User:Allice Hunter/Older discussion

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Regiões Imediatas e intermediarias de MG

Gostaria de pedir que faça com o estado de Minas Gerais. — Preceding unsigned comment was added by 2804:D45:4B61:3C00:5C9D:760:E98E:51FF (talk) 17:33, 11 August 2018 (UTC)

Farei, no entanto o que atrapalha é o tamanho do estado e a quantidade de subdivisões, e também o fato de várias páginas ainda não estarem feitas para adicionar os mapas. Allice Hunter (talk) 00:29, 12 August 2018 (UTC)

Editing SVG files

Hello, thank you for creating the map of countries by HDI classification using 2018 data! I want to do the same for the map with individual countries by points but can't figure out how to edit svg don't have to make the map on your own, but since you made one, you can probably help me find out how to edit.

Thanks! — Preceding unsigned comment added by Maketrad (talk • contribs) 11:27, 15 September 2018 (UTC)

EDIT: I got your response. I found another thing in the meantime called Inkscape but it's clunkier compared to the Illustrator and SVGworld you showed me. I'll use those next time. Thank you very much! — Preceding unsigned comment added by Maketrad (talk • contribs) 21:08, 15 September 2018 (UTC)


Olá, Alice! Vi que você criou as imagens das regiões geográficas imediatas de SP. Parabéns pelo seu trabalho. Você fará as imagens dos outros estados? Estou criando páginas para as regiões de MG. Oalvinegro (talk) 00:14, 17 September 2018 (UTC)
Obrigada! Farei sim, mas preciso que as páginas existam para que eu possa fazer, caso contrário seria um trabalho inútil. Allice Hunter (talk) 00:25, 17 September 2018 (UTC)

New SVG files

Congratulations! You generate fine maps, and now they are real SVG. Obrigado --sarang사랑 06:06, 6 December 2018 (UTC)

사랑 Many Thanks!!!. Before I didn't realize that the images were being created incorrectly. I'm glad people here told me that, because it helped me to improve my creation. Allice Hunter (talk) 06:29, 6 December 2018 (UTC)

Redimensionnement d'images

Bonjour, pour effectuer des redimensionnements d'images comme celui-ci, je vous conseillerais de regarder cet outil (CropTool) bien pratique, notamment dans la gestion des étiquettes : il ajoute automatiquement {{Image extracted}} à la source et {{Extracted from}} à la cible tout en conservant le reste. --Caméléon Diaphane (talk) 01:12, 10 December 2018 (UTC)

@Caméléon Diaphane Merci beaucoup, je suis encore en train de découvrir les outils disponibles ici au Commons. Allice Hunter (talk) 01:46, 10 December 2018 (UTC)

Brazilian states location maps


I have seen that you have uploaded several maps over mine, however I must tell you that location maps have their own conventions, such as you can see here, here and here, so I must revert your changes. If you want to upload your versions in a separate file, you can do it. Thank you.

--Shadowxfox (talk) 20:21, 20 January 2019 (UTC)

Shadowxfox. Actually I was just doing a test, and I was about to revert the modifications due to problems, that's why I did not change all the maps. Take care! − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 20:33, 20 January 2019 (UTC)
If you want to do a test, you can do it on this image. Good luck ! --Shadowxfox (talk) 20:36, 20 January 2019 (UTC)

How to get the 2nd letter of C and D climates?

Hi! I've seen you make some amazing koppen climate maps, I'm stuck on getting the second letters on C and D type climates. So using the koppen criteria, for example I want to know, where do you get information such as the precipitation of the driest month in winter and the precipitation of the wettest month in winter? I'm using the bioclim raster on ArcGis. So I think I need this kinda info to get the 2nd letter to calculate C and D climates. Thx in advance --Gabrielsanz (talk) 16:01, 22 January 2019 (UTC)

@Gabrielsanz: Hi, all my climate maps are original map clippings. I did not calculate the climate types, I just cut back on maps already made. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 17:46, 22 January 2019 (UTC)
Thank you for your reply! I just realized a way to obtain it :) --Gabrielsanz (talk) 12:49, 23 January 2019 (UTC)

How did you create this choropleth map?

Hi, thanks for creating the choropleth map File:2018 UN Human Development Report.svg. I see that you created it from the blank map (File:BlankMap-World6.svg) linked as a source. Did you create it by manually filling in each area of the map with a specific colour, including all the microscopic islands? That would have taken a very long time, and would have required you to search up which country all those islands belong to (especially tedious when it comes to the Caribbean). I personally create all my choropleth maps (so far) using, but all the small island countries/territories are represented by a circle. I would like to use the blank map so all islands are shown by their true size (not represented by circles), but do not at all feel like manually filling all of those little regions and searching up which country they belong to. Is there a quicker way to do it, e.g. highlight an entire country all at once? JACKINTHEBOXTALK 13:14, 14 April 2019 (UTC)

@JackintheBox: Hi, I added the colours manually. I had to research where the countries were when I didn't know. That file has interlaced image parts, when I clicked on a country, it included all its islands too, which greatly facilitated the process. I used Adobe Illustrator to do this. I guess it took me two hours to make the map. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 02:20, 15 April 2019 (UTC)
Wow, OK thanks :) JACKINTHEBOXTALK 02:36, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

With regard to File:Anglospeak (SVG version).svg

File:Anglospeak (SVG version).svg The map is incorrect, Taiwan has never been one of Anglophone countries. — Preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 07:00, 1 September 2019 (UTC) Yes, you're right. I probably painted Taiwan along with the Philippines. I've just fixed that mistake.− Allice Hunter (Inbox) 20:26, 1 September 2019 (UTC)

Mapa del artículo Idioma Español

Hola, he visto que fuiste tú el que creaste el mapa de los países donde se habla español del artículo Idioma español. En el Caso de Estados Unidos veo que hay algunos errores importantes. Puedes usar como fuente la que se indica en el artículo Idioma español en Estados Unidos, donde se da una cifra del porcentaje de la población que habla español en casa por estados. De hecho todos esos datos los introduje yo usando como fuente el censo de EEUU (hay enlace en la referencia). El caso es que en varios estados hay una diferencia muy grande entre los datos que menciono y lo que indica el mapa que creaste. Pongo algún ejemplo:

-En Hawái según el censo tan solo el 2,5% de la población habla español en casa, mientras que en el mapa que creaste se indica más del 10% de hispanohablantes.

-En Colorado, según el censo el 11,6% habla español en cas y en el mapa se indica más del 25%.

-En Virginia y Maryland, según el censo 7,5% y 8,5% respectivamente, mientras que en el mapa se indica menos del 5%.

Así hay varios ejemplos más.

Además hay otro error notable y es que en los colores del mapa se pasa de un color para entre el 10 y el 20% de hispanohablantes a más del 25%, es decir, no hay ningún color para 20-25% de hispanohablantes. La solución sería cambiar el color de más del 25% a más del 20%.

