This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

A place to propose non-core innovative ideas for Drupal and give them visibility across the whole community.

The goal of the Innovation Ideas project is to make Community-driven Drupal product management decisions more explicit and transparent. What we do to achieve this:

  • Provide a dedicated place to propose non-core product changes
  • Have a more structured format for discussing and weighing the relative impact of these proposals
  • Create an implementation plan for large changes before writing most of the code to prevent rework, frustration and burnout :)


Everybody is invited to propose ideas and discuss them.

The Innovation ideas project is maintained by the Innovation Working Group and Innovation Community Team.

Community Innovation Ideas Approval Workflow

How it works

  1. Develop an idea that you feel is a good candidate for Drupal Innovation
  2. Check the existing ideas to ensure it does not already fit in one of those
  3. Post a summary of the idea to the Innovation ideas queue
  4. Communicate the issue widely: Blog about it, use twitter, post in Drupal chat channels
  5. Encourage community discussion of pros and cons (even just getting +1s is valuable)
  6. When consensus is built, an Innovation Community Team member other than the initial proposer should mark the issue RTBC
  7. The Innovation Working Group will review the RTBC issues for acceptance

Next steps

  1. Once the idea has been accepted in concept, an implementation proposal should be written (preferably as a new issue)
  2. Post a new plan issue in the Innovation ideas queue with specific implementation details
  3. Communicate this back on the original idea issue so those participants can see it, and again communicate it widely for community discussion.
  4. Try to contact the appropriate project maintainers to review the idea as well
  5. Again, it should be RTBC'd by an Innovation Community Team member other than the proposer
  6. Again, the Innovation Working Group will review the RTBC issues for acceptance

Project information

  • Created by alexmoreno on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
