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Alicia Witt

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Alicia Witt
Alicia Roanne Witt

21-avgust 1975-yil (1975-08-21) (48 yosh)
Fuqaroligi AQSh
  • Aktrisa
  • xonanda
Faoliyat yillari 1984-hozirga qadar
Veb-sayti aliciawittmusic.com

Alicia Roanne Witt (1975-yil 21-avgustda tugʻilgan) — amerikalik aktrisa, qoʻshiqchi va pianinochi. U birinchi marta „Dun“ (1984) va „Twin Peaks“ (1990) filmlarida rol oʻynagan David Linch tomonidan kashf etilganidan keyin bola aktrisa sifatida shuhrat qozongan. Witt „Qiziqarli“ (1994) filmida bezovtalangan oʻsmir sifatida tanqidchilar tomonidan eʼtirof etilgan rolni ijro etgan. Ushbu filmda musiqa talabasi sifatida va „Shahar afsonasi“ (1998) qoʻrqinchli filmida terrorga uchragan kollej talabasi sifatida paydo boʻlgan. U Kemeron Krouning „Vanilla osmoni“ (2001), "Ikki haftalik xabar " (2002), „Soʻnggi taʼtil“ (2006) va „88 daqiqa“ (2007) trillerlarida suratga tushgan. Witt The Walking Dead, The Sopranos, Nashville, Two and a Half Men, The Librarians, Friday Night Lights, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, The Mentalist, Cybill, Justified, Twin Peaks: The Return, CSI: Miami va Orange Is the New Black kabi birt qator filmlarda rol ijro etgan.

Aktyorlikdan tashqari, Witt musiqiy vunderkind, mohir pianinochi, qoʻshiqchi va qoʻshiq muallifi sifatida tanilgan. 2013-yildan boshlab Witt sakkiz-yillik Rojdestvo filmida rol oʻynadi. Oʻzining eng soʻnggi, 2020-yilgi Rojdestvo daraxti yoʻlagida u ijrochi prodyuser va hikoya muallifi boʻlib ishlagan va qahramoni ekranda kuylagan ikkita original qoʻshiqni qoʻshgan[1][2].

Erta hayot va taʼlim[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Witt 1975-yil 21-avgustda Massachusets shtatining Vuster shahrida oʻrta maktab oʻqish oʻqituvchisi Diane (née Pietro) va fan oʻqituvchisi va fotograf Robert Witt oilasida tugʻilgan. Uning onasi 1989-yildan 1996-yilgacha[3] eng uzun soch boʻyicha Amerika va Ginnesning rekordlar kitobi egasi boʻlgan. Akasi Ian. Ikki yoshida gapirishni va toʻrt yoshida oʻqishni oʻrgangan. Witt bolalarning ajoyib bolasi sifatida tasvirlangan. Uning aktyorlik isteʼdodini rejissyor David Linch 1980-yilda „Thatʼs Incredible!“ telekoʻrsatuvida ShakespeareningRomeo va Juletta“ asarini oʻqishini eshitganida tan oldi. Linch u bilan kino va televideniyeda ishlay boshladi. Witt 14 yoshida oʻrta maktabga tenglik guvohnomasini oldi 10 yoshdan 14 yoshgacha boʻlgan Witt haftasiga toʻrtta pianino saboq oldi, jumladan Boston universiteti professoridan va milliy miqyosda musobaqalarda qatnashdi[4].

Karyerasi[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Linch tomonidan Wittning kashfiyoti „Dune“ (1984) filmidagi „olov sochli“ bolani Pol Atreidesning singlisi Alia rolini oʻynashiga olib keldi. U suratga olish paytida sakkiz yoshga toʻldi. U Twin Peaks epizodida paydo boʻlganida yana Linch bilan ishlagan, Lara Flinn Boylning Donna xarakterining singlisini oʻynagan.

2003—2004-yillarda Witt Buyuk Britaniyada istiqomat qildi, garchi u AQShda joylashgan "Gʻazabning tepasi" komik dramasida Joan Allenning qizini tasvirlagan boʻlsa-da. Ushbu ikki loyiha oʻrtasida Witt „Das Nibelungenlied“ dostonining film talqinini suratga olish uchun Janubiy Afrikaga joʻnadi, „ Dark Kingdom: The Dragon King“ nemis telefilmida markaziy qahramonlardan biri Kriemhildni oʻynadi. AQShda va boshqa joylarda The Ring of the Nibelungs va The Sword of Xanten filmlarini keltirish mumkin.

Witt 2012-yilda kontsert beradi

Aktyorlikdan tashqari, Witt professional qoʻshiqchi-qoʻshiq muallifi va pianinochidir va u musiqiy vunderkind boʻlgan. Witt 1990-yillarning boshlarida/oʻrtalarida Beverly Wilshire mehmonxonasidagi restoranda pianino chalgan[4].