Debido a que yo no sé como modificar ese mapa, te pediría si puedes modificarlo. Creo que lo más razonable sería usar los datos del artículo Idioma español en Estados Unidos.


--Alvarodpas (talk) 22:32, 7 June 2020 (UTC)

Tambén quería añadir que creo que sería más correcto si pusieras algo así como: desde 5% hasta menos del 10% un color, desde 10 hasta menos del 20% otro color, etc. Porque tal como lo tienes puesto ahora: 5-9% un color, 10-20% otro color, no sería del todo correcto puesto que por ejemplo estados con 9,5% no entrarían ni en uno ni en otro color.--Alvarodpas (talk) 22:44, 7 June 2020 (UTC)

Por último añadir que la cantidad de hablantes de español o de la correspondiente lengua criolla de origen español en Filipinas es insignificante, por lo que creo que quizás no debería estar coloreado. Quizás el único argumento podría ser que en este país el español es una lengua oficial opcional por su pasado como parte del Imperio Español, aunque después de la ocupación estadounidense el español perdió casi por completo la relevancia en este país. por otra parte, Marruecos no debería estar coloreada ya que de acuerto al Instituto Cervantes [1] en este país (de más de 30 millones de habitantes)solo hay poco más de 6.000 hablantes nativos de español y poco más de millón y medio de hablantes de español con competencia limitada (por ejemplo hablantes de español como lengua extrangera). En el caso de Francia tampoco creo que deba estar coloreada. En este caso no encuentro datos, pero estoy seguro que el porcentaje de hablantes nativos de español es mucho menor que el 5%, y en todo caso podría ser mayor si contamos los hablantes de español con competencia limitada, es decir estudiantes de español como lengua extrangera, pero aún así no creo que sea suficientemente relevante como para indicarlo, ya que de hecho entonces tambíen habría más países (como Italia) con un porcentaje similar de estudiantes de español.--Alvarodpas (talk) 23:02, 7 June 2020 (UTC)

@Alvarodpas: my map is based on File:Hispanophone global world map language.png. If there is something wrong, it came from the map used as base map. I noticed that File:Detailed SVG map of the Hispanophone world.svg is being used at EN Wikipedia instead of the map created by me. Could you take a look at File:Detailed SVG map of the Hispanophone world.svg? Maybe it is more accurate. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 23:38, 7 June 2020 (UTC)

Well there is some differences between you map and the one you said it's based on: File:Hispanophone global world map language.png. However I think it's obvious that there are some things wrong in USA in your map so i still recommend to fix it. As i said before i think you should use the reference in Idioma español en Estados Unidos which is from the USA gobernment: [2]. So in conclusion you could use directly the data in the article. Also i thing you shoud change that 20-25% of spanish speakers doesn't have any color in your map.--Alvarodpas (talk) 11:20, 8 June 2020 (UTC)

How did you create maps of ethnic groups around the world?

Hi and good evening, I would like to ask you how did you create these ethnic group images that are now used in the English Wikipedia. As I have seen the images that you created, the majority of them were made from File:BlankMap-World6.svg. One day I would like to do the same way as you did. --Hortonmort (talk) 01:47, 1 August 2020 (UTC)

@Hortonmort: hi. It's actually very easy to create those maps. You just need a software to edit vector files (I use Adobe Illustrator) then you can color the countries by clicking on them. After editing just upload the new file. I recommend that you always use files in SVG format to make your maps (their quality is much higher in SVG). − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 02:57, 1 August 2020 (UTC)

About map of Greek people around the world

Greetings, I’m creating and editing articles generally in Turkish Wikipedia. I noticed a mistake on the map of Greek people around the world. According to map there are less than 10,000 Greeks in Turkey. For Christians, it’s true but there are many Greek Muslims in Turkey. With Greek Muslims there are 49,143 Greeks in Turkey.

So, could you make darker the colour of Turkey on the map please? Thank you. Abdulmecid Komnenos (talk) 14:43, 22 August 2020 (UTC)

Hello! My maps might not be so accurate because I won't be able to find all sources about the exact numbers. Currently, I'm looking for pages on Wikipedia about diasporas and the maps will probably be altered as new sources are found. Thank you for advising me. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 00:44, 23 August 2020 (UTC)


Hello @Allice Hunter: I hope you're well. I wanted to ask you if there is a possibility that you could create a "Map of the Albanian people around the world" in your free time, that would be super fine. :)--Iaof2017 (talk) 16:15, 5 September 2020 (UTC)

Iaof2017 I can, but I'm working on another thing right now. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 18:36, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
Hi Alice. Thanks for the map about Albanians. When time permits and if possible, can Kosovo be added, as the map you made does not show it as Kosovo is the second Albanian majority populated country in the world. Best.Resnjari (talk) 13:34, 11 October 2020 (UTC)
@Resnjari: Unfortunately, the map I use as a base still shows Kosovo as part of Serbia. I am looking for other blank maps that are more inclusive and recognize more countries. When I find the ideal map, I will upload a new version of the Albanian people map. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 15:23, 11 October 2020 (UTC)
Thanks for adding Kosovo. Much appreciated. Best.Resnjari (talk) 01:38, 13 October 2020 (UTC)

Pórtico de Campos do Jordão.jpg

Hello Alice. You requested changing the name of the file "Pórtico de Campos do Jordão.jpg". I changed the name for you. Then you reverted me on Portuguese Wikipedia. There you changed it to an old name that you did not want yourself. Am I supposed to understand this? Regards, --Gereon K. (talk) 19:04, 15 February 2021 (UTC)

@Gereon K.: Oh, please forgive me. I was accessing that page via a mobile device and in fact I had the intention of thanking you for editing it but I ended up reversing it due to my lack of attention. I just undid that, sorry for my lack of attention. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 20:17, 15 February 2021 (UTC)

English diaspora

Hey Allice! GIANT fan of your work, the maps you create help increase the quality of there respective articles by thousands of points! If I may, whenever you have the time! Do you think you can create a map of diaspora for the English diaspora? I think this specific group is big enough to be deserving of one! Or if not, then British diaspora as a whole? I'd be willing to swing a few barnstars your way if you can help with this! B. M. L. Peters (talk) 20:43, 5 March 2021 (UTC)

B. M. L. Peters Sure! I just need to find enough data to create the map. Do you know if there is a statistical website that has figures for the English population around the world? The biggest problem in creating such maps is finding enough good sources. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 23:28, 5 March 2021 (UTC)
I found some sources but most of them make no difference between English and British people. This makes it difficult to create a map specifically for English people. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 01:01, 6 March 2021 (UTC)
I am having the exact same problem :( I cant find many that focus specifically on English people, most don't differentiate between English and British, would it be easier to do British as a whole? Might actually make more sense than English only as it covers many more people? What are your thoughts?! — Preceding unsigned comment added by B. M. L. Peters (talk • contribs) 01:14, 6 March 2021 (UTC)
I have already created a map of the British people as a whole, see: File:British people around the world.svg. You can maybe use it in your edits on Wikipedia. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 01:20, 6 March 2021 (UTC)
Thank you for sharing that! Do I have permission to use it for certain edits if I'd like? B. M. L. Peters (talk) 01:33, 6 March 2021 (UTC)
Sure! − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 01:36, 6 March 2021 (UTC)

A barnstar for you!

