Mega Man Battle Network/Printable version

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Mega Man Battle Network

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This module contains our walkthroughs of each game in the Battle Network series.

Combat Basics

Combat in MegaMan Battle Network is done through the use of a 6-by-3 grid, with each square in the grid being called a panel. Each panel has either a red or blue border, denoting which player can use it. There is never at any time a panel that can be used by both sides at the same time. Against the computer, the player will always be on red-bordered panels.

The objective is to reduce the hit points of the opposing side to zero. Against the computer, the player may face up to three viruses, or a boss navi with several obstacles.

Panel Types

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There are many different types of panels in Battle Network. They are:

  • Cracked Panels - these panels become broken when someone steps off the panel. Having the correct Type or program, you can go over it.
  • Broken Panels - these are impassible panels. The panel will regenerate to a normal panel over time. Having the correct Soul or program, you can go over it.
  • Holes - another impassible panel, but they don't look broken. Instead they are missing. They are there at the beginning of the battle and cannot be changed EVER. Some Giga-chips need these to work. Not many Chips make Holes.
  • Grass Panels - These panels have grass on them. Plantman and the Wood Type from MMBN 3 will gain health. They are destroyed when cracked, destroyed, or burnt, or a terrian changing chip is used.
  • Ice Panels These annoying panels make you slip. They look shiny blue. When you step on one, you move across it until you hit a wall, or a dry spot. They are destroyed when fire is applied to it, cracked, destroyed, or you use a terrian changing chip is used. Having the correct Type or program, you can go over it.
  • Fire/Lava Panels Another annoying one. Having the correct Soul/Type or program, you can go over it, but most likely, you'll want to get rid of them. They take up 10 (20 if you have the wrong Soul/Type) 50HP(100 if you have a WoodStyle) if you step on them, but they disappear. They are destroyed with Water, Cracked, Destoryed, and Terrian Chips. A barrier will allow you to walk on them.
  • Metal Panels These cannot be destroyed by anything but Terrian Change Chips like LavaStg.
  • Poison These slowly seep at your health, totally disregarding the Barrier or Invis chip you may use. They don't do Elemental damage, and they are annoying. Also some viruses make poison gas and some glitches may do the same thing.

Buster and Charge Shots

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Regardless of the navi you are using (most likely MegaMan), each navi will have a buster attack that is done by pressing the B button and a charged attack that is done by holding down the B button for a longer period of time. With MegaMan, the MegaBuster will only do one point of damage initially and have a long cooldown and charge time. The attacks can be made more powerful through PowerUps in Battle Network and Battle Network 2 and with Navi Customizer parts in later games.


BattleChips (sometimes spelt with a space) are an important part of Battle Network, as much of MegaMan's (or any other navi's) abilities lie within. In Battle Network, Lan may form a folder of 30 chips, subject to certain limitations, to which he can use during battle. BattleChips, however, for the most part, can only be used once per battle, although they are reusable in the sense that you do not lose the chip permanently when you use them.

Here is a guide to every BattleChip found in the series, sorted by category. For a list of chips by the games' library numbers, check out

Standard Chips

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The following lists Standard Chips. Note that chips that form a series (ie. with similar effects and damage) are listed together.

  • AirHockey
  • AirRaid
  • AirShoes
  • AirShot
  • AirSpin
  • AirStorm
  • AntiDamage (includes ElementTrap)
  • AquaNeedle
  • AreaGrab (includes the Metagel chips)
  • Arrow
  • Attack+ (includes Navi+ and elemental plus chips, including the Attack+30 and Navi+40 Mega Chips)
  • Aura
  • AuraHead
  • Barrier
  • BlackBomb
  • Boomerang
  • Bubbler (BN1 version)
  • BubbleStar
  • BubbleWrap
  • BugBomb
  • Bunny (includes all other virus chips)
  • Burner
  • BurnSquare
  • BusterBomb (includes BusterGuard and BusterSword)
  • BusterUp
  • Cannon (includes HiCannon and MegaCannon)
  • CannonBall
  • CircleGun
  • ColorPoint
  • ComingRoad
  • CopyDamage
  • CornShot
  • CurseShield
  • CustomSword
  • Dash
  • DollThunder
  • Dragon
  • DrillArm
  • ElecPulse
  • ElementRage
  • EnergyBomb
  • Fan
  • Fanfare
  • FastGauge
  • FireBurn
  • FireHit
  • FlashBomb
  • Gaia
  • Geddon
  • Geyser
  • GoldFist
  • GolemHit
  • GrabRevenge
  • GrassStage
  • Guard (includes Reflector chips)
  • GunDelSol
  • GutPunch
  • Hammer (includes BigHammer chips)
  • HeroSword (includes FighterSword and KnightSword)
  • Hole
  • HolyPanel
  • HotBody
  • IceWave
  • Invis
  • IronBody (includes StoneBody)
  • IronShell
  • Knight (includes other KingMan piece chips)
  • Kunai
  • Lance
  • LavaCannon
  • LifeSynchro
  • LittleBoiler
  • LongSword (includes LongBlade)
  • MachineGun
  • MachineSword
  • MagBolt
  • MagnetCoil
  • Magnum
  • Mine
  • MiniBomb (includes other bomb types excluding special effect bombs)
  • MoonBlade
  • Needler
  • NoBeam
  • NorthWind
  • Panic
  • PanelGrab
  • PanelOut (includes X-Panel, CrackOut and CrackShot series)
  • Plasma
  • PoisonMask
  • PopUp (includes Mole series and DropDown)
  • Prism
  • Pulsar
  • Quake
  • RandomMeteor (includes Meteor and Asteroid series)
  • Ratton
  • Recover
  • Repair (PanelReturn series)
  • Repair (BN4 chip)
  • RiskyHoney
  • RockArm
  • RockCube
  • RollingLog
  • Rope
  • SandWorm
  • Seed
  • Sensor
  • Shadow
  • Shake
  • ShockWave (includes SonicWave and DynaWave)
  • ShotGun (includes HeatShot and Bubbler)
  • SideGun (includes HeatSide and BubbleSide)
  • Slasher
  • SlowGauge
  • Snake
  • Spice
  • Spreader
  • StepSword
  • SummonBlack
  • TankCannon
  • Team
  • TimeBomb
  • Tornado
  • Totem
  • Tower
  • TriArrow (includes DoubleNeedle and TrainArrow chips)
  • Uninstall
  • V-Gun (includes Heat-V and Bubble-V)
  • VariableSword
  • VoodooDoll
  • Vulcan (includes SuperVulcan Mega Chip)
  • Wave
  • WaveArm
  • WhiteCapsule
  • WideSword (includes WideBlade and elemental variations)
  • WideShot
  • Wind
  • WindRacket
  • Yo-Yo
  • ZapRing

