01/6​Common mistakes to avoid when trying to lose weight

Maintaining a healthy weight sometimes might feel like walking on fire, especially when everyday habits unknowingly disturb the balance towards weight gain. It’s easy to think that sticking to a strict diet or skipping meals might be the solution to weight loss, but some common mistakes can actually make it harder to reach weight goals. Here we have listed 5 frequent missteps that could be sabotaging the efforts and learn how to correct them for better results.


02/6​Overeating, even the healthy stuff

​Overeating, even the healthy stuff

It’s a common misconception that if food is healthy, we can eat as much as we want without consequences. However, portion size matters, even for nutrient-dense foods like nuts, avocados, or whole grains. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, large portion sizes can lead to increased caloric intake, regardless of the food's healthiness. Consuming large amounts of any food can add extra calories to our diet, leading to weight gain over time.

Always keep in mind what to eat and how much to eat by paying attention to hunger cues and controlling portion sizes. Use smaller plates to naturally reduce the amount of food you consume. Measure portions if necessary, especially for high-calorie foods.


03/6​Focusing solely on diet

​Focusing solely on diet

Diet is important for weight management, but focusing exclusively on what we eat can neglect other vital aspects like physical activity and overall lifestyle. Research from the Journal of Obesity highlights that combining a balanced diet with regular exercise is more effective for weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight than diet alone.

Add physical activity to the daily routine. Aim for a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises to boost metabolism and improve overall health. Even simple activities like walking or cycling can make a significant difference.


04/6​Skipping meals to cut calories

​Skipping meals to cut calories

Skipping meals might seem like a good way to reduce caloric intake, but it often backfires by leading to overeating later in the day. A study in the Journal of Metabolism and Clinical Research found that skipping breakfast is linked to an increased risk of obesity and impaired glucose metabolism, which can disrupt weight loss efforts.

Eat regular, balanced meals throughout the day. Start with a nutritious breakfast to start the metabolism, and consider small, frequent meals to keep hunger at bay and energy levels steady.

Read also: 6 ways to reduce cortisol belly fat

05/6​Not eating enough nutrient-rich foods

​Not eating enough nutrient-rich foods

In an attempt to lose weight quickly, some people drastically cut down on food intake, often at the expense of essential nutrients. This can slow down metabolism and lead to nutrient deficiencies, making weight loss more difficult and unsustainable, as noted in a report from the American Society for Nutrition.

Focus on the quality of the diet rather than just the quantity. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into meals to ensure enough vitamins and minerals intake. Balanced meals help maintain energy levels and promote a healthy metabolism.


06/6​​Turning healthy food into unhealthy choices

​​Turning healthy food into unhealthy choices

It's easy to transform healthy ingredients into unhealthy meals by adding extra sugars, fats, or high-calorie dressings. For instance, a simple salad can become a calorie bomb when loaded with cheese, croutons, and creamy dressings. The Journal of Nutrition warns that these additions can significantly increase the calorie content and counteract the benefits of the healthy ingredients.

​Be extra careful of how to prepare and dress meals. Always go for healthy cooking methods like grilling, steaming, or baking. Use herbs and spices instead of high-calorie sauces.

(Images: CANVA)