The Graphic Designer's Barnstar
For your work creating maps, which I have come across countless times on different articles! Keep up the AMAZING work! B. M. L. Peters (talk) 01:38, 6 March 2021 (UTC)

SVG maps of Portugal

Hey Allice! I recently saw your maps about the regions in Portugal [3] and I just want to say that they're awesome and very well done but I feel like they could use a little more zoom (it actually shows more total area in Spain than in Portugal). If you're looking for criticism there you have it :) Average Portuguese Joe (talk) 20:12, 10 April 2021 (UTC)

Hi @Average Portuguese Joe: ! Actually I only created those maps because only File:Lisbon metropolitan area location map.svg was made in such design model. I created the ones that were missing using the same look of the one that had already been created. I agree with you that we should use a little more zoom. I'll see that later, and I'm glad you like the maps, thank you! − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 20:24, 10 April 2021 (UTC)

MTur Destinos Flickr photos

Hi, there's a custom license template for images from the MTur Destinos Flickrstream. It looks like you're using a variety of Creative Commons licenses. Please replace them with {{Flickrstream MTur Destinos}}. Thank you! Ytoyoda (talk) 19:20, 3 June 2021 (UTC)

Map: Serbian people around the world.svg

Good day, Allice Hunter, I noticed two small mistakes which I am curious if you could help me/us out here.

  • Including Kosovo
  • Changing the color of Albania to grey

Explanation: Kosovo status is disputed, this is true. The Serbian state officially does not recognize the independence of its former southern territory. These are reasonable concerns about the edit. Tho this isn't the Serbian Wikipedia but the English one. A map without Kosovo can be freely used in the Serbian Wikipedia, but the English one should follow the way of neutrality. Also, Kosovo is included in the list of countries with a Serbian minority. So it makes sense that it should be added on the map too.

The official Albanian census in 2011 showed a number of less than 1000 Serbians in the country. On the map Albania is colored in a light blue way, claiming that there are more than 1000 Serbs in Albania. So it should be grey instead of light blue (might wanna look up: Demographics of Albania). I hope the problem is understandable and that we can agree on its fixture. Thanks in advance. Best Regards. --InNeed95 (talk) 15:54, 21 June 2021 (UTC)

@InNeed95: One of the sources used to make the map claims that there are 1,300 Serbians in Albania (see this link). The blank map used as a base does not include Kosovo because of its limited recognition and questionable independence process, so that is why it is not separated from Serbia on the map. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 17:23, 21 June 2021 (UTC)
Hi @Allice Hunter: The official census of the State of Albania claims otherwise. Official information delivered by a State Government is in my opinion more reliable than some random page online. As for Kosovo. The partial recognition surpasses the 50% mark. Either way, Kosovo is mentioned in the list of countries with a Serbian minority. It has a note explaining the status of the state too. So adding Kosovo to the map not only fits in with the list but your concern about its status is mentioned thru the Note too. Best Regards. --InNeed95 (talk) 18:03, 21 June 2021 (UTC)
@Allice Hunter: That you are ignoring my comment is quite insulting... :) Is there a certain reason why you do so? Or didn't you have time to do so? It would be great if you would have time to edit the map mentioned above tho. Best Regards. --InNeed95 (talk) 09:18, 28 June 2021 (UTC)
@InNeed95: . I'm really sorry! Please don't think I'm insulting you because I am not! I haven't replied to you yet because it is kind of annoying to explain what I will have to do to edit the map, but I will try to. The SVG maps are made of 'objects', which are clickable, so I select the objects to shade them with a colour. There isn't an object for Kosovo on that map, and creating a new object is annoying to do. An alternative way would be to recreate the map but that would take time. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 17:50, 28 June 2021 (UTC)
@Allice Hunter: No worries, I don't feel insulted. The Smiley [ :) ] was meant to tell that it was only a joke. I know that you as a map creator/editor are busy. And that editing a map like the one mentioned might be "annoying". I just saw some maps of yours containing Kosovo and thought that it might be an easy and quick job to edit the map mentioned. I didn't know it would be so hard. I still appreciate your will to help. Best Regards. --InNeed95 (talk) 19:21, 28 June 2021 (UTC)
@InNeed95: I think only one of my maps contains Kosovo (because someone asked me to add it a time ago). Well, I'm free at the moment and I'm going to edit the map right now. It is not exactly 'hard' to add a country, it's just annoying and makes me feel lazy because the tools of the application I use are not practical somehow. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 00:25, 29 June 2021 (UTC)
@InNeed95: I just uploaded a new version of the map (If it doesn't change on your device, you should clear your browser cache). I included Kosovo and changed the colour of some countries based on new sources. I preferred to let Albania in light blue. The source you provided is old (older than one decade) and the JoshuaProject always tries to display up-to-date information based on multiple sources (that's what I'm looking for). Do you have any more requests? − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 00:55, 29 June 2021 (UTC)
@Allice Hunter: Good Morning Allice. Thank you very much for your help. I really appreciate it, as well as many others that might have had the same problem with the map. The only request I might think of is the map about Albanians. But I just checked and noticed you did already fix the problem with the color of Serbia. Thank you very much for that too. Maybe adding Syria with a +1k number based on the WP-Article: but I think this is too much to ask for. So it's fine if it stays like that. :D I made the mistake in the beginning and edited the maps myself, which often resulted in a more low quality of the maps. It is because I wasn't thinking at the time about asking the creators (for example, you) if they might edit them. As I said, thank you very much for your help. And I hope that we can work together in the future too. :) All best. --InNeed95 (talk) 08:26, 29 June 2021 (UTC)
@InNeed95: You can edit the maps yourself. All you have to do is download the maps from Commons in the original version and edit them with applications capable of editing vector images (I use Illustrator, which isn't free, but you can use Inkscape which is free). Then you just need to go to the File history section of the file page that you are going to update and upload the new version. The only problem is that it may take you time to figure out how to use the application. But once you do, you will be able to make good-quality maps. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 15:38, 29 June 2021 (UTC)
@Allice Hunter: Thank you for the Tips. :D --InNeed95 (talk) 11:04, 30 June 2021 (UTC)