Mega Chips

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The following is a list of Mega Chips, excepting Navi Chips and chips that are extensions of Standard Chips.

  • Anubis
  • BlackWing
  • BlizzardBall
  • BugFix
  • DoublePoint
  • FullCustom
  • GodStone
  • Guardian
  • GunDeSolEX
  • Jealousy
  • JusticeOne
  • LifeAura
  • Muramasa
  • NeoVariableSword
  • NumberBall
  • OldWood
  • Otenko
  • Poltergeist
  • Sanctuary
  • StandOut (includes all other S-Mega Chips)
  • ZeusHammer
  • Z-Saver

Giga Chips

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The following is a list of Giga Chips, excepting Navi Chips.

  • AlphaArm
  • Balance
  • BigHook
  • BlueMoon
  • BugCharge
  • BugRiseSword/Thunder
  • Colonel Force
  • CrossDivide
  • DeltaRayEdge
  • DethPhnx
  • FolderBack
  • Phoenix
  • RedSun
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The following is a list of Navi Chips.

  • AquaMan
  • Bass
  • BeastMan
  • BlastMan
  • BlizzardMan
  • BombMan
  • BowlMan
  • BubbleMan
  • BurnerMan
  • ChargeMan
  • CircusMan
  • CloudMan
  • Colonel
  • ColorMan
  • CosmoMan
  • DarkMan
  • DesertMan
  • DiveMan
  • Django
  • DrillMan
  • DustMan
  • ElecMan
  • ElementMan
  • EraseMan
  • FireMan
  • FlameMan
  • FlashMan
  • FreezeMan
  • GateMan
  • GridMan
  • GroundMan
  • GutsMan
  • GyroMan
  • HeatMan
  • IceMan
  • JudgeMan
  • KendoMan
  • KingMan
  • KnightMan
  • LarkMan
  • LaserMan
  • MagicMan
  • MagnetMan
  • Meddy
  • MetalMan
  • MistMan
  • NapalmMan
  • NumberMan
  • PharaohMan
  • PlantMan
  • ProtoMan
  • Punk
  • Roll
  • SearchMan
  • SlashMan
  • ShadeMan
  • ShadowMan
  • SharkMan
  • SkullMan
  • SnakeMan
  • SparkMan
  • StoneMan
  • TenguMan
  • ThunderMan
  • ToadMan
  • TomahawkMan
  • TopMan
  • VideoMan
  • WoodMan

The following is a list of DarkChips:

  • DarkBomb
  • DarkCannon
  • DarkInvis
  • DarkLance
  • DarkPlus
  • DarkRecover
  • DarkSound
  • DarkSpreader
  • DarkStage
  • DarkSword
  • DarkThunder
  • DarkVulcan
  • DarkWideShot

Program Advance Guide

When certain chips are slotted in, they may be instead to form a single, more powerful attack known as the Program Advance. Program Advances are often performed when three (sometimes more) chips are slotted in the correct order, with the correct letter codes.

To perform a Program Advance, simply slot the chips in the correct order, and before the turn begins, you will see that your chips will combine to form a new attack. With letter-coded Program Advances (ie. Program Advances that require different chips with a common letter code), you can also (for the most part) boost its attack rating (if any) with other chips such as ColorPoint or Attack+10 for more damage. However, remember that as the chips are not combined until the turn begins, you will typically have only two (one if you use Soul Unison) space left to add power to your Program Advance.

In MegaMan Battle Network 5, Program Advances may be performed only once in battle, although different Program Advances may be performed in the same battle.

In designing a folder, it is common to have the ability to make at least one Program Advance - many common folders revolve around a single letter code and a Program Advance that fits that letter code. Folders prior to Battle Network 5 may have as many of the constituent BattleChips as the folder-building rules allow, to maximize the chances of drawing all the chips needed for a Program Advance.

In our BattleChip guide, the Program Advances that the chip is a part of is listed on the page. For a complete list of Program Advances, check out the Program Advance Library.

*-Coded Chips

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In Battle Network 2, a *-coded chip can act as a wildcard which can act as one missing letter code. Note that all *-coded chips substitute for one and only one letter code, thus while Cannon A, Cannon B, and Cannon * will form the ZetaCannon1, the combination of Cannon A, Cannon *, and Cannon * will simply be three Cannon attacks.

With letter-coded Program Advances, of course, this point is rendered moot - you can use any combination of letter-coded and *-coded chips, and all *-coded chips will take the same letter code. This also means that you can execute Program Advances with only *-coded chips. in megaman 5 you can also make a program advance called cactdance you need cactball I,J,H

Dark and Light Advances

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Starting in Battle Network 4, with the introduction of DarkChips, some Program Advances may require a sufficient level of karma to perform. For example, the PoisonPharaoh requires a low level of karma in Battle Network 4, while the PileDriver requires a high level of karma. Thus, the usage of DarkChips and DoubleSoul, as well as the SoulCleaner Navi Customizer Part, will affect which PAs become available.

