Latest Weekly Average Retail Pump Prices

Price History

Weekly Average Retail Prices

  • Unleaded Gasoline 92
    28.97 NT$/L
    south 0.50
  • Unleaded Gasoline 95
    30.47 NT$/L
    south 0.50
  • Unleaded Gasoline 98
    32.47 NT$/L
    south 0.50
  • Super Diesel
    27.53 NT$/L
    south 0.61
Data Date: 2024/09/15 ~ 2024/09/21
Upadte Date: 2024/09/24

Source: Petroleum Price Information Management and Analysis System

Latest Monthly Average Retail LPG Prices

Price History

Monthly Average Retail Prices

  • 2024 / 09
    666 NT/20kg
Upadte Date: 2024/09/15

Source: Petroleum Price Information Management and Analysis System