Request of a change and Congratulations

Hello, I am User Caah1123, I want to congratulate you on designing the various maps with the information available in Wikipedia. I also wanted to leave a Request. I am a Chilean student and I am studying Jewish Diaspora around the World due to Historic Events (WW2, Communism, Aliyah and so on) for my History Essay. In the File:Jewish people around the world.svg; I see my country Chile as having more than 100k Jews, however, this Data is inexact because according to Census there are less than 20k Jews living here in Chile. I think a User changed the original number to 150k when this is not true (Maybe for other countries like Brazil, Argentina or even Mexico this number could be accurate but not for Chile, since the Jewish Inmigration was really low compare to the other countries, and I am mentioning this because of my studies on this specific topic), I think he cited an old book which was before Pinochet-Era and before the massive immigration of the Chilean People due to the dictatorship, during this period many Jews made Aliyah and travel back to Israel. Also, the book that he cited is no longer available so I doubt its credibility. I wanted to change it back however I do not know how to do it, but since you are the creator that is why I am contacting you. The real Number of Jews in Chile is in the Wikipedia Article: Historia de Los judios en Chile. There you can see with facts that the real number is less than 20k. Please if you can, correct the number on the map for me. Once again, I really appreciate your work and cheers from this side of the planet. Caah1123 (talk) 02:04, 25 July 2021 (UTC)

@Caah1123: Thank you! I'm glad you like my maps. User @Wikiedro: was responsible for changing the map. In fact, the book cited is no longer available so we can see, but the user also cited this link as a source: [4] which seems to be from 2010. It is really difficult to have accurate and recent figures or estimates for populations from different diasporas around the world. The numbers used on the maps and on Wikipedia may have different sources or be from different years, or they may even be both incorrect/unavailable. We have to talk more so we can decide if we will revert the changes. I'd like Wikiedro to tell us what he or she thinks. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 06:12, 25 July 2021 (UTC)
@Cahh1123: : Chilean census (jews practicants, etno-religious category): 15.000 (Congreso Judío Latinoamericano). Chilean descendants of jews (etnical category): 150.000, by Gabriel Zaliasnik, president of Jew Community in Chile; or 175.000 (25.000 practicants + 150.000 descendants), by Harvey-Parada, Hugo (2011): Las relaciones entre Chile e Israel, 1973-1990. La conexión oculta. RIL Editores & USACH, 317 pages: pp. 193. ISBN 978-956-284-812-1. Wikiedro (talk) 13:49, 25 July 2021 (UTC)


Hello. İ found out your maps. They are so useful. İ realized there is no a one for Georgian diaspora. May you do a map about this ?

Have a nice day. Meambokhe (talk) 17:31, 5 August 2021 (UTC)

@Meambokhe: Hi! I'm glad you like my maps. I think I have already tried to make a map of the Georgian diaspora but I wasn't able to find enough data to make a map. It seems few countries have data that show a substantial amount of Georgians and their decendants, but I will try to find more information. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 11:23, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
Unfortunately there is no so much information about Georgian diaspora around world just for a few countries it's clear. But you have done a great work. Thanks so much again. Didi madloba. Have a good days. Meambokhe (talk) 12:23, 11 August 2021 (UTC)

Coloring mistake in your 2021 GDP (PPP) per capita SVG map

Oi Allice,

I just saw this SVG map of yours (Map of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita in 2021.svg) featured on this page ().

On the map, my country Bangladesh in South Asia is colored light yellow, which represents a GDP (PPP) per capita of $10,000-$20,000. But I checked the numbers in the IMF April 2021 source (Report for selected countries - Bangladesh) as well as the country's wiki page (en:Bangladesh), and the GDP (PPP) per capita is only ~$5,812. Thus Bangladesh should be colored dark yellow ($5,000-$10,000 category), alongside India and Pakistan.

That should be the case, right? If so, I'd appreciate it if you fixed it, or I can try doing it as well...

Obrigada, Abraar — Preceding unsigned comment added by Abraararique (talk • contribs) 01:33, 13 September 2021 (UTC)

Abraararique You are absolutely right! Thanks for correcting the map. I probably selected Bangladesh by accident when I was shading some countries in that category. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 02:58, 13 September 2021 (UTC)

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Hi Allice Hunter, you're now a filemover. When moving files please respect the following advice:

  • Use the CommonsDelinker link in the {{Rename}} template to order a bot to replace all ocurrences of the old title with the new one. Or, if there was no rename-request, please use the Move & Replace-tab.
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  • Please know and follow the file rename guidelines.
rubin16 (talk) 06:53, 29 October 2021 (UTC)

Rename done

Hello Alice, all diasporal map files have been renamed upon your requests. I may have made mistakes somewhere, so please check them again. Unnamed UserName me 10:07, 29 October 2021 (UTC)

Thank you! It seems everything is ok. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 15:21, 29 October 2021 (UTC)

Arab Map

Regarding the map of the Arab world, you have included Afghanistan and India when neither of these countries have an Arab population. Can you please revise it and change it? Thanks. Akmal94 (talk) 05:24, 30 October 2021 (UTC)

@Akmal94: the map also includes ancestry and people who got any Arab citizenship even though they weren't born in Arab countries. Some sources claim that there are people of Arab ancestry in those countries and that's why they're included. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 16:00, 30 October 2021 (UTC)
Sorry but i disagree, Arab means anyone who speak Arabic as their mother tongue regardless of background according to the Arab peoples article itself. If by "Arab ancestry" you those people carrying Qureshi, Sayed and Sadat as last names then those claims are also common in Pakistan (which you have not highlighted) and throughout some South Asian Muslim communities. However, they are just unverified claims and nothing more. Also, those communities in those countries who carry those surnames never identify as Arab but with the nationality of the country they hold. Either way i think Afghanistan and India should be removed because these countries don't hold actual Arab communities, and when people look at your map, they think of actual Arabs who speak Arabic as their first language. So please, i advise you revise your map. Akmal94 (talk) 21:26, 31 October 2021 (UTC)
Akmal94 sorry but what are you saying? Arabs are considered an ethnic group and they might have any background. By Arab ancestry I mean any person who is descendant from peoples from the Arab World. Speaking Arabic doesn't make anyone belong to such ethnic group. I think you're mixing up language, ethnicity and nationality. Those terms are not exactly connected. I can be an Arab person (if my family, parents or grandparents are from countries in the Arab world) and have French nationality while I speak German and live in Ireland. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 21:43, 31 October 2021 (UTC)
Arabs are not an ethnic group but a socio-ethnic group according to the article itself, however the modern definition is anyone who speaks Arabic as a first language, is an Arab and nobody speaks Arabic in Afghanistan or India. And as you said, anyone who is descendant from the Arab world, but Afghanistan and India are not in the Arab world therefore the fact that you highlighted them makes no sense. But as i said these descent claims from these parts of the world are wonky and taken with a grain of salt. And people from the Arab world do not consider people from outside of the Middle East, who claim to be Arab, as actual Arabs. Akmal94 (talk) 21:53, 31 October 2021 (UTC)
Considering Arabs as a socio-ethnic group is not a universal definition, it's just a modern tendency, which also considers people who identify as such. I'd have to remake the map and the result would be drastically different so it could fit in the definition you propose. An example, most of the Arabs in South America don't really speak Arabic and aren't even citizens of any Arab country, even though they're considered Arabs in the sources. According to what you told me, they would not be considered real Arabs, just like the Arabs in India and Afghanistan. By the way, what do you have to say about this article: en:Afghan Arabs? − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 22:08, 31 October 2021 (UTC)
We should act on modern definitions, also there is no universal definition of who constitutes as an Arab, not even among Arabs themselves because they are split on the opinion. You have Lebanese and Syrians who claim to be Arab only on the sole basis that they speak Arabic as a first language. Also, regarding the "Afghan Arabs" article (which i have a problem with) no where did they actually clam those Arabs to be Afghan but rather fighters that came to Afghanistan during the Soviet war in low numbers. But they did not receive Afghan citizenship which doesn't technically make them Afghans, also the article even states that half of them were not even Arab but Turkic, Malay and Chechen fighters that were branded as "Afghan Arabs." You wouldn't really be changing anything expect dehighlighting Afghanistan & India from the map. Akmal94 (talk) 22:39, 31 October 2021 (UTC)
I will change the map, not because I agree with you (it seems that the definitions are not that clear for us to take any radical attitudes) but because the sources about Arabs in Afghanistan and India are weak and not clear enough. According to the definition of Arabs you told me, million Arabs would not be considered actual Arabs in Latin America and in the Western Countries for several reasons. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 22:51, 31 October 2021 (UTC)