Liberation Guide

Liberation missions, a part of Battle Network 5, is a special gameplay mode that combines turn-based strategy and virus busting. Here, Lan is able to control up to five navis in an attempt to get to the boss of the stage. The mission is successful if the boss is deleted, and fails if either:

  • the team retreats (by pressing Start and confirming the decision to retreat)
  • MegaMan is deleted (or, in the case of mission 4 against Dark MegaMan, Colonel or ProtoMan is deleted)

Team Members

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There are up to seven members on each team, with up to five available for missions: MegaMan is the team's second-in-command. The others are as follows:

Role MegaMan Battle Network 5
Team Colonel Team ProtoMan
Captain Colonel ProtoMan
Defense KnightMan MagnetMan
Recon ShadowMan GyroMan
Offense TomahawkMan NapalmMan
Planning NumberMan SearchMan
Support ToadMan Meddy

All navis share the same folder and regular chip. However, the Start menu is inaccesible during the mission, thus SubChips cannot be used, nor can the e-Card settings, NaviCustomizer, or chip folder be modified. All teammate navis also have a default chip that can be used once in each battle, which either acts as a weaker version of their navi chip or a different chip entirely. The damage of said chip increases as more Liberation Missions are completed.


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The area to be liberated is filled with a various assortment of panels. In order for the navis to reach the boss, they must liberate certain panels. There are several types of panels They are:

  • Clean Panels - these are liberated or unaltered panels, allowing your team to move about at will. Guardians (except for Bladias, which will turn them into dark panels before attacking) cannot move on them.
  • Dark Panels - these have a purple color, preventing your team (except for the team scout) from moving. Guardians may move about them.
  • Item Panels - identical in appearance to a Dark Panel, but with a small grey stud on top. These contain certain items, and, if the team planner is present in the mission, traps.
  • Dark Holes - these are special Dark Panels that will spawn Guardians (but only one Guardian at a time). If the Dark Hole is liberated, the corresponding Guardian disappears (but the panel they are on is not liberated). Note that some Guardians are not associated with any Dark Hole.
  • Barrier Panels - these numbered panels prevent your team from passing without a corresponding key. Once the appropriate key is found, every corresponding barrier panel is changed to a clean panel.
  • Bonus Panels - these panels with question marks over them will give the liberator a certain reward, determined by a roulette-style selection. This does not count as a turn.

Clean Panels and Bonus Panels are said to be liberated. Panels surrounding the mission's boss, indicated by a purple block on the panel, are not liberated until all Dark Holes are liberated - and then they are turned to Dark Panels.


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Each mission has one central enemy (ie. the boss), who is surrounded by special Dark Panels such that they turn into normal Dark Panels only after all Dark Holes are eliminated. Defeating the boss will result in the success in this mission. The boss remains stationary, but has an out-of-battle attack that can deal significant damage.

Other enemies that appear in liberation missions are the Guardians, which are, for all intents and purposes, minibosses. There are three types of Guardians: the BigBrute (a bear-like enemy that breathes fire), the Bladia (a monstrous variant of the Swordy enemy), and the TinHawk (a large bid that flies out of range), each with varying attack strengths, ranges, and movement rates. Whenever you attack a Guardian, you will face the Guardian one-on-one, but whenever you liberate a Dark Hole, you will face the Guardian associated with the Dark Hole in addition to other viruses. If a Guardian affiliated with a Dark Hole is destroyed, then a new one will respawn. If a Dark Hole is liberated, any Guardian next to the Dark Hole, as well as the Guardian associated with the Dark Hole, will disappear.

Liberation Battles

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During the liberation missions, no random battles are fought - battles are only fought through liberation. Liberation battles differ from ordinary battles in the following manner:

  • A turn ends when the custom gauge is full, although chips will carry over between turns.
  • All viruses must be deleted within three turns.

All members can perform liberations. However, only MegaMan benefits from NaviCustomizer parts, e-Cards, DarkChips, and DoubleSouls. All other navis can only use five chips in the Custom screen. However, each navi (except MegaMan) has a preset chip that may be used once per battle. Note that the start menu is not accessible: this means that the folders, NaviCustomizer, and e-Card settings may not be changed, nor can a player link battle. A player can save during a phase if either the team captain or the team supporter has not made their turn (if the captain and supporter are both in the mission, saves must be performed through the captain).

Note that these customizer parts will not work during Liberation missions as a result of having no random battles or being unable to link battle:

  • SneakRun, OilBody, Fish, Battery, Jungle (Attracts viruses, liberation missions have no random encounters)
  • Collect, Millions (no reward at end of virus battle)
  • Rush, Beat, Tango (PVP exclusive functionality, won't work otherwise regardless)
  • SoulTime+1 (Technically works, but is useless because liberates are limited to 3 turns, the default Double Soul/Soul Unison time)

With the exception of Bonus Panel liberations, liberations, successful or not, end a navi's turn. If an unoccupied Dark Panel or Item Panel is liberated in one turn, every surrounding unoccupied dark panel and item panel is also liberated. If a Dark Hole is liberated, every unoccupied Dark Panel and Item Panel around the Dark Hole, except for traps, is also liberated (but no one-turn liberaion bonus is received), and any miniboss next to the Dark Hole or generated from the Dark Hole disappears (although the panel they are on remains dark).

The layout of the battlefield for liberation battles changes based on the unliberated panels around it. Consider the diagram below, where X is the panel being liberated and where O is the navi (and the navi at O is facing X):

  • If either E is unliberated, or both C and D is unliberated, the battle will begin with the navi in control of the two middle columns. In this case, pressing L or R will reverse the direction the navi's facing (as a navi, in general, cannot attack viruses behind them).
  • If only one of C or D is unliberated, the battle begins with the navi in control of the first two columns. The navi will also begin in this situation if they are in the pincer situation against the boss of the mission.
  • If either A or B is unliberated, the battle begins as normal.
  • If A, B, C, D, or E are all liberated, then the battle begins with the navi in control of the first four columns.

