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Icelandic/Lesson 2

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Kafli 2: Talarðu ensku?

Lesson 2: Do you speak English?

In this lesson you will learn:

  • to read self introductions
  • how to say what your name is
  • what languages you can speak
  • how to say where you come from
  • about the present continuous tense
  • the verbs að búa, að koma, að tala, and að heita
  • about Icelandic surnames

Kynning (Self Introduction)

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Read the following self introductions from two Icelanders who are telling about themselves, what languages they speak, where their family comes from and what their names are. There will of course be some new words in these introductions that you will not be familiar with. Try to use your prior English knowledge to figure out some of the meanings. Write down words that you definitely cannot figure out or understand, and read the vocabulary box below. Once you have read over the vocabulary, try to read again the introductions for a better understanding and comprehension.

heiti, heitir - my name is, his/her name is (from að heita)
frá - from
Íslandi - Iceland (dative form of Ísland)
tala, talar - I speak, he/she speaks (from að tala)
íslensku - Icelandic (accusative form of íslenska)
dönsku - Danish (accusative form of danska)
ensku - English (accusative form of enska)
litla - a little (accusative feminine form of lítill)
þýsku - German (accusative form of þýska)
Mamma mín - my mum
líka - also, too
Pabbi minn - my dad
kemur - comes (from að koma)
Írlandi - Ireland (dative form of Írland)
írsku - Irish Gaelic (accusative form of írska)
að læra - learning, to learn
menntaskóla - Icelandic High School (accusative form of menntaskóli)
spænsku - Spanish (accusative form of spænska)
Jæja, gaman að hitta ykkur - Well, nice to meet you all
sem móðurmál - as a mother tongue
norsku - Norwegian (accusative form of norska)
frönsku - French (accusative form of franska)
ítölsku - Italian (accusative form of ítalska)
maður minn - my husband (literally: my man, eiginmaður means husband also)
Noregi - Norway (dative form of Noregur)
Hann talar ekki ensku - He doesn't speak English
búum - we live (from að búa, to live)
saman - together
í Reykjavík - in Reykjavík (the capital of Iceland)


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We see some conjugations of verbs in present simple that are uses in basic introductions.

að tala to speak
ég tala i speak
Þú talar you speak
hann/hún talar he/she speaks
við tölum we speak
þið talið you speak
Þeir/Þær/Þau tala they speak
að búa to live
ég bý i live
þú býrð you live
hann/hún býr he/she lives
við búum we live
þið búið you live
þeir/þær/Þau búa they live
að koma to come
ég kem i come
þú kemur you come
hann/hún kemur he/she comes
við komum we come
þið komið you come
þeir/þær/Þau koma they come
að heita to call
ég heiti i call
þú heitir you call
hann/hún heitir he/she calls
við heitum we call
þið heitið you call
þeir/þær/Þau heita they call

The conjugation of the progresive presente is with the auxiliar to be followed of the verb.


  • Hún er að koma : she is coming
  • Við erum að búa : we are living.