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Karideph was a planet in the Karideph system, a star system in the Outer Rim Territories's resource-rich Minos Cluster. Home of the insectoid Kari species, Karideph's surface was almost entirely dominated by gardens and agricultural fields that provided for the planet's population of more than 88 billion. Discovered by the greater galaxy alongside the rest of the Minos Cluster between 3956 BBY and 3681 BBY, Karideph was the next stop along the Rimma Trade Route after Elrood, and the Trition Trade Route branched off Karideph to connect the Minos Cluster and the Kathol sector to the Rimma. Karideph was invaded by the reconstituted Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War, but a Galactic Republic counterattack under the command of Jedi Master Orgus Din and the Special Forces' Lieutenant Harron Tavus drove back the Imperial assault.


Karideph was a planet located in the Karideph system of the Minos Cluster, a star cluster and sector in the Outer Rim Territories. The planet's surface was covered by rows upon rows of carefully tilled gardens, including the sides of Karideph's mountain ranges and the coasts of the planet's oceans. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, none of the planet's original wildlife or flora remained, as it all had been cultivated, and the crop fields were dotted by several massive cities. The upper levels of these cities had to be pressurized because of their incredible height, but the majority of Karideph's native Kari lived in the extensive tunnel systems beneath its surface—the deepest of which reached twelve kilometers, almost breaking through the planet's crust.[1] Karideph was located at the far southern end of the Rimma Trade Route hyperlane,[2] and the Trition Trade Route branched off of the Rimma to connect several important worlds in the Minos Cluster and the nearby Kathol sector.[3]


Karideph was discovered sometime between the year 3956 BBY, the end of the Jedi Civil War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire under the Sith Lord Darth Malak,[2] and 3681 BBY, the beginning of the Great Galactic War between the Republic and a reconstituted Sith Empire.[4] By that point, the Rimma Trade Route had been extended out from Elrood as far as Karideph,[2] bringing the resource-rich Minos Cluster into contact with the rest of the galaxy. Not long after the beginning of their war with the Republic, the Empire set their sights on the Minos Cluster's valuable resources and launched the Minos Cluster Campaign, a military invasion that lasted the entire twenty-eight years of the conflict and saw both the Republic and the Empire gain advantages in the Cluster at different times in the war.[5] Sometime between 3667 BBY and 3653 BBY,[6] the Empire attempted an invasion of Karideph, but the Republic launched a furious counterattack under the leadership of Jedi Master Orgus Din and Lieutenant Harron Tavus of the Republic Special Forces Division—a counterattack that led to a Republic victory and the pair being named the "Heroes of Karideph" by the native Kari and the Republic.[4]

By the time of the Galactic Civil War over three thousand years later, Karideph had become one of the Minos Cluster's major economic hubs—it imported a massive amount of raw materials and foodstuffs in exchange for small appliances, droid parts, and machine parts. The planet was heavily overpopulated by that point, with a population of at least 88 billion, and as a result almost the entire surface was devoted toward the production of food for Karideph's population.



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