Order Points

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At the beginning of each mission, three order points are given, and up to eight order points can be held at any time. Order points are obtained through item panels or through bonus panels.

Order points are used to activate a navi's special ability. They tend to not have one-turn liberate effects. The navi then ends its turn after using it. The special abilities of each navi are as follows:

  • MegaMan - LongSword - MegaMan liberates the two panels in front of him instead of one panel.
  • Colonel - ScreenDivide - Colonel liberates the panel in front and the two panels beside it. Naturally this ability becomes useless when you are able to one-turn liberate consistenly with Colonel (but can be useful if you need to liberate areas in front but, because of traps behind you, you need to liberate in two turns).
  • ProtoMan - WideSword - same as Colonel's ScreenDivide.
  • KnightMan - KnightMan has no special abilities requiring order points, although he receives no damage from out of battle, and can shield anyone within one panel from out-of-battle damage.
  • MagnetMan - MagnetBarrier - MagnetBarrier shields the entire team from out-of-battle damage.
  • ShadowMan - SneakAttack - ShadowMan attacks bosses and minibosses one or two panels ahead, dealing them a fixed amount of damage (depending on mission), but cannot kill them outright. This ability is pretty much rendered useless if ShadowMan himself can deal more damage through actual liberation battles.
  • GyroMan - BombLiberation - GyroMan can liberate any unoccupied Dark Panel without a liberation battle. Funnily enough, this is closer to a Sneak Attack rather than ShadowMan's, as he does not enter battle.
  • TomahawkMan - TomahawkSwing - TomahawkMan liberates a 2x3 area in front of him, but any items there (except traps, which are set off, and barrier keys, which are collected) are destroyed in the process. This move, however, does not gain benefits from one-turn liberations.
  • NapalmMan - Napalm - NapalmMan liberates the four panels ahead, as well as the two panels adjacent to the third panel ahead. However, any items (except traps and barrier keys) are destroyed in the process. This move does not gain benefits from one-turn liberations.
  • NumberMan - NumberCheck - NumberMan checks the 2x3 area in front of him and claims any items while disarming any traps. However, no panels are liberated. Typically, NumberMan is used to get keys that are surrounded by stun traps (with Team Colonel, damage traps are less of a factor thanks to KnightMan).
  • SearchMan - PanelSearch - SearchMan checks every unoccupied Dark or Item Panel in a continuous line, and liberates all Item Panels. Any traps are disarmed in the process, while the remaining items are collected.
  • ToadMan - LifeMelody - ToadMan will sing a song to a teammate in an adjacent panel. The teammate's normal liberation will now liberate all the unoccupied Dark or Item Panels in the five panels ahead, ignoring barrier panels.
  • Meddy - TwinLiberation - Meddy will target the first and last panels in a continuous line of unoccupied Dark or Item Panels. A second navi (typically GyroMan) must be sent to the other end of the line and perform a normal liberation in order for every panel in between to be liberated. Any traps that are tripped by this liberation affects the second navi.


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The objective is to eliminate the boss of the stage within a certain number of phases. Liberation missions can continue past the number of phases indicated, but will receive lesser rewards.

During each turn, the player has a phase, followed by the Darkloids. In each of the player's phases, the player controls each navi until it performs a liberation (except Bonus Panel Liberation), uses order points, or passes its turn to heal itself. Then, the Darkloids have their turn. During this time, minibosses and the boss itself can heal themselves, and then move around and attack the player's navis. Guardians will heal up to half of their maximum HP per turn, while bosses will heal 100 HP for each unliberated panel around them.

Navi Customizer Guide

The Navi Customizer was introduced in Battle Network 3 as a replacement of the powerup system found in previous games. As it implies, you can customize the abilities of MegaMan, including the attack, speed, and charge time for the MegaBuster. In Battle Network 5, the Navi Customizer only works on MegaMan and not any other navi.

The Navi Customizer consists of a grid with various parts that take up some or all of the grid. The Navi Customizer begins as a four-by-four grid, but can be expanded to a four-by-five and later to five-by-five grid as a result of acquiring the two ExpansionMemories. The third row in the Navi Customizer is referred to as the command line.

Each part has a specific color, and it may be either solid or textured, referring to the presence or an absense of a cross-shaped texture on each square in the part. Solid programs must have one part on the command line for them to function, while textured programs must stay off of the line. Parts of the same color, textured or not, must remain apart from each other horizontally or vertically. In Battle Network 3, the current style of MegaMan controls the colors of parts that can be used, while Battle Network 4 and Battle Network 5 limits the number of colors that can be used to four. If a part violates these conditions, it is said to be bugged, and MegaMan may suffer from some side effects. Having said that, there may be cases where you could intentionally bug MegaMan (for example, to acquire the Bug styles in Battle Network 3).

If two solid parts with overlapping functions are in effect, the one further on the right takes precedence.

Textured programs often come with one of three colors: white, pink, and yellow, while solid parts will be available in only one color, usually other than pink, white, or yellow. The shape of a part is consistent across different colors. You are permitted to carry multiples of the same part with the same color.

Spin Parts

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Normally, parts may not be rotated to fit, but throughout the game, special key items collectively known as the spin parts may be acquired, which allow you rotate all Navi Customizer parts of the same color by pressing the L and R buttons. There is typically one spin part for each color.