Ok thank you. Akmal94 (talk) 22:55, 7 November 2021 (UTC)

Renaming maps from "Map of the X Diaspora in the World" to "Map of the X people in the World"

Hi, thanks for your contribution to the "Map of the Turkish Diaspora in the World.svg". However, it would be best for it to be returned to the original title. This is because you have Turkey shaded... Turks living in Turkey are not a diaspora - it is their homeland.

The same can be said for the Turkish people in other Ottoman lands (i.e. the Balkans, Cyprus, the Levant and North Africa), where they are not a diaspora but a centuries-old community. The modern diaspora is mostly in Western Europe, Americas, Australia, and Central Asia.

I would make this same argument for other maps you have created. For example, it is illogical to have a map named "Map of the X diaspora in the World" and then have their homeland shaded too, when this is not a diaspora community. For example, Arabs are not a diaspora in Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia etc. because it is their homeland. The Dutch or Mexicans are not a diaspora in the Netherlands or Mexico respectively.

Therefore, it would be more appropriate for these maps to be called "Map of the X people in the World". Sseevv (talk) 21:16, 31 October 2021 (UTC)

Sseevv Turkey is not shaded because its population is considered a diaspora, it's shaded in black because it is the native country of the Turkish people (all native countries in my maps are shaded in black because of the same reason, especially because some peoples have more people outside their countries than inside it, like the Lebanese). If the map was considering the Turks inside Turkey as a diaspora population, so it would be shaded in dark red, sinalizig that there are over 1.000.000 Turks living there. The map includes people with Turkish ancestry too so it will also include people who are descendant from old diasporas and also people who are not Turkish but have Turkish citizenship. In my understanding, there are no problems to get the meaning of the colour black on the maps, even because my maps are posted on various social networks and nobody questions it. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 21:31, 31 October 2021 (UTC)

File:Map of the Afghan Diaspora in the World.svg

Hello. Please update the File:Map of the Afghan Diaspora in the World.svg map with the addition of Kazakhstan, as per newly added sources on the Wikipedia article of Afghan diaspora. (I tried to do it myself but the Commons uploading doesn't seem to work right now for me)

And since we're on the topic, don't you think it'd be better to change the map projection to a better one like Mollweide or Kavrayskiy? --Weaveravel (talk) 14:13, 12 November 2021 (UTC)

@Weaveravel: Hello! As per File talk:BlankMap-World.svg/Documentation#Notice I'm only supposed to use cylindrical projections (especially either equirectangular projection or Miller cylindrical projection), but Mollweide and Kavrayskiy are pseudocylindrical projections. I'll add Kazakhstan to the map soon. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 14:33, 12 November 2021 (UTC)

Map request

Hi Allice, I've come across some of your diaspora maps and they are really great and informative! I was wondering if you could perhaps do one for Bengalis. I really admire the style of your maps and look forward to a response. Thanks in advance. SalamAlayka (talk) 11:30, 25 November 2021 (UTC)

@SalamAlayka: Sure! Actually, people from Bangladesh are on my priority list. I will make the map soon (probably today). Don't you think it's maybe better to make a map for all Bangladeshis? − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 12:38, 25 November 2021 (UTC)
Wow, I thought these maps would take a lot of time to make. It's up to you which one you want to make, but I was thinking of using a map for the Bengalis article in particular. It's most likely the case that Bangladeshis are easier to get data on. SalamAlayka (talk) 12:48, 25 November 2021 (UTC)
@SalamAlayka: Creating a map like this can take up to an hour (sometimes less). The process basically consists of taking a blank map and colouring it according to the data. However, it is necessary to do this correctly and upload the map with its information and sources. I use some websites as sources and they generally include the citizens of the country, not just specific ethnic groups. It's harder to find some isolated information for specific groups. Since 98% of Bangladeshis are Bengali, I think you can use the map on the Bengali pages without any problem. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 12:57, 25 November 2021 (UTC)
@SalamAlayka: the map is now available: File:Map of the Bangladeshi Diaspora in the World.svg. Finding sources was easier than I thought for Bangladeshi people. Take care! − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 13:40, 25 November 2021 (UTC)
You are right in the sense that the Bangladeshi diaspora map would also be a good estimate for the Bengali diaspora map. But, there are approximately 2,000,000 ethnic Bengalis in Pakistan (see infobox in Bengalis wikipedia page). Could you perhaps make another version of File:Map of the Bangladeshi Diaspora in the World.svg titled File:Map of the Bengali Diaspora in the World.svg in which Pakistan is also included? SalamAlayka (talk) 15:18, 28 November 2021 (UTC)
@SalamAlayka: Maybe I could add them to the map currently available? − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 12:46, 29 November 2021 (UTC)
A separate version would be preferred under the new title. The Bengalis of Pakistan are not Bangladeshi per se. SalamAlayka (talk) 21:12, 3 December 2021 (UTC)
Hi Alice, sorry to bother you again but could you please consider representing the 2 million Bengalis of Pakistan on your map? We would really appreciate it. SalamAlayka (talk) 16:36, 4 January 2022 (UTC)
@SalamAlayka: . Sorry for taking so long to reply you. I've been very busy. When I have enough time, I will fix the map. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 17:32, 5 January 2022 (UTC)
Hi SalamAlayka! The map has just been updated, if you can't see the changes you may need to clear your browser cache. By the way, is there any governmental body in your country which provides information about Bangladeshi people living in other countries? Official sources from the country are generally the best official source I can use, but unfortunately I cannot search for this information as it is not available in any alphabet I can understand or even read. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 02:51, 9 January 2022 (UTC)
Thank you once again Allice. I haven't heard of it before, but can come back to you if I find anything! SalamAlayka (talk) 12:38, 9 January 2022 (UTC)

A barnstar for you!

