Fara í innihald


Innihald síðu er ekki stutt á öðrum tungumálum.
Úr Wikipediu, frjálsa alfræðiritinu

Hello, please check this user for vandalism: https://is.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerfiss%C3%AD%C3%B0a:Framl%C3%B6g/ Thank you. Ternera (spjall) 29. maí 2024 kl. 12:58 (UTC)[svara]

My parish church[breyta frumkóða]

Dearest Berserkur, how are you? Me I'm fine, here there's toooo hot, 35°C!!!

I propose to you this page, it's the parish church of my village. I ask you, please, to correct the page, and if you don't want to open it, just correspond with me that I'll open, ok? Thanks a lot for your very important aid, I'll be pleased to help you in Italian and Portuguese.

See you soon Rei Momo (spjall) 11. júlí 2024 kl. 07:25 (UTC)[svara]

Kirkja himnasendingar Maríu mey Í Caselle Landi in English Wikipedia[breyta frumkóða]

Fáni Ítalíu Caselle Landi
Byggingarár:  18. öldin
Vígð:  18. öldin

Kirkja himnasendingar Maríu mey (Ítalska: Chiesa dell'Assunzione della Beata Vergine Maria) er kirkja í Caselle Landi á Ítalíu. Kirkjan var byggð 18. öld.[1]

The church is located in the province of Lodi, in the region of Lombardy, 74 kilometres (46 mi) south of Milan and 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) north of Piacenza

The building has undergone various restorations and remodeling, including the last one after the flood of the Po in 1951 which devastated the entire Lower Lodi area.

It is a rectangular building with semicircular apse and a single nave.

Bibliography[breyta frumkóða]

  • Giuseppe Bonfanti, Caselle del Po - Caselle Landi, un paese sul Po, Caselle Landi, Amministrazione comunale di Caselle Landi, 1995.
  • Lodi e la sua provincia, in Guide Mangiare Bere Dormire, vol. 1, 2013.

Tilvísanir[breyta frumkóða]

  1. „Chiesa dell'Assunzione della Beata Vergine Maria - complesso“. lombardiabeniculturali.it. Sótt 10. júní 2024.