Topic on User talk:Toni 001/Structured Discussions Archive 1

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Infovarius (talkcontribs)
Toni 001 (talkcontribs)

Every composite unit containing a unit with special name (Newton, Siemens, ...) can be expressed using base units only. I'm adding a few of them that I can find in sources - even though I expect m^2 kg/s^3 to be much less used then W. One thing I'm wondering about - and which has come up before - is how to link such variants. P460 seems OK.

Infovarius (talkcontribs)

Yeah, but is there any difference between Newton and kg*m/s^2?

Toni 001 (talkcontribs)

The only difference sees to be non-semantic: Mostly label and symbol, and potentially some (future) statements about the context on where a unit is typically used.

But adding kg*m/s^2 as symbol for Newton would not be useful, right? That's why we need those "duplicates".

By the way, I'm not planning to add all such variations, which would be infinitely many, but just the ones actually documented or used somewhere.

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