Bangladesh Barnstar
For your swift response and delivery of a Bangladeshi diaspora map; a map that will most likely go on to be used across the internet for many years to come. SalamAlayka (talk) 17:32, 25 November 2021 (UTC)
I attempted to add this to the barnstar collection in your user page, but Wikimedia does not let me do so. SalamAlayka (talk) 17:32, 25 November 2021 (UTC)
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-M.nelson (talk) 21:12, 6 December 2021 (UTC)

File:Map of the Russian Diaspora in the World.svg

Hello. Can you please fix the data for Tajikistan which is incorrect? As per the source on the Wikipedia article for Russians, the number in Tajikistan is 35,000, whereas the current color on the map denotes 100,000+. --Weaveravel (talk) 17:23, 7 December 2021 (UTC)

Weaveravel That's because I use other sources too. According to Pew Research, there are about 240.000 Russians in Tajikistan. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 18:04, 7 December 2021 (UTC)
OK. Is it reliable? I feel that the number could be overblown. The 35,000 ref seems to be from a 2010 Census which should be more accurate and official. --Weaveravel (talk) 10:56, 8 December 2021 (UTC)
Weaveravel It is reliable. Yeah, the number seems quite overblown but the data is from 2017. You can check it here: Pew Research. Select Russia then select outgoing. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 14:00, 8 December 2021 (UTC)
I've checked it, seems very dubious especially seeing that the number has stayed pretty much same since the numbers for 1990 (Soviet era), despite the Wikipedia article Russians in Tajikistan saying that their % share declined much afterwards and the numbers have declined (also supported by this source for instance TandFonline saying "the once sizable Russian population largely has abandoned the country"). I these stuff make that Pew data from 2017 flat out incorrect, so if it was up to me I'd definitely change Tajikistan on the map. --WR 14:08, 8 December 2021 (UTC)
@Weaveravel: Are you sure the numbers stayed the same? There were over 350.000 Russians there in 1990 and now the number is around 240.000. The data used by Pew Research is based on international migrant data published by the UN. The numbers really make me think they consider ancestry too, which would explain the high numbers. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 14:22, 8 December 2021 (UTC)
Sorry I didn't mean exactly stayed the same as it was hyperbolic. Rather the point was that it hasn't changed by much, only by a small number that doesn't go in line with references saying how the community has almost entirely dwindled. Yes maybe it could be ancestry and that could explain the higher number. Though I think some more research needs to be done into this to determine what's valid. Perhaps it'd be a good idea if you bring this issue to the Village Pump or something. --WR 18:15, 8 December 2021 (UTC)

File:Map of the Romanian Diaspora in the World.svg

Hello, can you please edit the Romanian Diaspora map with the proper numbers and color for Spain?

Spain has to be +1M (1.07 million) as well. Look at my recent edits and the reasons I gave based on the official Spanish Statistics Agency (INE) for 2021 including all Romanians, therefore meaning including also second and third generation Romanians, or Romanians born in Spain, or Romanians with Spanish citizenship and so on, the data takes into account all people that are related to Romania. Here I leave you the official source.

Romanians in Spain: 1,079,726 (2021): source

Thank you. -- 05:24, 13 February 2022 (UTC)

@ thank you for leaving me that source. Most of my maps still need to be remade using proper sources and what I consider to be a proper projection. I'll consider the Map of the Romanian diaspora the next one on my list to be fixed and remade. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 05:54, 13 February 2022 (UTC)

World Map

Hi Alicia Why are you resetting cards? I tried so hard with the Italian diaspora! — Preceding unsigned comment added by Linus Hagenbach (talk • contribs) 19:28, 13 February 2022 (UTC)

Regiões Imediatas e Intermediarias do Paraná

Prezada Allice,

atualmente estou escrevendo os artigos da Wikipedia (alemã) para os municípios do Paraná, por exemplo Parana Municip Castro.svg. Estou usando os mapas antigos que ainda mostram as mesorregiões e microrregiões, que o IBGE substituiu desde 2018 pelas Regiões Geográficas Imediatas e Regiões Geográficas Intermediárias.
Posso pedir-lhe que crie mapas atualizados, semelhante a este Região Intermediária de Maringá, Paraná.svg?
Ou para me apoiar na criação deles eu mesmo?
Eu poderia fazer isso cada vez que escrevo um artigo para um município.

Com os melhores cumprimentos--Wolfdietmann (talk) 15:52, 17 February 2022 (UTC)

Olá. Na Wikipédia em português temos dado preferência para o uso de mapas que não mostram mais essas regiões. Você pode usar File:Brazil Parana location map.svg como base. Para isso você precisará apenas colorir o município correto. Criar um mapa como aquele e mudando para as novas regiões demandaria bastante trabalho pra editar o arquivo vetorial. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 16:24, 17 February 2022 (UTC)
@Westindiaman já desenhou tais mapas com as fronteiras das regiões. Perguntei-lhe se e como poderia utilizá-los para a localização dos municípios. Wolfdietmann (talk) 11:13, 19 February 2022 (UTC)
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About the map of the German diaspora

Hi Allice

Many thanks for the map of the German diaspora. I have read your FAQ and answers.

I think that you have produced the map based on German citizens living in a country rather than those with German ancestry.

South Africa is showing as light pink indicating 10,000 - 100,000. At South Africa is reported to have about 1.2 million people with German ancestry but only 17,000 German citizens.

Australia (where I am from) has 898,700 with German ancestry and reportedly 125,000 German citizens living here (a surprisingly large number).

I wonder if it would be possible to produce a companion map of those with German ancestry by country?

Regards --Matilda (talk) 22:11, 5 April 2022 (UTC)

@Matilda: Hello! The map considers ancestry too. However I only add a colour if I find enough sources, and some consider only the number of citizens. I used sources from Wikipedia and one from Pew Research Center. I can correct the map when I have a free time. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 22:32, 5 April 2022 (UTC)
Many thanks - I think German ancestry in South Africa is more significant than implied by the number of German citizens living there Matilda (talk) 23:02, 5 April 2022 (UTC)

Hi Allice, Could you update Colombia on the map? A source of 3% of the population was found, approximately 1.5 million people. Thank you — Preceding unsigned comment added by Jhoan Batipse (talk • contribs) 00:44, 19 May 2023 (UTC)

Map of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita

Hi Allice. I've just prepared an updated versions of the file from this thread's title for 2022 IMF data. I had to edit colour scheme a little, because there were only two countries left for the lowest value of this indicator (so I changed the range from <$1,000 to <$1,500) Most propbably (acc. to your descrpitions) I need to upload it as a new file what I am going to do by tomorrow evening. Please let me know when I do something wrong mainly in terms of description, sources etc. I am definitelly not a pro when it comes to wikipedia maps so I,am looking forward for your small suport. Thank you in advance. NeonFor (talk) 00:44, 21 April 2022 (UTC)

@NeonFor: Hello! I'll help you in case you need. Don't hesitate to ask for support. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 02:15, 21 April 2022 (UTC)

A barnstar for you!

