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πŸ’ YAML toolkit for Neovim users


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Simple tools to help developers working YAML in Neovim.

Assuming yaml = require("yaml_nvim") for the Lua API:

Command Lua API Description
:YAMLView yaml.view() Shows the full path and value of the current key/value pair
:YAMLYank [register] yaml.yank_all([register]) Yanks the full path and value of the current key/value pair. The default register is the unnamed one (")
:YAMLYankKey [register] yaml.yank_key([register]) Yanks the full path of the key for the current key/value pair. The default register is the unnamed one (")
:YAMLYankValue [register] yaml.yank_value([register]) Yanks the value of the current key/value pair. The default register is the unnamed one (")
:YAMLQuickfix yaml.quickfix() Generates a quickfix with key/value pairs
:YAMLTelescope yaml.telescope() Full path key/value fuzzy finder via Telescope if installed

Example GIF


Telescope is optional.

What about older versions of Neovim?
  • For Neovim 0.7 or 0.8, pin to 7925bd2
  • For Neovim 0.5 or 0.6, pin to 155c23d


  ft = { "yaml" }, -- optional
  dependencies = {
    "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", -- optional
use {
  ft = { "yaml" }, -- optional
  requires = {
    "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" -- optional

With vim-plug:

Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' " optional
Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter'
Plug 'cuducos/yaml.nvim'


File types

The plugin ignores other file types than YAML. By now the list of YAML file types includes yaml and eruby.yaml β€” we're are open to enhance this list, so PRs are welcomed.

If you want to manually change this list, you can pass a custom config:

require("yaml_nvim").setup({ ft = { "yaml",  "other yaml filetype" } })

Showing the YAML path and value

Neovim's winbar

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufEnter", "CursorMoved" }, {
	pattern = { "*.yaml" },
	callback = function()
		vim.opt_local.winbar = require("yaml_nvim").get_yaml_key_and_value()

You can also call get_yaml_key() instead of get_yaml_key_and_value() to show only the YAML key.

Neovim's statusline (with lualine.nvim)

	sections = {
		lualine_x = { require("yaml_nvim").get_yaml_key_and_value },
		-- etc

Reporting bugs and contributing

There is a mini toolchain to help you test the plugin in isolation using a container. It requires:

Command Description
./manage build Builds the container
./manage test Runs the tests inside the container
./manage nvim Opens the container's Neovim with a sample YAML file