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Aside from Battle Network 4, most solid parts (and in Battle Network 5, some textured parts) can be compressed to take up one less square using a compression code. In Battle Network 3, these are preformed by holding Select and pressing a combination of joystick and button presses, while in Battle Network 5 these are performed by holding the joystick to the right and pressing certain buttons. Parts can be decompressed by inputting the same code again. The compression code for each part is unique, and a compression code compresses all the colors for a particular part in the same manner.

Common Parts

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Here are a description of some of the common parts that you may find:

  • AirShoes: this allows MegaMan to walk over broken panels, similar to the effects of the AirShoes chip in Battle Network 3 or the effects of WindSoul in Battle Network 4 or GyroSoul in Battle Network 5.
  • Attack+1 - this increases MegaMan's buster attack by 1. The maximum attack level is 5 in Battle Network 3 and Battle Network 4, and 10 in Battle Network 5. It will have no effect if the attack is already at maximum level.
  • AttackMAX - this raises MegaMan's buster attack to the maximum (in Battle Network 5, this only raises the attack level to 5, not to 10). Its shape is effectively four Attack+1 parts fused together.
  • Battery - this allows you a greater chance to fight elec-based viruses.
  • Beat - in multiplayer battles, this will steal the opponent's chip (so that you can use it) the first time a Mega or Giga chip is used.
  • BodyPack - this gives MegaMan the combined effects of SuperArmor, AirShoes, FloatShoes, and UnderShirt.
  • BugStop - this prevents any kinds of bugs from violating the rules of the Navi Customizer. It cannot be bugged itself (if placed away from the command-line, you don't get the benefits, but you do not get any side effects from it, either). This means there are virtually no restrictions on how you place parts (although you will not benefit from a solid part being off of the command line, but you will not get bugs). However, negative side effects of certain parts (such as the hit point reduction of HubBatch) will not be affected.
  • BusterPack - this increases all MegaBuster stats by three levels.
  • Charge+1 - this increases MegaMan's buster charge by 1, meaning that it charges sooner. The maximum charge level is 5. It will have no effect if the charge is already at maximum level.
  • ChargeMAX - this increases MegaMan's buster charge to the maximum. Its shape is effectively four Charge+1 parts fused together.
  • Custom+1 - this increases the number of chips available to select from in the Custom screen by 1. It will have no effect if 10 chips are available in Battle Network 3 or 8 chips are available in Battle Network 4 or Battle Network 5.
  • Custom+2 - this increases the number of chips available to select from in the Custom screen by 2. It will have no effect if 10 chips are available in Battle Network 3 or 8 chips are available in Battle Network 4 or Battle Network 5.
  • FirstBarrier - this gives MegaMan a barrier at the begging of the battle, as if the Barrier chip was slotted in.
  • Fish - this allows you a greater chance to fight aqua-based viruses.
  • FloatShoes - this allows MegaMan to ignore all negative effects of panels (eg. the gradual damage from poison panels).
  • GigaFolder+1 - this allows you to put one more Giga chip in your folder. However, there will also be a side effect.
  • HubBatch - this gives MegaMan the combined effects of Shield, MegaFolder+1, SuperArmor, Custom+1, FirstBarrier, AirShoes, FloatShoes, and Undershirt, but halves MegaMan's HP in the process.
  • Humor - Pressing L while controlling Lan (while MegaMan is in his PET) will make MegaMan tell a (somewhat lame) joke. Not particularly useful, but good for a laugh.
  • HP+50 - this raises MegaMan's maximum HP by 50 points.
  • HP+100 - this raises MegaMan's maximum HP by 100 points.
  • HP+200 - this raises MegaMan's maximum HP by 200 points.
  • HP+300 - this raises MegaMan's maximum HP by 300 points.
  • HP+400 - this raises MegaMan's maximum HP by 400 points.
  • HP+500 - this raises MegaMan's maximum HP by 500 points.
  • Jungle - this allows you a greater chance to fight wood-based viruses.
  • MegaFolder+1 - this allows you to put one more Mega chip in your folder.
  • MegaFolder+2 - this allows you to put two more Mega chips in your folder.
  • OilBody - this allows you a greater chance to fight fire-based viruses.
  • Rush - in multiplayer battles, this paralyzes the opponent when they first use an Invisible chip.
  • Shield - this allows MegaMan to raise a shield that will absorb a hit with b+B (b denotes the direction to the back of MegaMan, ie. left when MegaMan is facing right, as per fighting game notation).
  • SneakRun - this is effectively a permanent version of the SneakRun subchip, which would reduce your encounter rate with viruses (including navis that you could meet in random encounters).
  • SoulTime+1 - this increases the duration of DoubleSoul (but not Chaos Unisons) by one turn.
  • Speed+1 - this increases MegaMan's buster speed by 1. The maximum speed level is 5. It will have no effect if the attack is already at maximum level.
  • SpeedMAX - this raises MegaMan's buster speed to the maximum. Its shape is effectively four Speed+1 parts fused together.
  • SuperArmor - this allows you to not go into hitstun when attacked (so, for example, you will not lose your charge).
  • Tango - in multiplayer battles, this will act as as if a Recover300 and a Barrier100 chip were slotted in and activated the first time MegaMan's HP drops to a critical level.
  • UnderShirt - this allows MegaMan to survive one hit that may delete him by putting him at one hit point afterwards. The effect lasts as long as MegaMan's hit point is above 1.

Common Bugs

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When bugged, MegaMan will have an unusual appearance in battle (except in the English GBA versions of Battle Network 5, where it was removed for cartridge space limitations), ranging from horizontal lines on MegaMan to MegaMan being slightly deformed. In Battle Network 3, these bugs can be overridden with Extra Codes, but only one Extra Code can be entered at a time. Here are a list of common bugs:

  • Battle HP Bug - MegaMan will continually lose HP after he is first hit (although the depletion will temporarily stop in the Custom Window). The rate of this depletion depends on how many parts are producing the bug.
  • Buster Bug - the MegaBuster will fire blanks some of the time. The probability of firing a blank depends on how many parts are producing this bug.
  • Control Bug - this will make MegaMan confused in battle, or will move MegaMan constantly in one dire

Soul Unison Guide

This guide will cover the basics of DoubleSoul and Chaos Unison (here, collectively referred to as Soul Unisons), introduced in Battle Network 4 and Battle Network 5, respectively.

