my-poty-state-g-RX':   "You are on a gallery made for round $1.",
	'poty-my-poty-action-language-saveoncommons': "Save on {{SITENAME}}",
	'poty-my-poty-action-eligibility-recheck':    "Check again",
	'poty-my-poty-action-votes-recheck':          "Update - Requery",
	'poty-my-poty-action-data-remove':            "Remove",
	'poty-my-poty-action-data-remove-warn':       "After removing this data $1 won\'t know what you have voted for."
OK, I request an update of this version in MediaWiki talk:Gadget-EnhancedPOTY.js/i18n/it.js. Raoli ✉ (talk) 14:42, 14 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Bug with certain usernames


The script obviously has a problem with usernames beginning with asterisks like user**Romina**. E.g. No. 97 --Seewolf (talk) 15:51, 28 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

This is obviously a bug in MediaWiki. C.f phab:T14974. As a workaround, I could try using assert=user with the user name directly added (instead of subst:revisionuser) to avoid it ending up in AbuseFilter in case the user is logged out. Just have to find out whether assertions are checked first or AbuseFilters. -- Rillke(q?) 17:33, 28 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
assertions are done before execute, so ✓ Done --Zhuyifei1999 (talk) 13:16, 21 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Show explicative message about ineligibility


Some users "are pissed off" because there is no direct hint by the tool when it finds that someone is not eligible and the message in the dialogue is very cryptic and could be enhanced with a link or improved text. -- Rillke(q?) 12:10, 25 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

srcset, too many requests


tbd. -- Rillke(q?) 17:49, 26 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]

POTY app vote error?


Should Special:Diff/196454615 ever happen? It looks like Fumiko Take's vote was obliterated by Salavat, and it wasn't a manual edit (!). Am I missing something? Storkk (talk) 10:21, 8 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

This should never happen. From my POV, this is an error with the MediaWiki software or the particular setup chosen by this site's hoster. The script is sending editType: 'appendtext' to the servers (like when you add a new section - you wouldn't expect that, if someone adds a section at the same time, one is lost). EnhancedPOTY or the library under it, libAPI, could additionally work with timestamps or parent revisions, if not fixed in MediaWiki/Wikimedia setup, however this requires some work. -- Rillke(q?) 01:47, 10 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Edit request


{{Edit request}}

Per the discussions at Commons_talk:Picture_of_the_Year, we are switching to new scripts for 2023 and beyond. Please add the following code to the start of the init function (line 217):

const match = mw.config.values.wgPageName
    .replaceAll("_", " ")
    .match(/Picture of the Year\/(\d{4})/);

if (!match || Number(match[1]) > 2022) {

This will stop the script from running, except for on archived pages. Thanks, Ingenuity (talk) 17:58, 19 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Done Steinsplitter (talk) 11:00, 3 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]