’12 Years A Slave’ has been winning a rash of critics awards the last week, and today the Las Vegas Film Critics Society joined in the fun also awarding top prize to the Fox Searchlight film along with Steve McQueen for directing and Lupita N’yongo for Supporting Actress. All total ’12 Years A Slave’ took six Sierra Awards.

The LVFCS’ acting categories yielded some surprises, going with Matthew McConaughey for ‘Dallas Buyers Club’ and Emma Thompson for ‘Saving Mr. Banks’. Gravity rounded up most of the technical awards for cinematography, editing, art direction and visual effects. ‘Her’ picks up another win with Spike Jonze’s taking Best Screenplay, and Disney continues its strong showing in Best Animated Feature with ‘Frozen’.

Below are the complete list of 2013′s Sierra Award winners

Best Picture
“12 Years a Slave”

Best Actor
Matthew McConaughey, “Dallas Buyers Club”

Best Actress
Emma Thompson, “Saving Mr. Banks”

Best Supporting Actor
Jared Leto, “Dallas Buyers Club”

Best Supporting Actress
Lupita Nyong’o, “12 Years a Slave”

Best Director
Steve McQueen, “12 Years a Slave”

Best Screenplay
Spike Jonze, “Her”

Best Cinematography
Emmanuel Lubezki, “Gravity”

Best Film Editing
Alfonso Cuaron & Mark Sanger, “Gravity”

Best Costume Design
Patricia Norris, “12 Years a Slave”

Best Art Direction
Andy Nicholson, “Gravity”

Best Visual Effects

Best Foreign Film
“Blue is the Warmest Color”

Best Documentary

Best Animated Film

Best Family Film
“Saving Mr. Banks”

Best Horror/Sci-Fi Film
“Pacific Rim”

Best Comedy Film
“This is the End”

Best Action Film
“Lone Survivor”

Best Score
Hans Zimmer, “12 Years a Slave”

Best Song
“Please Mr. Kennedy,” – “Inside Llewyn Davis”

Youth in Film
Tye Sheridan, “Mud”

Breakout Filmmaker of the Year
Ryan Coogler, “Fruitvale Station”

Best DVD (Packaging, Design and Content)
“Breaking Bad – The Complete Series” (Blu-Ray)

William Holden Lifetime Achievement Award
John Goodman

LVFCS Top 10 Films of 2013
1.     12 Years a Slave
2.     Dallas Buyers Club
3.     Gravity
4.     The Wolf of Wall Street
5.     American Hustle
6.     Inside Llewyn Davis
7.     Saving Mr. Banks
8.     Nebraska
9.     Her
10.  Lone Survivor