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city, urban area
Official nameTombouctou, تمبكتو Sesa mu
Native labelTombouctou, تمبكتو Sesa mu
DemonymTimbuctaniki Sesa mu
CountryMali Sesa mu
Capital ofAzawad Sesa mu
Located in the administrative territorial entityTimbuktu Region Sesa mu
Located in time zoneUTC±00:00 Sesa mu
Coordinate location16°46′24″N 2°59′58″W Sesa mu
Member ofOrganization of World Heritage Cities Sesa mu
Significant eventlist of World Heritage in Danger Sesa mu
Heritage designationWorld Heritage Site Sesa mu
World Heritage criteriaWorld Heritage selection criterion (ii), World Heritage selection criterion (iv), World Heritage selection criterion (v) Sesa mu
Category for mapsCategory:Maps of Timbuktu Sesa mu

Timbuktu yɛ kurow wɔ Mali, a ɔwɔ akwansin eduenu (12 mi) wɔ Niger nsutsen no n'anaafo. Ɔyɛ Tombouctou mantouw no kuruowpɔn, ɔda mu kor wɔ ekuruowpɔn awotwe a ɔwɔ mali . Wɔ 2009 nkanee no mu no wonya nyimpa dodow 54,453.

Wɔ 12th century mu na Timktu bɛyɛ tsenabew ankasa. Wɔ afei 1325,mber a wɔsesa akwan a wɔdze dzi gua tsitsir Mansa Musa ne nserahwɛ n'ekyir no,Timbuktu nyahɔnho wɔ nkyen,sika kɔɔkɔɔ ,ivory nye nkowa guadzi mu. 14th century mu no ,ɔbɛka Mali empaya ho. 15th century n'ahyase noara ,Tuareg dɔm dodow no benya tum wɔ mber tsiabaa wɔ songhai empaya n'etserɛw mu wɔ afe 1468. Morocco akofo dzi songhai do nkunyim wɔ ko mu wɔ afe 1591 na wɔyɛ Timbuktu kuruowpɔn wɔ Gao ananmu. Afei Moroccofo bedzi hɔn do, wɔ 1612 mu no nso ,Armafo per fahodze fir Morocco kyɛn. Ber yi ,nna ɔman Mali ne tumdze nye amandze fɛɛfɛw abɔadze ma wɔda femu pɔɔtɔɔ. ekyiri dze ebusua kuw afofor bedzi do kapem dɛ Frenkyefo bɛfae wɔ 1893, besi 1960 a Mali benya ne fahodze ankasa. Timbuktu asaase no ayɛ kɛsɛɛ ma ohia so ahyɛ mu ma.

Wɔ hɔm prɔmprɔm ber mu no, wɔdzi akotsen wɔ buukuu guadzi mu a Sankore Madrasah ɔyɛ Islam suapɔn so hɔn asin , Timbuktu nam iyi do bɛgye hɔn dzin wɔ suahun mu wɔ Afrika nyina. Shabeni ,Leo Africanus nye nyimdzefo bebere kyerɔw fa kuruow yi ho. Hɔn akyerɛw no begye dzin wɔ aborɔkyir man mu nyinaa, ma Timbuktu ahonya nye abakɔsɛm bɛda guado.