How to use

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Firstly, Soul Unisons must be performed while MegaMan is in either normal, angry, or full-synchro emotions (curiously, this also means you are unable to use Chaos Unisons in dark mode). To perform a Soul Unison, select an appropriate chip and use the "Unite" option. The unison cannot be undone by pressing B. The chip sacrificed cannot be used for the remainder of the battle. Note that Soul Unison is effectively a chip that you send to MegaMan with no particular coding, so you can send four more chips to MegaMan, as normal. Before the battle resumes, the Soul Unison is performed, and the Emotion Window changes to show DoubleSoul MegaMan. Chaos Unisons require the sacrifice of a DarkChip, but are otherwise performed the same as regular DoubleSouls.

While in Soul Unison you will not gain some benefits from the Navi Customizer (most notably, Shield and Reflect cease to work until you lose the unison). You can only unite with a soul once in battle (ie. you can use Soul Unisons up to six times, one for each soul in the game), and you cannot sacrifice your regular chip for Soul Unisons. You also cannot go into Full Synchro while a Soul Unision is in effect. DoubleSoul lasts for three turns (but can be reduced or extended in Battle Network 5 with the use of the SoulTime+1 Navi Customizer part and various e-Cards), while Chaos Unisons last for only one turn and cannot be extended.

While in Soul Unison you will gain particular benefits, including a change in charged shot, BattleChip bonuses, and the like. Chaos Unisons replace the normal DoubleSoul's charged shot with the DarkChip sacrificed (but without the negative effects of the DarkChip, although you get the DarkChip glitch whenever you lose the Chaos Unison). However, the charged shot must be released when the charge is purple in color, or an indestructible Dark MegaMan will appear and generally wreak havoc on you (on top of losing your Chaos Unison). Having said that, some say that this is the only real use for DarkChips.

Here's a list of Soul Unisons that you can perform.

Chip type MegaMan Battle Network 4 MegaMan Battle Network 5
Red Sun Blue Moon Team Colonel Team ProtoMan
Fire FireSoul NapalmSoul
Water AquaSoul ToadSoul
Electric ThunderSoul MagnetSoul
Wood WoodSoul TomahawkSoul
Sword ProtoSoul ProtoSoul
Wind WindSoul GyroSoul
Cracking GutsSoul
Breaking MetalSoul KnightSoul
Aiming SearchSoul
Invisibility SearchSoul ShadowSoul
Summonings JunkSoul ColonelSoul
Recovery RollSoul MeddySoul
Plus/Minus NumberSoul NumberSoul

Unisons and DarkChips

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DoubleSoul improves your karma, while DarkChips lower them (thus, Chaos Unisons do not alter them). In Battle Network 5, if you use a DarkChip while in Soul Unison, you will be immediately brought out of Soul Unison, and you will suffer from the effects of your DarkChip. Curiously, you are unable to even Chaos Unison while in dark mode.

Soul Unision descriptions

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Battle Network 4 Souls

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Red Sun

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  • Fire Soul
    • Charge Shot: FireArm- Shoots flames 3 panels straight for 50 damage.
    • Enables charge of fire chips for Fire Arm: Shoots flames 5 panels straight for 150 damage.
    • Restores HP from Lava panels.
    • Creates some grass panels upon activation.
  • Thunder Soul
    • Charge Shot: ZapRing- Ring of electricity shot straight for 20 damage, also causes paralysis. All neutral and electric chips gain a paralysis effect.
  • Wind Soul
    • Normal shot: Air Blast- A weakened AirShot attack. Inflicts 5 damage, but knocks opponents back one row.
    • Charge Shot: Wind Racket- A WideSword-oriented fan attack. The opponent is sent to the back row.
    • NorthWind effect is applied upon activation, destroying the opponent's aura or barrier.
    • Air and FloatShoes effects are applied.
    • Fan effect is applied throughout the use of the soul, which brings opponent to the front constantly.
  • Guts Soul
    • Charge Shot: Guts Punch- A really big fist attacks a square ahead.
    • +30 to neutral chips.
    • Rapidly pressing the B button activates Machine Gun Mode; invincibility goes into effect while firing rapidly.
  • Roll Soul
    • Charge Shot: Roll Arrow- Shoots an arrow for 30 damage. All chips are destroyed upon infliction.
    • Restores 10% to HP with every Chip used, except Recovery chips.
  • Search Soul
    • Charge Shot: Scope Gun- Homes in on closest opponent and shoots them 5 times for 10 damage each.
    • SHUFFLE command is activated, allowing 'shuffling' of the chips in the Custom Screen. Chips can be shuffled only three times per turn.
    • Upon activation, all opponents that are invisible revert to normal.

Blue Moon

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  • Aqua Soul
    • Charge Shot: Bubble Shot- shoots an aqua shot for 20 damage. Inflicts damage behind the initial impact.
    • Charges Aqua Chips for double damage.
    • No slipping on ice.
  • Blues/Proto Soul
    • Charge Shot: Wide Sword- a sword attack that inflicts 80 damage.
    • Sword chips can be charged for double damage and a StepSword effect (jump two squares ahead, slash).
    • Back+B can be used to deflect 50 damage to enemies directly in front.
  • Junk Soul
    • Charged Shot: Poltergeist- sends any obstacle to any ememy for 100 damage.
    • Each Turn, two used chips are "recycled".
    • All enemies are confused upon unison. No effect on enemies protected by auras.
  • Metal Soul
    • Charge Shot: Metal Fist- a fist attack that inflicts 150 damage.
    • Charges Breaking and neutral chips for double damage.
    • Buster has a BreakBuster effect.
  • Number Soul
    • Charge Shot: Dice Bomb- a dice attack that deals 10X damage depending on the number rolled.
    • 10 BattleChips in the Custom screen.
    • All offensive Battle Chips gain 10 damage.
  • Wood Soul
    • Charge Shot: Twister- an 8-hit tornado attack that inflicts 10 damage two panels ahead.
    • Unaffected by status ailments (paralysis, blind, etc.)
    • A "Gaia" effect is activated.

