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Leia holo

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.

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Bail Organa and Mon Mothma

Mon Mothma and Bail Prestor Organa, two famous politicians

"Politicians always have something to hide, and it always comes back to haunt them, am I right? Oh, look who I'm asking. Room full of politicians."
CSF Lieutenant Tan Divo[1]

Politics was the system by which a governmental being or body was governed. Those involved in governing and formulating public policy were known as politicians. Most planets had their own political system. Most political systems had their own constitution and law system. However, those systems that were part of the Galactic Republic were bound by their allegiance to the Galactic Constitution.

Most planets had a |head of state—usually in the form of a king, a queen, a president, a prime minister, or a chancellor. The head of state could be chosen by election, or by way of inheritance.

Within many intergalactic governments, politics had become, in the waning years of the Republic, saturated with corruption by politicians who focused on their own self-advancement and greed. This state of political affairs was exploited by at least two Sith Lords (Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious).

Anakin Skywalker despised politics, preferring a direct form of government whenever possible. Senator Palpatine of Naboo tried to teach him lessons on politics from an early age, but he did not pay much attention to them. When, as Supreme Chancellor, Palpatine suggested to him that Darth Sidious was an invention of the Jedi to harass their political enemies, he argued that the Jedi were not political. To this, Palpatine replied that in a democracy everything and everyone was political.[2]

As a rule, Luke Skywalker liked to leave politics to his sister Leia Organa Solo.[3]

Extra-galactic politics also operated within their own circles, but these were far more parochial (as they existed or might be discovered in the Unknown Regions or in Wild Space). Such narrow political views as were generally held by extra-galactic politicians or aristocrats stood, perhaps, to benefit from exposure to more expansive regions and cultures, such as existed within intergalactic systems. Chiss Ascendancy naval commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo (whose core name was "Thrawn"), was a progressive advocate of this more expansive outlook.[4] Thrawn expressed his political views to his brother Thrass in 27 BBY:

"We have been granted a rare opportunity: the chance to meet and interact with members of a vast but hitherto unknown political entity [the Galactic Republic], people with insights and thoughts different from our own.... All thoughts are worth listening to, whether later judged to be of value or not.... But equally important are the social and intellectual bonds we are building between us. Someday, our Ascendancy and their Republic will make contact, and the friends and potential allies we create now may well define what direction that contact will take."
Chiss Ascendancy naval commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Thrawn) to his brother Mitth'ras'safis (Thrass).[4]


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