
From Drawn to Life Wiki
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Area Forest Gate
Number 3
(8 overall)
Level Type Standard
Template Clock
Saved NavyJ's party
  • Music
  • Ability Token
  • Pattern
Coins None
Game Drawn to Life Link
Last Level
Moon Grove
Next Level
Star Forest

Enter the Forest Gate and secure the Village Clock page!

–In-Game Task Prompt

Gearworks is the third level in the Forest Gate in Drawn to Life. This level utilizes a standard layout, moving left to right through four level "sections". There are many cliffs and drops in this level which makes navigation more difficult without the use of Wings.

The second section within this level is tainted with Shadow, with some extra Shadow Goo sprawled around. The Hero can clear the Shadow Goo for an end-level bonus.

The Clock Template is retrieved here, along with NavyJ and his groupies.

BakiIcon.png Enemies[edit]

CreationIcon.png Creations[edit]


3 Way Switch


This list only includes creations that are first drawn, or can be redrawn, within this level.

JoweeThumbSmall.png Rescued Raposa[edit]

Is NavyJ alright!?

Navy j.gif
A festival? Sounds great... I've been working on a new song!

NavyJ is the greatest performer ever!

NoteIcon.png After Dialogue[edit]

*Hero, NavyJ and his groupies walk out of the Forest Gate.*

Tubba: Hey... you're NavyJ!
NavyJ: Yeah... Hero said there is a festival about to happen... can't be a festival without some music... and I'm the best there is! Thanks again for hooking me up with this gig!

*NavyJ and his groupies walk away.*

Tubba: NavyJ rocks... he's my favorite singer! How was Gearworks?

Tubba: A basket? Wow... and I though you were cool... did the basket have any Banya in it?

Tubba: Switches? That's really boring. Now Banya... that's exciting... so many dishes... and possibilities...

Tubba: NavyJ probably went to see the Mayor... I guess I'll see you around.
Prompt: Visit the Mayor!


  • This level may be based on a place in Neverland from J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan.
  • Regardless of the choice of reply to Tubba after clearing the level, he will always be bored by the answer, instead thinking of Banya.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]