Battle Network 5 Souls

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Team Colonel

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Knight Soul: Sracfice Breaking Chips.

    • Charge Shot: Royal Recking Ball
    • Using Battle Chip in front Row give Invicatblity for a short time.
    • Immune to Stun Status.
      • KnightChaos: Sacrifice Dark Breaker Chip
        • Charge Shot: Royal Recking ball.

  • Shadow Soul: Sacrifice Invisibility Chips.
    • Charge Shot: LongSword- Inflicts 90 damage two panels ahead.
    • AntiDamage: Pressing Back + B before taking an attack will use the AntiDmg ability. You will take no damage, and throw a shuriken for 50 damage
    • Ninja Slash: Sword chips can be charged to attack the enemy from behind.
    • OmniShoes: Unaffected by panel effects (ice, fire, swamp, magnet, sea).
    • Speed: Movement speed increases.
      • ShadowChaos:Sacrifice DarkInvis
        • ChargeShot:DarkInvs- MegaMan goes berserk, becoming invicible for a period of time and unloading rapid Buster Shots and using random Chips and ProgramAdvances.

  • Tomahawk Soul: Sacrifice Grass chips
    • Charge Shot: Tomahawk Swing- a two by three tomahawk attack that deals 100-110 damage.
    • GrassStage: Grass panels form upon activation.
    • Wood Body: HP recovery on grass panels is in effect.
    • EarthEnergy: Grass chips deal double damage while standing on a grass panel. The panel will be cleared after the attack.
      • TomahawkChaos: Sacrifice DarkLance
        • Charge Shot: DarkLance- Wood type spears appear in your opponents back row dealing 400 damage. It also pushes the opponent forward.

  • Number Soul: Sacrifice +/- chips
    • Charge Shot: Dice Bomb- A bomb attack. The number on the dice determines how much damage it deals. (Depending on how far you are in the game, or your Navi Customizer, this attack can do X10 X20 or X30 amount shown on dice)
    • All neutral chips gain a 10 damage bonus.
    • Ten chips are awarded in the Custom Screen.
      • NumberChaos: Sacrifice DarkPlus
        • ChargeShot: DarkPlus- Grants 50 additional damage to the current chip. WALRUS
  • Toad Soul:Sacrifice Aqua Chips WAlRUS
    • Charge Shot: Shocking Melody- A paralyzing note attack that deals 30 damage.
    • Slipping on ice is negated. MegaMan is able to hide in Sea panels.
    • Liquid Body: You take 2x damage from electric attacks. You take 4x damage from electric attacks while standing on an ice or sea panel.
    • Aqua chips can be charged for double damage.
      • ToadChaos:Sacrifice DarkWide
        • Charge Shot:DarkWide- A 3 panel wide aqua-type attack shoots to the end of the area, regardless of objects in its way, dealing 300 damage.

  • Colonel Soul: Sacrifice Object Summon chips
    • Charge Shot: Screen Divide- Attacks 3 squares ahead, and two additional diagonal panels behind initial attack. Range is unlimited if enemy is directly in front of player.
    • Arm Change: Abillity to change charge shot to any standard-class, normal-type, attack-valued chip.
    • Colonel Army: Whenever your opponent stands in front of or behind an object, (RockCube,TimeBomb,Anubis) the object transforms into a soldier and attacks with a sword or rifle depending on the position of enemy.
      • ColonelChaos:Sacrifice DarkSound
        • Charge Shot: DarkSound- Paralyzes the enemy for a few seconds with a Trumpy.

Team ProtoMan

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  • Magnet Soul: Sacrifice Electric Chips
    • Able to charge electric chips for double damage by holding (A)
    • Back + B combo: Gravity Pull - If an opponent is in the same row as you when you use this, they are stuck for a couple of seconds.
    • Charge shot: Magnet Grab - A magnet attack that pulls the enemy forward and deals 40 damage. The enemy is placed in a paralysis state.
    • Magnet panels effects are negated
      • MagnetChaos: Sacrifice DarkThunder
        • Charge Shot: DarkThunder- a paralyzing thunder ball attack that inflicts 200 damage.
  • Gyro Soul: Sacrifice Wind Chips
    • After using a Normal or Wind Chip, back propeller begins to spin and your next wind or normal chip deals 2X damage
    • Air, Float, and ShadowShoes are enabled.
    • Charge shot: Tornado Arm- Tornado does 3 hits to three panels in front of MegaMan. The first panel takes one hit, the second panel takes two hits, and the third panel takes three hits.
      • GyroChaos: Sacrifice DarkTornado
        • Charge Shot: DarkTornado- an 8-hit tornado attack that inflicts 100 damage two panels ahead.
  • Napalm Soul: Sacrifice Fire Chips
    • Fire chips gain +40 attack
    • Fire chips can also be charged into homing Napalm Bombs for twice the chip damage
    • Stepping over a Lava Panel turns the panel normal and gives you +10 attack for your next fire chip
    • Charge shot: Fire Vulcan - Three rapid-fire fire-elemental shots that damage the enemy and the panel behind it
      • NapalmChaos: Sacrifice DarkMeteor
        • Charge Shot: DarkMeteor- a meteor attack that shoots meteors from the sky. Inflicts 100 damage and cracks panels.
  • Search Soul: Sacrifice Aiming Chips
    • Able to shuffle your chips three times, making program advances easier to achieve
    • Invisibility doesn't work for the enemy
    • Charge Shot: Scope Gun - Shoots five rapid-fire shots at the panel of the closest enemy.
      • SearchChaos: Sacrifice DarkCircle
        • Charge Shot: Covers seven of the eight exterior panels dealing 300 damage each.
  • Meddy Soul: Sacrifice Healing Chips
    • Able to add effects to chips using different-colored pills that show up below your normal chip selection. The colors and pill effects are as follows:
      • Pink: Recover HP when you use your chip
      • Yellow: Confusion
      • White: Paralysis
      • Black: Blinding
      • Purple: HP Bug (drain HP of enemy, but this only works in NetBattles with other people)
    • Charge shot: Capsule Bomb - A bomb attack that lands three panels ahead. Damage will be dealt three panels across if untouched.
      • MeddyChaos: Sacrifice DarkRecovery
        • Charge Shot: DarkRecovery- restores 1000 HP.
  • Proto Soul: Sacrifice Sword Chips
    • Charge Shot: WideSword - A normal WideSword attack that deals 80 damage.
    • Back + B combo: Uses shield to reflect attacks to cause damage to the enemy
    • Sword chips can be charged for double damage. A StepSword effect also ensues.
      • ProtoChaos: Sacrifice DarkSword
        • Charge Shot: DarkSword- a sword attack that deals 400 damage in a two by three range.

