Ugrás a tartalomhoz


Az oldal más nyelven nem érhető el.
Új téma nyitása
A Wikiszótárból, a nyitott szótárból
  • 1220 dart
    • ⼂ * drop (a drop of, drop of, eye-dropper)
    • 428 heavens (heaven)
      • 1 ceiling (one, floor)
      • 107 St Bernard dog (large)

Usage in other kanji

  • 1220 dart
    • 1221 rectify
    • 1222 tribe
    • 1223 know
      • 1224 wisdom
      • 1683 stupid
    • 1410 doubt
      • 1411 mimic
      • 1412 congeal
    • 1442 short
    • 1639 marquis
      • 1640 climate
    • 1686 rapidly
    • 1694 doctor


  • 4C70 U77e2 B111 G2 S5 F1294 N3168 V3976 H2009 DK1267 L1220 K1092 O215 DO1335 MN23929 MP8.0276 E981 IN213 DH145 DT110 DJ593 DG1393 P2-2-3 I0a5.19 Q8043.0 DR2363 ZPP4-5-4 Yshi3 Wsi シ や {dart} {arrow}

EDICT Entries

  • [ゆみや] / (n) bow and arrow / (P) /
  • [や] / (n) arrow / (P) /
  • り [やっぱり] / (adv,exp) (uk) also / as I thought / still / in spite of / absolutely / of course / (P) /
  • [やじるし] / (n) directing arrow / (P) /
  • [やさき] / (n) arrowhead / brunt / target / (P) /
  • に [やたらに] / (adv) (uk) randomly / recklessly / blindly / (P) /
  • り [やはり] / (adv,exp) (uk) also / as I thought / still / in spite of / absolutely / of course / (P) /

  1. Frequency: 2811 out of 9933.



Pinyin & Meaning

  1. shi3 - arrow/dart/straight/to vow/to swear

Pronunciation Clues

  1. Pronunciation clue for (shi3): The component is pronounced as 'shi3'.

Example Words

High Frequency
Medium Frequency

Appears In
