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Santa Bárbara Depairtment (Honduras)

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Location o Santa Bárbara depairtment
Location o Santa Bárbara depairtment

Santa Bárbara is ane o the 18 depairtments (departamentos) intae which the Central American naition o Honduras is dividit. The depairtmental caipital is Santa Bárbara.

Geografie[eedit | eedit soorce]

The depairtment covers a total surface aurie o 5,115 km² an, in 2005, haed a estimatit population o 368,298 fowk.

Economy[eedit | eedit soorce]

The depairtment, historically, is kent for harvestin mahogany an cedar trees for exportation.[1]

Municipalities[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. Arada
  2. Atima
  3. Azacualpa
  4. Ceguaca
  5. Chinda
  6. Concepción del Norte
  7. Concepción del Sur
  8. El Nispero
  9. Gualala
  10. Ilama
  11. Las Vegas
  12. Macuelizo
  13. Naranjito
  14. Nueva Frontera
  15. Nuevo Celilac
  16. Petoa
  17. Protección
  18. Quimistán
  19. San Francisco de Ojuera
  20. San José de Colinas
  21. San Luis
  22. San Marcos
  23. San Nicolás
  24. San Pedro Zacapa
  25. Santa Bárbara
  26. Santa Rita
  27. San Vicente Centenario
  28. Trinidad

References[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. Baily, John (1850). Central America; Describing Each of the States of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. London: Trelawney Saunders. p. 119.

Coordinates: 14°55′N 88°14′W / 14.917°N 88.233°W / 14.917; -88.233