This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This suite of modules is being developed to be able to bring in IIIF files into Drupal and be able to use them as assets throughout the CMS. (NOTE: primarily being developed for the IIIF Image API, v2/3)

IIIF Media Source

This provides a field to handle IIIF assets. As well as provides a Media Source, for IIIF Images.

IIIF Image Styles

Provides functionality to create Image styles and responsive image styles for IIIF Images. Drupal's core media modules are written with the assumption we are working with image files. We are primarily just augmenting url parameters and are limited by those parameters. So this module borrows patterns and code heavily from the core media image styles and responsive images.

IIIF Image - Crop

Provides "Manual Crop" type functionality for IIIF Images.

IIIF Image - Focal Point

Provides "Focal Point" (Focal Point module) type functionality for IIIF Images.

IIIF Image - Media Contextual Crop API Adapter

Provides adaptors for Media Contextual Crop API.

Project information

  • Created by pingevt on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
