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Stephen Hawking

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Stephen Hawking
Pronunciation del nomine
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1942-01-08 (Oxford)
Decesso 2018-03-14 (Cambridge)
Causa de decesso amyotrophic lateral sclerosis[*]
Loco de reposo Abbatia de Westminster
Citatania Regno Unite
Educate in University College, Oxford[*], Trinity Hall[*], St Albans School[*], Universitate de Cambridge, St Albans High School for Girls[*], Byron House School[*]
Occupation physico theoretic[*], cosmologo[*], astrophysico[*], mathematico, pedagogo[*], science writer[*], professor universitari[*], scriptor, physico, scriptor de non-fiction[*], Astronomo, actor de television[*], autobiographo[*], scriptor de scientia-fiction[*], Trekkie[*], scientista[*]
Obras notabile Un breve historia del tempore, Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays[*], The Universe in a Nutshell[*], On the Shoulders of Giants[*], God Created the Integers[*], The Dreams That Stuff Is Made of: The Most Astounding Papers of Quantum Physics and How They Shook the Scientific World[*], My Brief History[*]
Partito politic sin valor
Religion sin valor
Conjuge Jane Wilde Hawking[*], Elaine Mason[*]
Infantes Lucy Hawking[*], Robert Hawking[*], Timothy Hawking[*]
Parentes matre Isobel Eileen Hawking[*] patre Frank Hawking[*]
Premios Albert Einstein Medal[*], Wolf Prize in Physics[*], Copley Medal[*], Presidential Medal of Freedom[*], Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics[*], Companion of Honour[*], Eddington Medal[*], Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society[*], Commander of the Order of the British Empire[*], Naylor Prize and Lectureship[*], Oskar Klein Medal[*], Hughes Medal[*], Royal Society Science Books Prize[*], Albert Medal[*], Michelson–Morley Award[*], Fonseca Prize[*], Pius XI Medal[*], Maxwell Medal and Prize[*], IOP Dirac Medal[*], Adams Prize[*], Andrew Gemant Award[*], The James Smithson Bicentennial Medal[*], NSS Robert A. Heinlein Memorial Award[*], Princess of Asturias Award for Concord[*], honorary doctor of Harvard University[*], Honorary doctor of the University of Oxford[*], Marcel Grossmann Award[*], Franklin Medal[*], BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award[*], Bodley Medal[*], Gold medal of the Spanish National Research Council[*], Albert Einstein Award[*], Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts[*], honorary doctorate from Princeton University[*], honorary doctorate from the University of Cambridge[*], Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics[*], Lilienfeld Prize[*], Princess of Asturias Awards[*], Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics[*], Fellow of the Royal Society[*], Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States[*], Order of the British Empire[*], Order of the Companions of Honour[*]
Lingua anglese
ISNI 0000000121034996
VIAF 102304634
IMDB nm0370071
Commons Stephen Hawking

Stephen William Hawking (8 de januario 194214 de martio 2018) esseva un physico theoric, cosmologista, autor anglese e director de recerca al Centro de Cosmologia Theoric al Universitate de Cambridge al epocha de su decesso. Ille esseva le Professor lucasian de Mathematica del Universitate de Cambridge inter 1979 e 2009.

Su travalios scientific comprende un collaboration con Roger Penrose super le theoremas gravitational del singularitates in le quadro del relativitate general e le prediction theoric que le foramines nigre emitte un radiation, sovente denominate le radiation de Hawking. Hawking esseva le prime scientista que disveloppava un theoria del cosmologia explicate per medio de un consiliation del theoria general del relativitate e del mechanica quantic. Ille esseva un defensor vigorose del interpretation multimundial del mechanica quantic.[1][2]

Hawking deveniva commercialmente successose con plure obras de scientia popular in que ille discute su proprie theorias e alsi le cosmologia in general. Su libro Un breve historia del tempore appareva pro un duration record de 237 septimanas in le lista del libros le plus vendite del periodico britannic The Sunday Times. Hawking esseva un Membro del Societate Royal, un membro pro le vita del Academia Pontifical de Scientias, e recipiente del Medalia Presidential del Libertate, le plus alte recompensa civil del Statos Unite. In 2002, Hawking esseva classificate numero 25 in le sondage del BBC del 100 Plus Grande Britannos.

Hawking habeva un forma rar, precoce e de progression lente de maladia motoneuronal (tamben cognoscite como sclerosis lateral amyotrophic[3] o maladia de Lou Gehrig) que progressivemente le paralysava durante decennios.[4][5] Mesmo post haber devenite mute, ille poteva continuar communicar per medio de un apparato de generation de linguage, initialmente con le adjuta de un interruptor manual, e finalmente con un sol musculo del gena. Ille moriva le 14 de martio 2018 al etate de 76 annos.[6]

Como un actor, ille jocava le personage de ille ipse in quatro episodios del sitcom The Simpsons[7] e septe del sitcom The Big Bang Theory,[8], e ille jocava un simulation holographic de ille ipse in un episodio del serie Star Trek: The Next Generation[9].


[modificar | modificar fonte]
  1. Gardner, Martin (septembre-octobre 2001). "Multiverses and Blackberries". "Notes of a Fringe-Watcher". Skeptical Inquirer. Volume 25, No. 5.
  2. Price, Michael Clive (februario 1995). "THE EVERETT FAQ". Departimento de Physica, Universitate de Washington in St. Louis. Recuperate le 17 decembre 2014.
  3. Vide en:ALS.
  4. "Mind over matter: How Stephen Hawking defied Motor Neurone Disease for 50 years", The Independent (2015-11-26). 
  5. "How Has Stephen Hawking Lived to 70 with ALS?", Scientific American (2012-01-07). "Q: Quanto frequente eq iste casos de multo lente formas de ALS? R: Io dicerea probabilemente minus de alicun procentos." 
  6. Henry, David (14 March 2018). "Stephen Hawking, physicist who reshaped cosmology, passes away at 76", The Economic Times. Recuperate le 03-15-2018. 