The Original Barnstar
Hi Allice,

Great job ! Nevertheless I notice a little mistake (or maybe it isn't) on your Anglosphere Map : you colored in blue Martinique which is a french contry where mostly french is spoken. Bye! Green Red Black (talk) 10:19, 26 April 2022 (UTC)

@Green Red Black: Hi! Thanks for the barnstar! Could you please tell me the title of the map you talk about? I'm not sure but I think I only uploaded a new map based on another without editing it. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 12:58, 26 April 2022 (UTC)

Irish Diaspora

Hi Alice! Nice to greet you. I saw that you have a lot of control in the Irish Diaspora page, in fact you are the one that annexes the countries on the map with large groups and that is why I am writing to you. Information was recently found on Irish immigration in Colombia (made by the Irish embassy itself) so I would like to ask you to add that country to the map. I would be very grateful to you for expanding and enriching the information for Wikipedia users. Thank you in advance.

@2800:484:9f8c:19f8:51af:ac56:19ce:28fc: Hello! Could you please send a link so I can use on the map description? Thanks. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 12:47, 16 May 2022 (UTC)

African Diaspora for Museum

Hi Allice! Thank you for your work! I work with the Brooks Museum of art and we are interested in including your map of the African diaspora in a gallery guide for our exhibition called Art of the African Diaspora. I just wanted to make sure that's ok. Additionally, I just wanted to confirm that all the data is from reliable sources. They look good to me. Lastly, are the grey countries in this map countries that have less than 10,000 in diaspora population, or unavailable information? Thank you! — Preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 15:40, 2 June 2022 (UTC)

@ . Hello! For me it's OK. Unfortunately there is a huge number of sources on the page African diaspora and I was not able to check all of them to confirm if they are reliable. The countries in grey are the ones with less than 10,000 in population and also the ones I couldn't find information for. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 17:30, 2 June 2022 (UTC)

The UAE is a developed country

They are home to the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa, formerly called Burj Dubai. 2605:8D80:422:973F:294D:D865:A52D:1ADE 16:36, 11 June 2022 (UTC)

Dear IP @2605:8D80:422:973F:294D:D865:A52D:1ADE: Tall buildings are not a reason for a country to be classified as developed. A lot of developing countries have amazing tall buildings while most of countries in Europe do not have any tall buildings but are way more developed than them. It is not me who decides something but the UN, the IMF or the World Bank. The criteria is clearly related to quality of life, income, education and other relevant things for a society welfare. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 16:51, 11 June 2022 (UTC)

Global Peace Index 2022

The 2022 report was published yesterday - you may wish to update your map! ( Camberstowe (talk) 08:10, 16 June 2022 (UTC)

@Camberstowe: Thank you for telling me. I'll create a new map and keep that one so we will have a historic of maps to compare. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 18:28, 16 June 2022 (UTC)


About your map on Arabs around the world, there are currently 724,856 Arabs in China. 13:17, 10 July 2022 (UTC)

File:Map of the Afghan Diaspora in the World.svg

Greetings. I am requesting an update to this file, as per these sources:

Therefore I am requesting the colors for China and Ireland to be filled to the 1000+ value. Thanks. WR 11:15, 15 July 2022 (UTC)

@Allice Hunter: --WR 11:36, 30 August 2022 (UTC)
@Weaveravel: I'm sorry! I probably read your message and was going to update the map but I probably forgot. I'll update the map soon. If I forget it again, please remind me. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 12:27, 30 August 2022 (UTC)
@Weaveravel: Done! − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 22:09, 31 August 2022 (UTC)
@Allice Hunter: Many thanks. Also, what source has been used to determine the number of Afghans in Syria? I have not been able to find anything like that. --WR 14:41, 7 September 2022 (UTC)
@Weaveravel: The source is Pew Research Center. You select Afghanistan and then click on the Outgoing button. Syria will be on the list between 1.000 to 10.000. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 15:49, 7 September 2022 (UTC)

According to Wikipedia, Kuwait is a developed country. 2604:3D08:6286:7500:3997:F9E5:8A51:90C0 01:09, 24 August 2022 (UTC)

It is not on the IMF or UN list, so it is definitely not. The information is wrong on Wikipedia and must be corrected. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 16:00, 24 August 2022 (UTC)

File:Map of the Arab Diaspora in the World.svg

Greetings. I get that Somalia is part of the Arab world but its Arab population is too small for it to be shaded in black, unlike other Arab countries, which makes it misleading. The CIA world factbook said it has a population of 30,000 Arabs and Britannica said the same, and many other sources did too, so it should get upshaded to grey. 11:21, 25 September 2022 (UTC)

File talk:IMF advanced UN least developed.svg

China, Poland, Bahrein, Qatar and United Arab States should be blue and not yellow. -- 22:15, 18 November 2022 (UTC)

Why should they? They're not considered advanced economies by the UN or the IMF. They don't fulfill all requirements to be considered developed nations. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 22:51, 18 November 2022 (UTC)

File:Map of the Turkish Diaspora in the World.svg

Hello. According to the source you linked, there are less than a thousand Turks living in French Guiana. The other two sources you mention (the Wikipedia pages Turkish diaspora and Turkish people) make no mention of French Guiana either. Thus, I believe French Guiana's color on this map should be grey, and not dark red. Apologies if I am overlooking anything. Kolekant (talk) 21:52, 10 March 2023 (UTC)

@Kolekant French Guiana is officially a part of France, just like Alaska is a part of the U.S. So it will take the same colour as France. − Allice Hunter (Inbox) 18:38, 11 March 2023 (UTC)
Ah, I totally overlooked that--that makes sense. Thank you for the response! Kolekant (talk) 19:38, 12 March 2023 (UTC)

A kitten for you!

thankyou for your maps I love them. I was wondering how I could learn what you do to try to make a map with sub-national entities for things you've done like HDI

Manasdesai1 (talk) 00:16, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

@Manasdesai1 Hello! I'm glad you like my maps! It's actually pretty simple to make maps like those. All you need is an SVG base map of the country you want, and an application able to edit vector images so you can shade the regions. For me, the hardest part is to find a good base map on Commons. I use Inkscape to edit and shade the maps, it's free and open-source, but figuring out how to use it might cost you some time. − Allice Hunter (Hello!) 17:27, 1 April 2023 (UTC)

File:IMF advanced economies and UN least developed countries.svg

Hi Allice,

Could you please update the map and turn Croatia blue? Since April 2023 Croatia is considered as an advanced economy by the IMF and therefore fullfills all requirements to be considered a developed nation.

Thank you. Vuk47 (talk) 19:44, 18 April 2023 (UTC)

Vuk47 Hello! Sure I'll update the map soon. − Allice Hunter (Hello!) 21:40, 18 April 2023 (UTC)

Correction needed on the map you created

Dear Allice Hunter,

I came across the map you created on IMF advanced economies and UN least developed countries, and I noticed that there is a mistake regarding Bangladesh's categorization. Bangladesh is classified as a developing country by both the IMF and the UN, but on your map, it is marked as a least developed nation.

