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Kirk airchitecture in Scotland

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The nave o Jedburgh Abbey, ane o the maist hale Romanesque biggins tae survive in Scotland.

Kirk airchitecture in Scotland incorporates aw kirk biggin within the modern bords o Scotland, frae the earliest Christian structurs in the saxth century until the praisent day. The early Christian kirks for whit thare is evidents are basic masonry-biggit constructions on the wast coast an isles. As Christianity spreid, local kirks tentit tae remeen muckle semple than thair Inglis coonterpairts. Bi the eighth century maire sopheesticatit ashlar block-built biggins began tae be constructed. Frae the eleventh century, thare war lairger an maire ornate Romanesque biggins, as wi Dunfaurlin Aibey an St Magnus Cathedral in Orkney. Frae the twelfth century the introduction o new monastic orders led tae a boom in ecclesiastical biggin, eften uisin Inglis an Continental forms. Frae the thirteenth century elements o the European Gothic style began tae appear in Scotland, culminating in biggins sic as Glesga Cathedral an the rebiggit Melrose Aibey. Renaissance influences can be seen in a muive tae a law-muckle style that wis likely influenced bi contacts wi Italy an the Netherlands.