Shaxsiy hayoti[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

2021-yil 20-dekabrda Wittning ota-onasi Vussterdagi uyida oʻlik holda topildi[3][5]. Wittning ota-onasining oʻlimi sababi 2022-yil 24-fevralda „ehtimoliy yurak ritmi buzilishi“ boʻlib, ularning notoʻgʻri isitiladigan uyining sovuqligi tufayli jiddiy eʼtiborga olindi. Witt Facebook’dagi postida uning ota-onasi qattiq mustaqil boʻlganini va uyni taʼmirlashda yordam berishdan bosh tortganini aytdi[6]. 2022-yilning may/iyun oyining oxirida Witt 2022-yil boshida koʻkrak bezi saratoni tashxisi va davolashini aniqladi[7][8][9].

Manbalar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

  1. „Alicia Witt“. Hallmark Channel.
  2. „Alicia Witt“. Parade (7-dekabr 2020-yil).
  3. 3,0 3,1 Ring, Kim. „Well-being check finds actress Alicia Witt's parents deceased in their Worcester home“. telegram.com (21-dekabr 2021-yil). Qaraldi: 22-dekabr 2021-yil.
  4. 4,0 4,1 Lawrence, Vanessa. „Alicia Witt's Pub Gig“. Women's Wear Daily. Fairchild Publishing, LLC (28-iyul 2008-yil). Qaraldi: 7-fevral 2015-yil.
  5. Towers Andrea. „Parents of The Walking Dead and Dune actress Alicia Witt found dead in family home“. Entertainment Weekly (22-dekabr 2021-yil). Qaraldi: 23-dekabr 2021-yil.
  6. Wynne Kelly. „Alicia Witt's Parents Cause of Death Revealed Two Months After Their Sudden Deaths“. people.com (24-fevral 2022-yil). Qaraldi: 24-fevral 2022-yil.
  7. „Hallmark's Alicia Witt Battled Breast Cancer After Parents' Sudden Death“.
  8. „Alicia Witt on Instagram: "these last six months have been the absolute strangest i could ever have imagined. And amidst this, the biggest of blessings. Friends, i am healing from a unilateral mastectomy. All of the tissue removed (As well as my blood) tested *negative* for any trace of remaining disease. The gratitude overrides any and all else. There is much more to share, and i can't wait to do so. I want to answer your questions. If i can help just one person to be less scared, to be more informed, to go through this feeling less alone - i want to. One in *eight* of us will hear this news. This is way too many. Coming off my 14 city album and book release tour at the end of october, i returned home to nashville and got a biopsy i'd been trying to schedule on a lump i'd felt for the past several months. (A lump i was told by multiple practitioners, including the one who performed my biopsy, was 'likely' nothing to worry about - more on that, and the anomalies we need to look out for, in a later post) november 4, i was heading out the door for my friend cindy's birthday gathering when i saw my doctor was calling. 'oh good', i thought; 'i'm about to have confirmation that all is well.' it wasn't. Everything else came to a grinding halt as i began a crash course on all i would need to learn. Meeting incredible doctors, exploring both traditional and holistic therapies, getting further diagnostics to understand and to confirm the scope of what needed to be healed. December 1 i had my first of 6 rounds of chemical therapy: Carboplatin, doxorubicin, herceptin and perjeta. Thankful to god that this diagnosis (HER2 +) is now, rather than 25 years ago, when diseased cells with this protein receptor were considered hard to treat. Thinking of my grandma loretta, my dad's mom, who did not survive her diagnosis, leaving me just one beautiful memory of her beaming her beautiful smile at me when i was 3. Thinking, based on what i know of her experience (Although this is not yet proven to be a genetic form) she likely had the same type. Feeling angels all around. Grateful beyond grateful for science and research. Continued: ⬇️"“.
  9. „Alicia Witt on Instagram: "just a little over 2 months ago, i had my last round of chemical therapy prior to my mastectomy. My beloved, brilliant, collaborative, communicative doctor,@habibdoss at @tnoncology, was there to celebrate with us as i rang the bell! Although we didn't yet know for absolute certain until after the mastectomy that the disease was completely healed from my left breast, this marked the end of my carboplatin/Taxotere, + herceptin/Perjeta (The latter two are immunotherapies which will continue, per protocol for HER2+, through the end of this year). I had a tiny crew of human angels surrounding me for all 6 treatments, not only keeping my spirits high, but tending to and changing my @penguincoldcapsglobal. While keeping hair was obviously the last of my concerns on a larger level, i did deeply wish to keep my diagnosis private until it was 100% healed, god willing. I'm so grateful to all those along the way during treatment who honored me by protecting my privacy during these months 🙏🏻 and grateful to help share that these caps can truly play a huge role in allowing a patient to reveal her journey on her own time, when she is ready. For me, this was such a needed part of my healing - particularly given the horribly public tragedy that had happened in our family just as i was beginning my treatments. I will post more about the caps a bit later on! Not pictured are cold cap MVPS @franflinnpatton @vanessacoffey @lotuseye; pictured are @paulakayhornick @hayzmom @theerincahill @paulfreemanreal ❤️😇"“.