As a Bangladeshi citizen, I believe it is important to have accurate information regarding the country's development status. I kindly request that you make the necessary correction on your map to reflect the correct classification of Bangladesh as a developing country.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely, Eminem7854 Eminem7854 (talk) 09:19, 29 April 2023 (UTC)

@Eminem7854: , the category "Least developed" is just a sub-category of the developing countries, and Bangladesh is included. I understand you won't like to see your country in this but unfortunately, it is accurate. You can check the sources of the map and also these ones: List 1, List 2Allice Hunter (Hello!) 05:33, 30 April 2023 (UTC)
Thank you for providing me with those sources. After reviewing them, I understand that Bangladesh is indeed categorized as a least developed nation by the United Nations. I appreciate you bringing this to my attention and I apologize for any confusion I may have caused.
However, I still firmly believe that Bangladesh is a country with immense potential for growth and development, and that the progress it has made in recent years should not be overlooked. I hope that with continued efforts and investment in areas such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure, Bangladesh can move towards becoming a more developed nation. Eminem7854 (talk) 03:49, 1 May 2023 (UTC)
Eminem7854 There's no need to apologise. Personally, I don't quite agree a lot with the rankings of those organizations. After all, which country is not developing? Even the most developed ones are still developing. Several of the statistics that make up these indexes that help to classify countries are superficial or too general. I, for example, am from one of the least developed countries among the countries considered developed, but I believe that we have many good things in Portugal that are not taken into account by these organizations, and that are better than in several other nations (I proved it from my own experience). What I mean is that those figures do not dictate a reality, they just help us to have an imaginary scale. − Allice Hunter (Hello!) 05:46, 1 May 2023 (UTC)
Yes, you are right. It's true that these rankings and indexes can be superficial and not always reflective of the true state of a country. I agree that every country, no matter where they fall on the scale, has their own unique strengths and areas of development. Instead of highlighting the unique strengths of countries with lower rankings, these rankings tend to underestimate them, which can result in missed opportunities for discovering the potential and value of those countries. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I believe that discussing these topics and sharing different viewpoints can lead to greater understanding and appreciation of each other's countries. Eminem7854 (talk) 10:09, 1 May 2023 (UTC)

South African diaspora update

Hey Alice, would it be possible for you to update the map with South African diaspora? I've edited the article recently with a the latest numbers from the United Nations and there's quite a lot of different results compared to the old numbers. If you need more information feel free to ask. Thank you! 09:04, 1 June 2023 (UTC)

UNCTAD's developing and developed regions

Hello, Allice. Could I ask you a favour for creating a map based on the UNCTAD's definition on developing and developed regions?[1][2] 08:36, 21 June 2023 (UTC)

Sure. − Allice Hunter (Hello!) 12:36, 21 June 2023 (UTC)
File:Downtown Mississauga 2016 (cropped).jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.

Please remember to respond to and – if appropriate – contradict the arguments supporting deletion. Arguments which focus on the nominator will not affect the result of the nomination. Thank you!

Words in the Wind (talk) 18:14, 4 July 2023 (UTC)

File:Downtown Mississauga 2016.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.

Please remember to respond to and – if appropriate – contradict the arguments supporting deletion. Arguments which focus on the nominator will not affect the result of the nomination. Thank you!

Words in the Wind (talk) 18:15, 4 July 2023 (UTC)

Finn Diaspora Map

The Finn diaspora map highlights Libya as a place with a Finn population. This is just sloppy nonsense. 2600:1702:1560:2530:3CCB:924A:B15B:50EB 02:25, 16 July 2023 (UTC)

Portuguese diaspora

Reparei que no dia 3 de julho reverteu o mapa sobre a diáspora portuguesa para uma versão anterior eliminando as minhas edições. Posso perguntar porque é que o fez, sendo que o mapa que atualizei se baseava nos dados (mais recentes) que pode encontrar na página da diáspora portuguesa? 10:00, 21 July 2023 (UTC)

Um editor chamado Linus Hagenbach editou o mapa e adicionou novos países sem citar fontes. Presumo que sua edição tenha sido posterior àquela e que, por isso, acabou por ser revertida também. Decidi reverter para a minha edição anterior mais confiável, o que afetou todas as edições posteriores a ela. − Allice Hunter (Hello!) 12:16, 21 July 2023 (UTC)

Brazilian Relief Maps

Hello and thank you for the amazing maps! recently ive been researching and making powerpoints of the states of Brazil, and the relief maps have been a wonderful addition, but i cant find any for some states. i wanted to ask if there are any others that exist that havent been posted, and if not, where/how do you make your relief maps? JuuJJ (talk) 01:56, 7 August 2023 (UTC)

@JuuJJ: Hello. I haven't uploaded more relief maps because creating them in high quality is exhausting. I use the website Maps for free to download the maps. However, the standard resolution is not that good, so I zoom in on the region and download multiple maps to assemble them into a new high-resolution map. Additionally, I'm not fond of the colours they use, so I also use editing software to adjust the image, making some parts darker and leaving other parts of the map highlighted. − Allice Hunter (Hello!) 14:25, 7 August 2023 (UTC)
I see what you mean when you say it is exhausting, i spent the better part of an hour today tracing the border onto a relief snapshot. regardless, thank you for the maps you upload! JuuJJ (talk) 04:16, 8 August 2023 (UTC)

Remove Indonesia from the Map of the Japanese Diaspora in the World

There are not that many Japanese people in Indonesia and thus Indonesia should be colored grey on the Japanese Diaspora map. 11:05, 19 August 2023 (UTC)

According to you, that is, no credibility. − Allice Hunter (Hello!) 16:57, 20 August 2023 (UTC)
Based on recent research there are are only around 180 Japanese people in Indonesia 12:02, 24 August 2023 (UTC)
So please send me the source. Thanks. Anyway, I think it's very unlikely that you're really right, as there are even articles, books and historical mentions about Japanese immigration to Indonesia. Indonesia was also occupied by Japan in the 20th century. Note that my maps usually consider ancestry as well, not just citizenship (the latter is probably the same amount you mentioned). − Allice Hunter (Hello!) 02:03, 25 August 2023 (UTC)
Have you checked on those years when the articles and books were published? Also, there was this Bersiap campaign that killed many Japanese people in Indonesia (which might explain it's downfall) 12:59, 28 August 2023 (UTC)

Hi Alice

I am Linus We work together with color mapping and wanted to tell you that I update some maps by changing statistics

VG Linus 18:11, 13 September 2023 (UTC)

Add Indonesia to the Portuguese diaspora map

Indonesia was once under Portuguese rule and today there are about 1,700 Portuguese people in Indonesia. NogeetaSangiwari (talk) 09:05, 18 October 2023 (UTC)