Guide for Cheaters

This is a guide for people who like to cheat at Battle Network games, either through exploits at game programming or through the use of a cheat device.

Cheat devices

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Cheat devices are tools that alter the values stored in memory. Because memory is altered, it allows for scenarios where it cannot be done through normal gameplay (such as having all the GigaChips on one version of the game, as those cannot be traded). However, it may also crash the system and delete your game save. With that in mind, it is advised that the codes are to be used with caution.

Standard conventions

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For cheat device codes, simple memory writes are written down as address:value pairs. These can be converted for use with virtually any cheat device, although the method to do so is outside the scope of this guide. For more complicated codes pseudo-code will be used. If a code is specific to one kind of cheat device, then the code will be shown in its native form.

Table of Contents

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Contributor's Guide

The Megaman Guide to Battle Network Characters! (Has 3 to after first literation match of 5 Colenel (not Protoman).)

Good Side (not complete)

Lan Hikari A middle/high school student with a knack for saving the world. Usally wears orange shirt and jeans,and wears a blue headband to keep his usally unkept hair in place. He uses the world famous blue bomber Megaman.EXE to battle!

Megaman.EXE Lan Hikari's cyber-reincarnated brother Hub Hikar. In MegamanBN 3 he nearly died saving the world from Bass.EXE, then was found in a part of Alpha, so he was taken out of the massive virus and given back to Hikari. In MegamanBN 4 he nearly lost himself to his DrkSoul, but in the end, he proved to Duo that the Earth wasn't worth destroying (by beating the crap out of him).

Battle Info

Weapon- Buster Gun -A normal Shot. Everyone has this. Charge- Charge Buster -Does 10x the normal damage.

NOTE: Has different affects for Different Souls/types.

Metal- Fist slam -does 20x damage, plus destroyes panel. Aqua- Bubble Shot -10x normal Hits one behind enemy. Wind- Tornado Shoot -10x normal pushes back one. Junk- Throws random objects. Number- I do not know (fix this!) Proto- 20x Normal. Wide sword. Bug- Gltches Enemy. Guts- Don't know PLEASE FIX Roll- Don't know PLEASE FIX Glide- Don't know PLEASE FIX NOT COMPLETE

Type Guts- Sometimes does Machine Gun NOT COMPLETE

Special - None Power - Long Sword - Longsword affect

Dr. Hikari and Mom Hikari Lan's Mom and Dad. They have various roles throughout the game, mostly bearing plot or tutorial. Mom always wears an apron, and Dad always wears a lab coat. None have a identifiable Navi.

DEX Owner of Gutsman. He is fat, and moves away in the third games. He comes back though.

Gutsman.EXE Gives you GutsSoul. Of corse, he is the best portrayal of Gutsman to date, and has the coolest power. He breaks all the panels in front of you, while dealing 50+ dmadge.

Battle Info: missing

Mayl Lan's crush and owner of Roll. Many time she will need your help, as with beating the crap out of a disfunctional Washing Machine Program, to saving Roll from Viruses.

Roll.EXE Though you save her, SHE SAVES YOU MORE TIMES THAN I CAN COUNT! Her power is useful. She deals 10+ damage multiple times (up to 5 I think) and heals you with the taken damage. Many times, I have won a battle with her.

Battle info: missing

Yai A 8 year old billionaire. I do not know much about Glide so I wont talk much.

Claud He's a lonley guy who walks around and competes in tournaments. His father emphasizes on winning the tournaments, to he tells Claud not to hand with Lan. Of course, he holds Protoman (blues)

Protoman.EXE A very cool Navi with a sword. I dont know much about him.

Bayrl He is obviously my favorite character. He operates the Colonel Task Force in the 5th game. Colonel, his Navi is the best Navi I have ever controlled.

Colonel.EXE They say to walk softly and carry a big stick. This guy isn't too soft. His gun fires slow, but deals 2x Megaman damadge, plus his sword attack is awesome.

Buster Cannon- Fires very slow, but does 2x Megaman damage. Charge- V sword. Attacks in a V pattern.

Special- C Megacannon. He fires a HUGE cannon, obliterating everything in the back row and in his way. Don't get caught!

Power- Screen Divide - Wide Sword affect.

Evil Peoples