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From mediawiki.org
Tony Thomas (tonythomas)
Tony Thomas
Tony Thomas (tonythomas)
Volunteer Software Engineer

About me

I graduated as a Master student in Internet Technology and Architecture as an exchange student between TU Berlin, and KTH Stockholm in 2018 September. I am mostly sedentary but tell me about interesting things and I can be more fun.

Community Involvements

  • Code of Conduct (CoC) for Wikimedia Technical Spaces member (2017-).
  • Organization admin for GSoC 2016 + Outreachy {11-13} with Wikimedia Foundation
  • Mentored for GSoC 2016 with Tyler Romeo.
  • Mentored for Google Code In 2014-16
  • Mentored the Newsletter extension project for GSoC 2015 with Quim Gil

Contact me