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Henery II, Duke o Guise

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Henri o Lorraine
Duke o Guise
Full name
Henri de Lorraine
Born4 Apryle 1614(1614-04-04)
Hôtel de Guise, Paris, Fraunce
Dee'd2 Juin 1664(1664-06-02) (aged 50)
Paris, Fraunce
FaitherCharles, Duke o Guise
MitherHenriette Catherine de Joyeuse

Henri o Lorraine, Duke o Guise (* 4 Aprile 1614; † 2 Juin 1664) wis the first Airchbeeshop o Reims. Takin again the Naples familial pretentions, he teuk place tae Masaniello riot in 1647. He governs in this time the Royal Republic o Naiples, unner French protectorat, but the loss o supply o Mazarin mak Naipolitans hatin him. Spaingie fowks attack again, destruct the Republic an imprison Henery, wha'll keep bein preesoner frae 1648 tae 1652. He'll tempt tae anew the Naipolitan campain in 1654, bat will nae win, becaus o the Inglis fleet leadit bi Robert Blake that wis alreidy thar.

  • »Mémoires« (2 Volumms, 1668)